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QEG: Quantum Energy Generator - Open Source

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posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 03:48 AM
Just a update on the QEG scam, to watch their video's of the QEG not actually working etc. You now have to pay $25 a month....

Also we have

We make it our policy NOT to answer ‘one-off’ questions anymore that are written in comments sections

As the questions asked are "What have you done with all the money" and "what happened to the UK QEG that was hours away from overunity 2 years ago"

Also we are proud to introduce our new consultant service JT Clean Tech Free Energy Consulting. Due to the nature and volume of emails the QEG engineers receive every day, James Robitaille and Tivon Rivers have made themselves available for paid consultations for 1 hr. or 1/2 hr.

Some problems with that, neither are engineers, (Tivon is the bloke hypegirl has shacked up with), but it will only cost you $300 per hour, but do not expect much help as no QEG has ever produced anything even close to overunity, nor will it ever.

The scam continues!

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: Choice777

originally posted by: GetHyped
a reply to: Choice777

"Open source" is the latest free energy scam buzzword for shifting the burden of proof onto others.

"Evidence? But the plans are there for you to build yourself! You provide the evidence!"

It's remarkable how people still fall for this nonsense.

It's been well over a year since the plans were "open sourced"... has anyone built one yet?

PH no... Everyone run for the hills, save yourselves... the words open source are out to get us.
Like the OP mentioned on the first page, I'll say it too: the interest of this topic is to get knowledgeable people looking at those schematics.... Nobody is asking for any money in this topic... Hint open source /hint...Youdon't even underarms the notion of open source... The plans are there for the taking... Just cause you're lazy and can't build after them... the intention was made... It's been given away for free. What more could you all for.... Oh yes, you're lazy and want someone release to do it for you, carry it to you show you regime you sit on your fatty ass like an emperor scrutinising the contraption.

Well, ANOTHER year has passed, what say you now?

I think it's great that we have threads like this tracking the progress of such obvious scams. Noone can just hand wave away the red flags from yesteryear as we have a nice track record of fraudulent claims to refer back to.

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 05:56 AM
This is like the thread that wouldn't die. Maybe this thread is a self-sustaining QEG! Bwahaha

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 06:00 AM
Doesn't the existence of the universe prove free energy exists?

posted on Jul, 2 2016 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: GetHyped
Well, ANOTHER year has passed, what say you now?

I think it's great that we have threads like this tracking the progress of such obvious scams. Noone can just hand wave away the red flags from yesteryear as we have a nice track record of fraudulent claims to refer back to.
Unfortunately some people still don't realize that John Keely's Keely motor was a scam, and he died in 1898. I think the investors gave up a long time ago, but people are still looking for results from his post-mortem proteges. It ain't gonna happen since it was always a hoax but it just goes to show that even the hoaxers death with no results isn't enough to convince some people it was a hoax.

originally posted by: Xeven
Doesn't the existence of the universe prove free energy exists?

The question is likely meaningless and irrelevant. It's meaningless because we can't observe the entire universe, only the observable universe, so we can't say what goes on in parts of the universe we can't observe.

It's also irrelevant because even if the universe isn't a closed system such that the laws of thermodynamics for closed systems wouldn't apply, that doesn't matter to us here on Earth, where we can define the systems. The earth isn't a closed system since it receives energy from the sun. So if you're in your cave and got cold overnight, when the sun comes up in the morning you can go outside and get warmed up by the sunlight, and you could say that's "free".

But that's not what people in these threads usually mean by "free energy", they mean "overunity". They want to power their car or electric lights or a computer, and for that you need to convert the sunlight into a useful form. You could use something like solar panels for that, but now you're spending money, and it definitely doesn't meet the definition of "free energy" commonly used of over 100% efficiency (overunity), since solar cells are maybe only 10-40% efficient.

By the way one hypothesis says if you add up all the energy in the universe, the total amount is zero. Don't know if it's true, but physicist Lawrence Krauss seems to think there's something to the idea:

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