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posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 03:13 AM
This is not a religious debate.
This is not a debate whatsoever.
Most of all, this is why you think you've been enabled with the ability to be yourself. The ability to doubt our own choices, the ability to recognize the things you have done that are wrong.

I'm not asking for an endless debate. There are no political parties behind this thread. I simply ask that you admit something that's wrong, and apologize.

I am not religious at all, certainly not catholic, I will always believe in the virtue of self.

But I have been there myself, and I have been subject to endless and costly government scrutiny.

This post is sincerely meant to be the least divisive of this administration. (I'm tryin real hard)

I work, right now, to make ends meat. Literally ends meat. (I read somewhere that %50 of ages 21-26 live at home with their mom)

There is no American dream anymore. I applied for a college grant, I clicked gender-- male
I clicked ethnicity-- white.

My chances significantly decreased.

This has become a rant and I apologize

edit on 29-3-2014 by rockintitz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by rockintitz

I have nothing to apologize for, not because I've never done anything wrong, in fact, in my mind, I'd say far from it. I say I have nothing to apologize for because I do not believe, at this point in time, that any of us have free will. I propose, that everything is predetermined, and therefor every action we've ever taken has been the effect of some cause before it. Very simple, cause and effect.

Einstein famously once said that god does not play dice, and I tend to agree with him. Some people claim that he was wrong, and that quantum mechanics says that god does indeed play dice, but I stand by my claim that everything happened(s) because of some event (or a multitude of events) in the past. Chaos Theory proves my point in an indirect way I believe.

I could elaborate on this if you want, but in conclusion, everything is predetermined, and if you had the exact location of every atom in the universe, and it's momentum and direction, and you had the exact laws of physics, you could accurately predict the future out to the end of the universe, if there even is an end.

With that being said, I am not at fault for any of the actions I have ever taken, and therefor have nothing to apologize for.

edit on 29-3-2014 by JohnnySasaki because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 03:40 AM
i confess that i have no regrets

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 03:51 AM

reply to post by rockintitz

I have nothing to apologize for, not because I've never done anything wrong, in fact, in my mind, I'd say far from it. I say I have nothing to apologize for because I do not believe, at this point in time, that any of us have free will. I propose, that everything is predetermined, and therefor every action we've ever taken has been the effect of some cause before it. Very simple, cause and effect.

Einstein famously once said that god does not play dice, and I tend to agree with him. Some people claim that he was wrong, and that quantum mechanics says that god does indeed play dice, but I stand by my claim that everything happened(s) because of some event (or a multitude of events) in the past. Chaos Theory proves my point in an indirect way I believe.

I could elaborate on this if you want, but in conclusion, everything is predetermined, and if you had the exact location of every atom in the universe, and it's momentum and direction, and you had the exact laws of physics, you could accurately predict the future out to the end of the universe, if there even is an end.

With that being said, I am not at fault for any of the actions I have ever taken, and therefor have nothing to apologize for.

edit on 29-3-2014 by JohnnySasaki because: (no reason given)

You think you are a wind up toy
Thats just really sad

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 04:48 AM


reply to post by rockintitz

I have nothing to apologize for, not because I've never done anything wrong, in fact, in my mind, I'd say far from it. I say I have nothing to apologize for because I do not believe, at this point in time, that any of us have free will. I propose, that everything is predetermined, and therefor every action we've ever taken has been the effect of some cause before it. Very simple, cause and effect.

Einstein famously once said that god does not play dice, and I tend to agree with him. Some people claim that he was wrong, and that quantum mechanics says that god does indeed play dice, but I stand by my claim that everything happened(s) because of some event (or a multitude of events) in the past. Chaos Theory proves my point in an indirect way I believe.

I could elaborate on this if you want, but in conclusion, everything is predetermined, and if you had the exact location of every atom in the universe, and it's momentum and direction, and you had the exact laws of physics, you could accurately predict the future out to the end of the universe, if there even is an end.

With that being said, I am not at fault for any of the actions I have ever taken, and therefor have nothing to apologize for.

edit on 29-3-2014 by JohnnySasaki because: (no reason given)

You think you are a wind up toy
Thats just really sad

Tell me about it. You can imagine my depression and the plethora of medications I'm on simply because I do not understand the point of life in the universe if everything is predetermined. I've been struggling with this for a while now. Unfortunately, Einstein agrees with me, or at least that's what I found out later, along with some other big cat I cant remember the name of.

