posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 03:06 AM
Concerning LOVE, the best thing is to ask the transcendental world for clarification.
Here below is their answer. Please listen carefully:
Can the concept of Love be explained?
The concept or abstraction that human thought tries to express by the word “love” is, in itself, indefinable. The forms of expression of earthly
languages are only approximations that convey the meaning more or less adequately.
In relation to thought and will, the concept of love is the nerve fiber of the Light.
Thought and will are the highest concentration of Light, but love is the essence of Light—a power that penetrates and infuses thought and will. One
can therefore say that love is an almighty or all-conquering power, and this power finds its ultimate, sublime expression in God’s paternal love,
because the life nerve of the Light issues from Him and through numerous filaments extends to all His created beings. Thus, the essence of love,
eternally flowing from God, the Father, will in time penetrate and infuse all His children. The more the spiritual ego advances toward God, the
greater the ego’s fullness of love and the easier for that individual, by nature and in action, to display and to exercise love.
In this way, through the life-nerve of the Light, God is connected with all His created beings, and by His love, flowing through them all, He attracts
His children toward the Paternal Home, to life eternal. Even into the most deeply fallen spirits does the nerve of life extend its filaments, and in
due time love, in one of its many forms, will manifest itself and infuse the ego despite inner or outer resistance. And once all resistance is
overcome, God has won back His child.
Love is the ideal for human perfection.
Love is the weft of human life.
Love is the prism of the heart.
Love is the mainspring in the work of the Youngest for humanity.
Love is the bond between the male and the female dual.
Love is the energy of life.
Love is the source of life in God.