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US Army Vet cuts down Mexican Flag flying over American Flag

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posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Still doesnt excuse the Vet tresspassing and destroying ones property.

Being a vet does not excuse you from tresspasing and property laws.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:14 PM
a couple of you get it..aliensun/cosmic.......I could tell from the video that the owner didn't understand he did something wrong and once again a self righteous American decides to go all John Wayne rather than talk to the owner. It was a complete act of cowardliness. Because confronting the store owner would have taken too much effort, too much of an open mind. NO SIR...we love to jump to conclusions and act first and then expect praise for our Jerry Springer act.
I took an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States so don't call me some pinko or hippy green peace love sit in guy.
But I have a brain and saw that the guy had no clue about what he did wrong...wait...I didn't either...I am an attorney and had no idea about how we should or shouldn't fly our flag?! Well draw and quarter my dumb arse and tell me to go back to where..let me see...where my grandparents came from, Norway or Sweden or Scotland or England..that about covers my orgin.

If you applaud this guys might be a Redneck or worse. Just don't go into politics or travel abroad. You just stay here and protect our great land from...from...the space aliens that are uh coming.

By the way....I would like to see a post from someone that knows all the laws we are held responsible to know...or admit that those people that have studied and passed the citizenship test know a helluva lot more about our Country then 95% of graduating high school students and 50% of college grads....Man, I have a special place in my bile duct for those that were born here, done nothing but beatch about illegals, the government, no easy jobs for their level of competence, who think the movie Idiocracy is a documentary based on their future value to all mankind....Stop hitting people over the head with our flag...Stop making other people hate us through your blinding bright hypocrisy......what hypocrisy for an example??? How about where someone posted that the Flag stands for Freedom!........So they were all supportive that ZZtop took it down...Uh...I see Irony but not hypocrisy.....

This is a learning opportunity for some of you.....cowards have behaved like this throughout history...just ask people like MLK...if you were able that is.

I don't entirely blame this Vet either because he is not entirely sane and no doubt thought he was completely justified in his actions and it made him feel all patriotic......that doesn't mean the sane and rational and mature should condone it....

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:15 PM
i]reply to post by proob4

Broussard said he had no idea a TV camera would be there until he arrived on the scene.

About a dozen Hispanic men came pouring out of the building when he showed up, according to Broussard.

The men said, Broussard recounted, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I said, well, watch me.”

Broussard said he talked to local police after the incident, and they have not taken any action. But Hispanic leaders, he said, “are trying to coerce the bar owner to file charges against me.”

Mexican flag displayed illegally at Reno business

The veteran affirmed to Gallagher there are many Hispanics who are equally upset about illegal immigration and the resistance to assimilation.

“We have many cultures who’ve come here, and they’ve learned our language, and they respect our culture, because they know America is a great country, and they simply want to be a part of it,” he said.

KRNV said it sent a cameraman to the scene after a viewer called to say “a business near downtown Reno was flying a Mexican flag above an American flag … which is, in fact, illegal.”


posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:18 PM




reply to post by crazyewok

I wasn't making a case that it is legal.

I am making the case it is awesome.

I seeyour point.

But law is law

Flying a Mexican flag above the US flag is actually breaking Federal law.

So tresspasing and property damage,

Two wrongs dont make a right,

The vet should have notified the revelent authoritys.

Again - please re-check your facts.

The man never trespassed - he was on public property - a sidewalk with the flag within full public view.

I only originally posted here to say that to put this man in the hospital over what he did would not be right.

I understand the man's frustrations and would stand behid him no matter what the law says.

He may have destroyed one whole zip tie and remoed a flag from those who chose to disrespect it - but there is no reason to act as if he were the more wrong in the situation.

You have to take the whole picture into account. He acted out of passion and not out of abnoxiousness.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

aw dawg you beat me.
i must have been looking for the video when you posted that.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

So improper flag flying somehow trumps criminal damage?
Should we all just go around policing others as we see fit?
This video is shameful and embarrassing, was the owner asked politely to change it?
Does it even matter? I can think if literally nothing in the world right now with the economy screwed, war brewing, people jobless and hungry, revolutions taking place around the globe, there is nothing that is less important than the position of those flags.

It's just more bs us vs them, divisive crap to distract folks from the real issues.
Utterly embarrasing video

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

No, a girl beat you
Just teasing.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:22 PM
Most Americans don't know how to fly our flag - football tailgate a lot in the fall (pro & college) & probably 75% to 80% of the tailgate flags are wrong.

They always have the team flag on top with the American flag underneath - they have no clue it's wrong...yeesh

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:25 PM


I for one do not agree with so much of what goes on these days in regards to politics and all the bs, but I for one along with many others see our American flag as a symbol of freedom and liberty. I respect the flag as this is what it represents to me regardless of whatever sh!# ain't right within our borders at this current time.
reply to post by csulli456

Im former enlisted myself and the flag still means a lot to me........

The big reason?

Ive seen this country fall SO far, from where it was, I cannot comprehend just how disheartened the older generations are seeing where this country has fallen to....

That flag, is one of the last vestages we have, to remember what this grand place America use to be and what it stood for, what our hopes and dreams were........That we once had a back bone, that we once held strong to our beliefs, that even tho we were different we still TRIED to have civility and decorum with each other as a people, and AS a people, worked to do the RIGHT things.......

