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Obama says: If Obamacare’s Too Expensive, Cancel Cable, Cell Phone

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posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:33 AM

I'd swear you had bill Ayers for a professor of something !

you know, now that you mention it...

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 01:12 PM
If you don't like the way it was implemented you should blame a numberless amount of groups: WWII era union bosses who rigged the democratic convention and got Harry Truman the VP nomination (he would later set off the Cold War and most importantly for this conversation, buried the Economic Bill of Rights put together by FDR [which one of its provisions was the mans right to life ie universal healthcare]), or you can blame Ronald Reagan for turning us from a profitable nation into a debtor (making him the First Shovel to start digging the grave we are in now), or more contemporarily, the worst congressional era in the history of republics. Obama is as responsible for this travesty as the shoe is for the foots actions. I'm not sure exactly what you were told about the powers of a president or how a preceding event affects all those after but there is some misunderstanding occurring. Time does not exist in a vacuum so acting like it does makes all the points, good or bad, being made in the context are nonsensical

tencap--may I ask whether you keep track of money saved based on your consumerism? because of what you've told, you are a good consumer--if more people spend their money as you do, prices for alternative products would be much lower. I am with you about the VA. I have a grandfather who has consistently been screwed by them and it is upsetting that because of terrible people with power since before he was born he has to suffer now.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by josefrees

the president is responsible for the actions of those under him....specifically, his administration...

the president is also responsible for the legislation he signs into law.

he signed it, so he obviously believed in it, and agreed with it, in it's entirety.....

can we please focus on reality now?

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Daedalus

LOL that is pretty naive to think that a president believes and agrees with everything he signs. Do you not understand what a republic is? It compromise and the only way to achieve anything is through that compromise. Especially when their is no clear majority in power (for if not for republican political maneuvering [gerrymandering] the conservative bloc would have been swept away) all things passed are watered down and nobody is happy (as with all good compromises). As if the president holds all that much power! Remember the checks and balances my friend. His power is solely in his signature. But if you never agree to anything to begin with and thus never present a paper to be signed the power of the signature (and all the power that goes with it) is meaningless. Off course what else is to be expected by wily, realist WASPs with all the money in the world to throw around? I would provide proof but why? If you know it already there is no need to show you, if you are interested enough to perceive my proof you should be interested enough to do your own legwork and if you think I am speaking another language you aren't even going to read the proof anyway.

Reality you say? And I thought I was throwing out conjecture!
edit on 19-3-2014 by josefrees because: Less

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by josefrees

Well the PPACA (a.k.a. ObamaCare) was passed and signed in 2009.

In 2009, the President and both chambers of Congress were Democrat controlled.

All Republican amendments and suggestions were snubbed off as crazy.

In fact, -Zero- Republicans voted in favor of the PPACA in the Senate and House. ZeeeeRO !!

Obama.Care is proudly owned by Democrats 100%.

It's their malignant tumbleweed all by themselves.

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 05:00 PM

reply to post by Daedalus

LOL that is pretty naive to think that a president believes and agrees with everything he signs. Do you not understand what a republic is? It compromise and the only way to achieve anything is through that compromise. Especially when their is no clear majority in power (for if not for republican political maneuvering [gerrymandering] the conservative bloc would have been swept away) all things passed are watered down and nobody is happy (as with all good compromises). As if the president holds all that much power! Remember the checks and balances my friend. His power is solely in his signature. But if you never agree to anything to begin with and thus never present a paper to be signed the power of the signature (and all the power that goes with it) is meaningless. Off course what else is to be expected by wily, realist WASPs with all the money in the world to throw around? I would provide proof but why? If you know it already there is no need to show you, if you are interested enough to perceive my proof you should be interested enough to do your own legwork and if you think I am speaking another language you aren't even going to read the proof anyway.

Reality you say? And I thought I was throwing out conjecture!
edit on 19-3-2014 by josefrees because: Less

and it's pretty naive to think that the president has NO power....

if he thought it was bad for people, he could have vetoed it....if he knew that it was bad, and that the congress hadn't even bothered to read it, he could have vetoed it.....the fact that he's shilling it so hard on the TV shows us that he's completely behind it, and thinks it's good legislation....he believes in it.

i'm well aware of what a republic is, and this isn't it...this is a corrupt banana republic, masquerading as a democracy...they completely gave up any notion of being a republic quite a long time ago...they don't even teach kids in school anymore what kind of government this is supposed to be....ask any kid, or young adult you come across what kind of government we have...they'll tell you it's a democracy...and they won't even know what democracy means, or what it entails..and that's just the tip of the iceberg...they've done a find job of filling kid's heads with crap....

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Ahabstar

Security is Expensive.
The next Administration will find that to be true as well.

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

well...that is 100% true.

Except that the SCOTUS is generally more GOP leaning. And the GOP has had ample time to make some movement, like defunding it.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 04:14 AM
Since medical bills are the number one reason for bankruptcy in America and this Bill doesn't appear to do anything to protect families from that fate, the whole thing should be thrown out and a proper healthcare plan put in place.

The thing that would concern me however, is that in another thread people professing to speak for the majority of Americans are very adamant that a national health plan is "Stealing" from taxpayers to help others.

I really hope that isn't true.

If you don't care what happens to your neighbors and the people that live in your town, there is little chance to produce any decent system.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 04:21 AM

reply to post by josefrees

Well the PPACA (a.k.a. ObamaCare) was passed and signed in 2009.

That is the relevant point. Period.

The fact you don't like Obama (neither do I) has nothing to do with the merits or faults of the plan.

America elected the Democrats in 2008 in large part to enact a national health act. They did.

Partisan bickering has to stop in America if the country wants to avoid slipping further into the problems it is making for itself.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 06:00 PM


reply to post by josefrees

Well the PPACA (a.k.a. ObamaCare) was passed and signed in 2009.

That is the relevant point. Period.

The fact you don't like Obama (neither do I) has nothing to do with the merits or faults of the plan.

America elected the Democrats in 2008 in large part to enact a national health act. They did.

Partisan bickering has to stop in America if the country wants to avoid slipping further into the problems it is making for itself.

no, it was actually not ready to be signed, and was in fact signed, in 2010.

nitpick's not the country making problems for itself...not entirely's the federal government making problems for the american people, by exceeding their legal authority, under the constitution. and the people allow this...either because they don't know any better, or don't care, or think that this is how it's supposed to is partially our fault....but it's mostly the federal government's fault...

they're helping themselves, and their corporate friends, to more of our money..and instead of getting mad, and making something of it, the american people, for the most part, are content to sit back and let it happen, because they don't think they have any power....they've become stupid, lazy, and cowardly...

as long as these conditions exist, things will get progressively worse, until we do live in one of those dystopias from the books, and even then, people will think it's normal, and ok....

we're so screwed....

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