It's very simple. I don't know if you've heard of the game of life. It's basically a very simple computer game with a set of rules, and you have to fill in a set of blocks in a grid, then hit play. The rules of the game (aka the laws of physics in the real universe) determine what happens. You fill out a random set of blocks, and hit play. The game then plays out based on the rules of the games, and the rule set for said game. The kicker is, if you fill in the exact same set of blocks, you will get the exact same outcome every single time. You can expand that to the real universe, which has a much more complex set of rules, but just the same, if you start out with the exact same conditions, you will end up with the same result every time.

Conclusion, no fee will. At least that's my theory anyway, as well as Einstein's. Feel free to prove us wrong. I encourage it.
edit on 29-3-2014 by JohnnySasaki because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 06:14 AM
Heh,I will confess being a prick towards the people who love me..But I'm not apologizing,because I'll keep being that way..
Btw,Johnny's posts pretty much summed up my feelings.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 06:39 AM
I confess .. I need another beer .. no apology required ..

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:11 AM
Everything that's going to happen or could happen is happening right now, there's nothing to be sorry for if there's no mistakes in this game

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 02:43 PM
Such a depressing little thread.

Whatever happened to just enjoying what you have and not caring about "why we're here" or the larger picture?
Sometimes it's just ok to "be".

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

Its so sad that you allow Einstein Calvin and their kind to dictate your philosophy.

Deuteronomy 30:19
"19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"

You make the choice, if you want to believe you are a robot, fine, but it is sad

Acts 3:19
"Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of ... Therefore, repent and turn to him to have your sins blotted out,"

again personnel actions and decision required

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 09:59 PM

reply to post by JohnnySasaki

Its so sad that you allow Einstein Calvin and their kind to dictate your philosophy.

I don't. The fact of the matter is, I was pacing through my room one day thinking about what the whole point of the universe is, and why we're here. I've thought for a while now that it's very possible we're in some form of simulation, so I was thinking about that, free will and all sorts of things, as I usually do. I eventually came down to the very simple concept of cause and effect. One cause can not have two different effects. Meaning, if I drop a glass on the floor, and it hits the ground and breaks into a thousand pieces, if I rewind time so that every single atom in the universe is in the exact same place as before I dropped the glass, then I hit play and I drop the glass in the exact same way as I did before, you're going to get the EXACT same outcome. Not only that the glass is going to break, but it's going to break in the exact same way and every single piece of the glass is going to end up in the exact same place on the floor. As a matter of fact, if there are other people in the room when it happens, they will even have the exact same reaction to it etc etc etc.

So you can expand that out to the entirety of the universe. If you rewind the universe all the way back to the big bang, and hit play, what makes you think there would be any other outcome than the one you're living right now? I explained it earlier I believe in a previous post about the computer game called "The Game of Life".

Basically, my point is, if you fill in a certain number of squares and hit play, you get a certain outcome. Now, if you end the game and fill in the exact same squares as before, you get the exact same outcome as before. Of course, the universe has much more complex rules than that, but the basic principle stays the same. If you start a universe, such as ours, out with the exact same conditions, and give it the exact same laws of physics, I propose you will get the exact same outcome every single time. Think about it, every decision you've ever made was based entirely on your past experiences and the experiences of the people around you. So where does free will fit into the equation?

I don't let Einstein dictate my philosophy, I simply found out later that he thought the same way on that particular subject as I do. Then again, technically I'm forced to let everything dictate my philosophy. If you really think about it, it's neither my philosophy nor Einstein's philosophy, it's simply the universe philosophizing on itself.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 05:55 PM
For the love of god, someone please prove me and Einstein wrong. This lack of free will thing is literally killing me from the inside out. I can't even go outside half the time because I can't see the point in anything, not only because of the lack of free will, but also because I see no point in the human race either. It just doesn't make any sense. We procreate and extend the human existence, for what? For what, especially if there's no free will and everything is already planned out, or the extreme possibility that we're (or I'm) in some form of simulation. And if the universe is going to end in a few billion years, what will then have been the point of everything before it, even if it is all real?

I'm talking about facts here, not opinions or postulation.

And please, for the love of all that is holy (it's an expression, I'm agnostic) have a respectable IQ, or at least be knowledgeable on the topic at hand. Simply because I don't feel like sifting through a plethora of half retarded responses.