Freedom means we sometimes dont get a long..........but that symbol........that last glimmer of hope united us......united our cause as a country, to try and do what was good, and decent......

Its a reminder of those whose blood was shed from 1776 on wards, and how we laid generations into hollowed ground....

A symbol of sacrifice and honor, when honor was something that still remained in people, and sacrifice was something men of character were willing to do, for the good of the man next to him, even if he didnt agree with him....

We have fallen so far.......That piece of cloth reminds me of what we one day could be again.........

I completely agree with your sentiment and this is the exact point I am trying to make as well.

People seem to forget the bigger picture. If I tore up a picture of someone's family in their face they may take it a bit further than I just tore up a piece of paper with some ink on it.

It is about what that represents to you.

It would be like pissing on the Koran - could you imagine the backlash for that? - That would get more headlines though and more politically correct American sympathizers. I could probably be stoned to death just for even saying this in some countries.

It's about using your head and seeing the bigger picture and having respect.

I hate a lot of the crap going on here and in the world but I love America and would rather be no place else.

We will get it right eventually - we always do - because our blood is thick and for some that is what the flag represents.

edit on 3/7/2014 by csulli456 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

Hallelujah, a vet with testicles teaches an ignoramus a lesson. Stop bending over and taking it, America.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:28 PM

reply to post by hounddoghowlie

No, a girl beat you
Just teasing.

Hell, I've been beat up by women all my life.

I blame my Dad for teaching me that I have to take it all in stride. Unless physical harm may come about.

Is it just me though, as I seem to see a lot of retreads in the news/internet lately.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:31 PM
Well Jim - You make me SICK.

You took it on yourself without DUE PROCESS to vandalize and destroy Private property.

You call yourself a vet? Why did you fight? Apparently it wasn't to uphold our laws because you ain't following them.

Jim, you should be arrested. Sure they guy was in the wrong but it was NOT Jim's duty to break the Law and take the Law into his own hands. Two wrongs don't make a right and Jim you just made all the Real vets look bad. Shame on you dummy.
edit on 7-3-2014 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by MmmPie

We are able to see what is going on in this country,we disagree with those in power that take advantage us.But because you have a bunch of jokers that are only for themselves and the companies that pay them,does not mean that we don't believe in our constitution and flag.These are symbols of those things we hold dear and are willing to die for.If you do not hold yourself to a high idea then you won't reach as high as you could.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:40 PM

Most Americans don't know how to fly our flag - football tailgate a lot in the fall (pro & college) & probably 75% to 80% of the tailgate flags are wrong.

They always have the team flag on top with the American flag underneath - they have no clue it's wrong...yeesh

I agree and it would have been nice if the old guy would have politely educated the store owners a little and offered to help remedy the situation - but he didn't - that is no excuse to say he deserves a beatdown or a slug in his chest as some here have implied. What if they told him to fu(% off - in his mind that is probably exactly what he felt they were doing and maybe that was the point of what they did.

Either way - this man is passionate for his beliefs and well deserved at his aga and service. Sometimes respecting your elders means you have to take some sh^# even if your intentions were not ill but only in error. Give the guy a break - he deserves it.

I would stand behind him because he acted out of passion for what was right to him - not because he was putting some immigrants in there place. We have all come from immigrants - some more recent than others. I for one love all races and the individuals who are genuinely good people which I think most people are. It is wrong when we forget that no matter what the law says- it is about what is right is right and what a person feels in their heart is what is right to them above anything else.

We all need to be more empathetic and understanding.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

but aw lucid, don't sound as good aw dawg

d i missed yours to, sorry.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:05 PM

reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Still doesnt excuse the Vet tresspassing and destroying ones property.

Being a vet does not excuse you from tresspasing and property laws.

No, then again a man starving to death who steals a loaf of bread also committed a crime. Your reasoning displays extremely low level moral reasoning.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:39 PM

What a jerk. I don't care what any proper "etiquette" is for flags being flown, if I had flags of multiple countries and wanted to string 'em up, I'd do it alphabetically top to bottom because I'm OCD like that. If that blowhard had touched mine, I'd have put him in the hospital for destruction of MY property. And sent him the bill to pay for new ones.

I am PTSD like that.

6'2" 245lb former Marine and bare knuckle unlimited weight class first place winner 4 times.

The American FLAG is the PRIME flag of our nation. It is an ASSAULT to put a flag above it, an assault on our nation.

Perhaps you need to learn what flags are and stand for.
edit on Sun Mar 9 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: Terms and Conditions of Use--Please Review

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

What if they didn't know? /shrug
wtf are you just gonna bumrush a couple of potential immigrants cause they don't know the flag code? Beat them down in the street for a flag? Get your ass thrown in prison?

I appreciate all the patriotism, but if folks resort to force over common sense they # all over that flag just the same.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by kx12x

As you said, if Mexico is so great, why come here? I wonder what would happen if America instituted the same border enforcement on OUR southern border, as Mexico has on theirs? Oh wait, cant do that, its RACIST! >

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

Just in case you didnt like that conservative viewpoint. I myself find michelle highly offensive, here is another link showing that the Mexican government is another of the 'do as i say, not as i do' ilk.

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