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POLITICS: Howard Stern Blasts Bush, FCC

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posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 06:29 PM
Controversial radio shock jock Howard Stern unleashed his anger and frustration today in a news conference held during his radio show. Stern who sees himself a victim of censorship placed exclusively on him by the FCC and the Bush administration which began after he changed his position away from support for the war and mild support for the Bush administration combined with a Super Bowl incident involving Janet Jackson, which sent the FCC after him and has resulted in record fines imposed on his former employer Clear Channel...

In a news conference held during his morning show, Stern said some of those stations -- in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; San Diego, California; West Palm Beach, Florida; Rochester, New York; and Orlando, Florida -- will replace Clear Channel stations that once carried the Howard Stern program.

In February, Clear Channel pulled Stern from six of the stations it owns after the FCC fined the company $495,000 for Stern comments that were deemed indecent. (CNNMoney: Stern's show adds stations)

"When I was thrown off the six stations I was devastated. I really thought Clear Channel had 'thrown me under the bus,'" Stern said. (Clear Channel yanks Stern from 6 stations)

"I'm not taking it sitting down. ... I'm going to kick their asses. ... I'm thrilled to be back on in these markets."...

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Today Howard Stern boasted that despite being fined and removed from 6 Clear channel stations he has now been picked up by 9 new stations in new markets.

Stern has claimed numerous times on his radio show that the FCC is out to get him and the Janet Jackson incident only motivated them further. But in many rants on radio Howard Stern has also claimed that the FCC which is headed by the son of Colon Powell is out to "shut him up" because he changed his position on the war in Iraq, and spoke out harshly against the Bush Administration. In Stern's view "its a free speech issue" and a larger part of "the christian agenda"

FCC Fines against Clear Channel were meant to "clean up radio broadcasts" and in their defence shows such as Howard Stern's offer adult humor and vulgar content at times of the day when children could be listening. However Howard Stern got away with his adult content loaded show for over 20 years with only a small fine here and there.

Is it political, censorship, or media hype???

In an election year everything is suspect.

Related ATSNN News/Discussion:

Clear Channel to pay $1.75 Million in FCC Fines

[edit on 30-6-2004 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 07:11 PM
I do not now nor will I ever accept this political clap-trap of "protecting our children." Here's an idea: If you have a child, how about YOU raising it!!! If you don't like Howard, don't listen! If you don't want your precious little "innocent" children to become corrupted by Howard, don't let THEM listen!

Just maybe, if you have done an adequate job of raising your little angels, than they would hardly be likely to be influanced by Howard or anyone else for that matter.

To answer Gazz, It is both hype and censorship! We must drive a stake through the cold heart that is Neo-conservativism.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 07:32 PM
I totally agree with Stern in regards to the FCC...stuff like what he's done has been on the radio for years...why is it such a problem now?...Seems like a witch hunt aimed at him...

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:34 PM
Perhaps in a move to counter criticisms over the fines imposed on radio shock jocks such as Howard Stern who believe that it all began with the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident and the lack of fines there of.... Today the FCC is working to fine those involved in broadcasting the event where Jackson's breast was shown on live TV during a Super Bowl Halftime show...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- That brief glimpse of Janet Jackson's breast during the Super Bowl could cost 20 television stations owned by Viacom Inc. a total of $550,000, sources familiar with the federal regulatory case said Wednesday.

During the National Football League's Super Bowl halftime show in February, Jackson's costume was ripped away by fellow singer Justin Timberlake, briefly exposing her breast and sparking a public outcry.

The move accompanied their performance of a song that concludes with the lyric: "I gotta have you naked by the end of this song."

Flooded with complaints, the Federal Communications Commission staff have proposed commissioners fine Viacom Inc.'s 20 CBS television stations $27,500 each for a total of $550,000, said a source familiar with the case.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Many have said that the FCC went after radio shock jock Howard Stern after this Jackson incident, But there were no fines against anyone involved in the broadcast of this event.

Today the FCC seems to be working to change that... But is it too little too late?


posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:48 PM
The real obscenity is that the FCC has allowed media consolidation to run rampant! Uncle Tom Powel's son needs to GO!

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:57 PM
I once had an employee who listened regularly to Howard Stern. I found so much of his anal humor and over-the-top sexual topics offensive that I finally had to order the employee to find another station when I was around.

The employee quit shortly thereafter, which was fine with me. I cannot recall any program on television or radio as offensive to me as Mr. Stern's.

To claim that his opinions have no effect on audiences is naive. His on-air remarks and attitudes displayed toward women, as one example, teach immature men to treat them merely as sexual objects. I know of no one who doesn't believe that our society is ethically and morally declining, and I sincerely believe that entertainment exemplified by Mr. Stern has much to do with this continuing degradation.

Long before his show was yanked from the local market, his show was the favorite of inmates at the local correctional facility, which should give you an idea of the character of much of his audience.

Researcher 01A

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 09:04 PM
If you dont like Stern then dont listen to him you have the right not to listen to him thats ok. But why do people that dont want to listen or watch something think that its alright to force there ethics on other people. Change the station or the channel and get over it.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 09:14 PM
I never much cared for Stern's show, but I would fight you to the death for his right to say what he wishes(excluding slander and inciteful speach). Again, if you don't like it, DON"T LISTEN!!

