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Why post threads on ATS mentioning anything of a religious nature?

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posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:40 AM
This will be a short and sweet question.
Why do it? What is top secret about any religion? It's all there in the texts, wether you believe them or not is your business.
There are I'm sure hundreds of sites dedicated to Christian, Jew, Islamic, Hindu, or Buddhist or any other type of philosophical thought.
My reason for asking isn't on the grounds of having anything against religion, I for one do not practice any of the aforementioned philosophies, but have read and take into account what I feel is worth having read them for. I do not believe in any diety other than the idea that what some maybe call "the self" or the "I" that we all are may be eternal. But this is a feeling other than a belief.
I ask this because it fills up this website with trash where once this site was filled with gold.
I recall when I came to ATS somewhere around 6 years ago, at first from YouTube videos of ufos on the moon and Alex collier lol, I was fascinated by the amount of pseudo and real information that could be obtained from one site. Wether or not it was authentic didn't matter to me, it was the entertainment factor I enjoyed. But after a short hiatus around 2011 - 2012 seems it's gone completely astray from its original intention, and that is as we all should know to deny ignorance as best we can.
Thanks for reading my friends and would love to hear your responses and share more thoughts on the matter.

edit on 29-1-2014 by pryed -eyed-one because: Spelling

edit on 29-1-2014 by pryed -eyed-one because: Damn spelling

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by pryed -eyed-one


posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by pryed -eyed-one

Feeling superior is one of the best universal features of religion. That and the judging.

At the beginning, the evangelizing it's at it's best. Nice, polite. Then when the programming fails it's straight to the judging and damning.

It's awesome. Don't stop.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by pryed -eyed-one

This is how I see religious threads.

Philosophical thought????
Rabbit or duck??

Sometimes the shallow rivers make the most noise.

edit on 29-1-2014 by DrumsRfun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:54 AM
I believe that many people mix religion with conspiracy or doom forecasting. Maybe it was easier for ATS to create a religion forum in order to funnel those posts into one arena.

Many religious texts are filled with prophecy and potential doom, so it was inevitable that it would be discussed here.

ATS has evolved, obviously....and there are only so many threads that can be written about UFOs, Bigfoot, or the JFK assassination. I take any religious references with a grain of salt. If people want to argue their case based on religious grounds, their arguments are weak indeed....but everybody gets a chance on this site to share their viewpoint.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:55 AM
Consipracy in religion forum ..... keep.
Off topic religion discussion forum .... I'd love to see it dumped.
You are right. There are other chat sites dedicated to religious theology discussions.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by pryed -eyed-one

Short answer.

Because religion is like politics, you can tie them into every conspiracy out there one way or another.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:06 AM

I believe that many people mix religion with conspiracy or doom forecasting. Maybe it was easier for ATS to create a religion forum in order to funnel those posts into one arena.

Many religious texts are filled with prophecy and potential doom, so it was inevitable that it would be discussed here.

ATS has evolved, obviously....and there are only so many threads that can be written about UFOs, Bigfoot, or the JFK assassination. I take any religious references with a grain of salt. If people want to argue their case based on religious grounds, their arguments are weak indeed....but everybody gets a chance on this site to share their viewpoint.

Everyone does get to share there viewpoint this is a fact, one quite overlooked I'd say and is what I say makes ATS ATS, except those who would like to talk psychedelics, that can't be discussed here lol.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:07 AM

Nobody has a gun to your head and forcing you to read and post in them.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:12 AM

Consipracy in religion forum ..... keep.
Off topic religion discussion forum .... I'd love to see it dumped.
You are right. There are other chat sites dedicated to religious theology discussions.

You may have a point here, FF. We are, first and foremost, a conspiracy community. But would that necessitate the eradication of other off-topic forums?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:15 AM


Nobody has a gun to your head and forcing you to read and post in them.

Because I'm quite curious and I'll read them from time to time. Having been brought up around a lot of religious peoples I like to hear what others have to say. I just don't understand why so much here?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:23 AM
Thanks for putting into words what I've been thinking lately myself. I wouldn't have been nearly as nice about it.

Maybe the thousands of millions of words that have been written already, all some variation on how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, aren't enough.