Also, please read my previous posts first, as I hate repeating myself.

I thank the person who convinces me otherwise in advance, even though at this point in time (I know time is an illusion, again, an expression) I doubt anyone will.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

I have to say, I feel incredibly sorry for you. It sounds like you've given up on things, having sort of a, What's the point anyway? attitude.

Although science has taught us much, history has taught us that we don't know everything. Just when we feel we've cracked it we make another observation or discovery that challenges our notions/beliefs of yesterday.

Your view that everything is pre-destined to happen a certain way, i.e no free will, is, I feel, a little bleak to say the least.

I do understand your thought processes, but there's a lot more to life than just "going through the motions" my friend.


posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

As for any regrets, I have many. Alas, things happen, we make mistakes, its how we learn. I can honestly say I've learnt a lot !!!

Joking aside, life is a learning curve, we make mistakes, have regrets, but it's how you move forward that is important.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 06:37 PM

There is no American dream anymore. I applied for a college grant, I clicked gender-- male
I clicked ethnicity-- white.

My chances significantly decreased.

It's a little difficult to tell exactly what the issue is or where you are at, but I'll give it a try. If I've assumed the wrong stuff, too bad. You aren't exactly making things clear.

So? Are you helpless? You're acting like a victim. Don't sit there and moan about it. Seize the time and make happen what you want to happen--whatever that is.

I have a friend who was in the business of helping young people find scholarships and grants. She charged a small amount of money (Forget what it was, but far less than a grand.) She got $320,000 for the first person she helped, almost $200,000 for the second one, and never got less than $100K for a client. These weren't loans; they were grants and scholarships. Many of them were school-specific, of course, so in real terms each client probably got on the order of $100K in aid because they had to turn down the aid provided by schools they did not attend. She may have had one minority client in all that time just because of where she was. In other words, no client got any sort of bonus points.

But every single one of her clients did their part. They did well in school. They did what needed to be done to be an attractive candidate. In fact, before they even applied, they had everything they needed but one thing: money. And BECAUSE they had their ducks in a row, the money, with a little help, flowed toward them and enabled them to take advantage of those opportunities.

The problem with the American Dream is that people seem to feel it's theirs by birthright, that it will just fall into their laps without their doing anything to make it happen. It doesn't work that way and never has. "Equality of opportunity" is not the same as "Equality of achievement." You have every right to fail. If you don't pay attention or don't exert yourself, you will fail. And that fault is largely yours by making the wrong choices. The "wrong choice" may be to not pay attention in school. It may be choosing the wrong career (one that will be automated or outsourced), or taking that quick job in town so you can buy that car instead of waiting until you are educated enough first. there are many paths to failure.

But here you are with English as your native language and all the advantages of knowing the culture an all its nuances. Now compare yourself to someone who just got here from overseas and has none of those advantages. Why are they able to succeed? Because they have a much better attitude than you do and they are not hanging around their Mommy's basements waiting for something good to happen to them.

So stop with this silly "woe is me!" crap, go out and make it happen!

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 08:01 PM

For the love of god, someone please prove me and Einstein wrong. This lack of free will thing is literally killing me from the inside out. I can't even go outside half the time because I can't see the point in anything, not only because of the lack of free will, but also because I see no point in the human race either. It just doesn't make any sense. We procreate and extend the human existence, for what? For what, especially if there's no free will and everything is already planned out, or the extreme possibility that we're (or I'm) in some form of simulation. And if the universe is going to end in a few billion years, what will then have been the point of everything before it, even if it is all real?

I'm talking about facts here, not opinions or postulation.

And please, for the love of all that is holy (it's an expression, I'm agnostic) have a respectable IQ, or at least be knowledgeable on the topic at hand. Simply because I don't feel like sifting through a plethora of half retarded responses.

Also, please read my previous posts first, as I hate repeating myself.

I thank the person who convinces me otherwise in advance, even though at this point in time (I know time is an illusion, again, an expression) I doubt anyone will.

I have often felt the same way that you do. At times, I cannot escape the feelings. It has always been my belief that we should question everything.

The way that I have found to escape the torment is to take a break from questioning, and to kick back enjoy the ride. Take the pleasures of life and exploit them. Do EVERYTHING that brings you pleasure.

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