It is not the job of Government to shield teen-age boys from the lasivious rantings of a psychophant, it's their fricking PARENTS job. Try accepting responsibility yourself instead of putting the onus upon Government.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 11:18 PM
well they did rehire him and will be on an am channel here in florida, atleast thats what my local news showed.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 11:24 PM
gg who cares about howard stern... BUSH RULES...

[edit on 30-6-2004 by JoeTex]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 11:33 PM
There has been a huge falling out after the Super Bowl halftime fiasco. That is why I think there is such a problem now and not in the past. Songs that had certain lyrics that were played in full before the SP, are now being bleeped out.

The FCC doesn't have the guts to go after TV, they go after their stepchild, radio.

For me personally, Howard Stern got old real fast. I think he was crude just for the sake of being crude. You could turn on his morning show anyday, and it was pretty much the same thing, day in and day out. He has no value whatsoever. Good bye to bad rubbish.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 11:51 PM
Personally I don't believe Howard Stern should ever have been allowed to have a radio show, as all his material is offensive. Secondly him making millions doing a show like that is a reflection of how lacking in taste people are, and finally the fact that Howard Stern says something about Bush etc - who really cares. Howard hasn't been on the radar of anybody with an IQ over 80 for the past 2 years. He came, he made his millions and he was forgotten - the nature of fame.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
Personally I don't believe Howard Stern should ever have been allowed to have a radio show, as all his material is offensive. Secondly him making millions doing a show like that is a reflection of how lacking in taste people are, and finally the fact that Howard Stern says something about Bush etc - who really cares. Howard hasn't been on the radar of anybody with an IQ over 80 for the past 2 years. He came, he made his millions and he was forgotten - the nature of fame.
Amen to that Stern is Lewd....BUT I am compleatly against Censorship.......If you dont like what Stern has to say SIMPLE change the channel

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 01:42 AM
Actually I think the radio and tv stations that hire him show less than good sense. I'm not a proponent of censorship either, but that man is the crudest, most offensive person I've ever heard (& seen - I'm a woman by the way) IMHO he's the one that deserves the bashing.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 03:49 AM
I am so proud of the company I work for today...Viacom/Infinity radio has stood up in the face of FCC fines and preassure, to sieze listeners and revenue from their chief competition FearChannel!!!! They have shown a long term conviction to back the Stern show, as they have thru the past...UNLIKE FEARCHANNEL which turned its back on an employee that they had not had diciplined thru the time where suddenly Howard retroactivly became a bad guy....and this after they got to take in all the profits...for all that time

While free speech still isnt "free" Stern has stepped forth as a champion to stand against media coroporate monopolies, greed and two faced standards....he has also put the government (FCC) into a position where they SHOULD answer some of the questions he poses....otherwise unanswered charges in the public spotlight tend to grow tales of their own...

Mynaeris says,
"Howard hasn't been on the radar of anybody with an IQ over 80 for the past 2 years. He came, he made his millions and he was forgotten - the nature of fame." has been paying is how they rate him out of 100 top celebs....He's in their top 1/3.

Look at some Stern demographics

Fan of Howard's? Who listens to Howard Stern?
Don't let anyone tell you Howard Stern appeals only to unwashed males under 25. Stern's demographics are actually quite lucrative for advertisers.

5.6 million people listen to Howard Stern every week.

74 percent of his audience is 25 to 54, the most coveted demographic in radio.

64 percent of his audience is 25 to 44.

57 percent of his audience has a household income of $50,000 or more.

33 percent of his audience has a college degree.

61 percent of his audience is employed in white-collar occupations.

Source: Scarborough Qualitative Research for Howard Stern CBS-owned affiliates/Howard Stern Ad Network.

After Mr. Sterns rousing press conferance today, i just MIGHT let myself think about voting for Kerry, If only to Support Stern.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 06:02 PM
Yes his show was rude, crude, disgusting, and I didn't like it.(Go Bob and Tom!) But guess what? Stern has the right to say what he wants for this is America and he is an American! I don't like it, I don't listen. Why should I tell you not to listen to Stern? You may tell me to watch some crap show like The Swan or something. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean I have the right to keep you from listening. And he only got banned when he started telling the truth about Bush. Coincidence? I think not.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 06:10 PM
I hate Stern, his show is crude and vile. So I don't turn his station on or watch his show.

Even though I hate him, he should be allowed to have his show and his is 100% correct about Opra. He was going nuts when he aired a segment of her show and he was yelled at for that, yet she can air it on TV.

Opra won't get touched by the FCC becuase, she is black and a woman, the most powerful black woman in the media. She's untouchable.

As a parent it is YOUR job, to make sure your kids are not watching porno or watching ultra-violent curse filled movies on HBO. That is not my job or the job of some old governement official. I decide for myself what is proper and whats not. The FCC has no right, to determine morals in programming.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by 2012
I cannot recall any program on television or radio as offensive to me as Mr. Stern's.

This is about free speech not Lesbians or other topics. If you don't like Stern, change the channel. If you don't like free speech move to Cuba, NK, or China.

I can see the complaints about jackson, because the audience was not expecting a nipple show. But Stern is a known quanity.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 05:02 AM
Never forget, there are at least two controls on every radio: one turns down the volume, and one turns the station.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by RockerDom
Never forget, there are at least two controls on every radio: one turns down the volume, and one turns the station.

Exactly, im getting tired of these people who seem to feel that Stern, South Park etc have complete dominion over thier ability to change the channel. This is another religious right attack on our persoanl freedoms.

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