The only good thing that can come out of it is that the mentally ill (you can tell them by the amount of scripture quoting they do) get a chance to write down their issues and perhaps work through them, and the rest may see through the early childhood conditioning and brainwashing and start the horrifically difficult process of realizing that mommy and daddy and all the other authority figures lied to them because they themselves weren't intelligent enough to see the lies and fairy tales and wishful thinking for what they were.

Maybe ATS could have a forum for 'proven miracles and prayers that were answered'; it could go right in the same bin as 'blurry shaky pictures that may be UFOs or may be birds', but prove nothing.

May I suggest that those people who truly want to discuss this topic seek out other like minds? Perhaps a week or two watching Pat Robertson videos and analyzing them rationally would teach you something. Or reading the news reports of pedophile priests. Just avoid the sub Reddit 'atheism', you won't be able to hack it. They don't take any prisoners over there... if you must go to church, don't ever give them any money and watch what happens then.

For those people who think I'm being harsh, please be aware that religion is holding back the evolution of the entire planet and has been responsible for more deaths, destruction and horror than every plague known to biology. I'm in favor of burning every copy of every religious book ever printed, save perhaps a few left in locked vaults somewhere so in the far future, researchers could look back and laugh at our supreme stupidity.

If the truth will set you free, what do fairy tales get you?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:27 AM


Nobody has a gun to your head and forcing you to read and post in them.

For instance, if you are to look at any thread quoting a bible verse about anything whatsoever, it first starts stating it as fact from god. Then a lot of the time they go about questioning it's meaning, in a Number of different ways.
We do this with conspiracy theories all the time but because we know we are dealing with unknowns. Religion if anyone here truly believed what they were talking about wouldn't need to question any of it at all. They would have "faith" I would think in their scriptures, or religious figures to be delivering them a valid message I would hope.
Conspiracies in religious teachings and/or doctrines are a subject I wouldn't like to see leave ATS by any means, but religion as truth which I see so often I believe goes agains ATS's core saying.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by signalfire

My thoughts exactly haha, loved to read it from a somewhat less held back perspective but I feel the same here.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by pryed -eyed-one

Such a question belies a lack of knowledge and understanding, pertaining to the origins of secret societies, cadres, and organisations over the course of the history of mankind.

The Knights Templar are a good example of what I am talking about. These were a band of warriors and financiers, who were more than capable of not only face shanking hordes of persons considered enemies of Christendom (i.e. the enemies of nations which professed to having a state wide affiliation to Christianity), but balancing their accounts as well. This lead to their order being disbanded after failing to save the Holy Land from occupation by non Christian forces, and because they were owed a debt by the powerful French king, Philp the IV, who pressured the Pope of the period, Clement, to scatter the organisation. Those who remained in France during this period, were rounded up, tortured and interrogated, and burned at the stake. Rumours abounded as to the meaning of their secretive initiation ceremonies.

The only known remnant of the order, can be found in Freemasonry, which uses various Templar related symbology in its art and practices. Some people believe that in Freemasonry, and in some other modern organisations, the influence of monastic sects like the Templars can be found, and therefore the history of these orders, and the faith they professed to, is important for those who wish to navigate the murky depths of the time between their being disbanded, and being reflected in more modern organisations.

Some modern secret societies (and by that, I mean societies which exist in the present day, although they may have existed for a very long time) are said to play major roles in all manner of things, from global politics, to world finance, to the arms trade, and the media. Monitoring the potential influence of these societies on our day to day lives, is a difficult enough proposition, without deliberately remaining ignorant as to the factors which lead to their initial creation. The Templars are just one example, from one faith.

The truth is, that there are secretive orders which have issued forth from near enough every spiritual and philosophical, and ideological school of thought, and knowing something about where they come from, what beliefs inspired their creation, and what drives them today, can only be achieved by a full understanding of their origins, and the historical and religious context into which their origins fit. Otherwise any supposition one makes about their activities in the here and now will be prone to being light on legitimacy, and will lack rigor at the research level.

Now, this site actually has a section for secret societies, and a section for religious matters, and so on and so forth, so there are going to be posts and threads which touch on these subjects. Some people here are fundamentalist Christians, others are hedonists, some are atheists, others agnostics, some are Muslim, and there are a plethora of other faiths, represented by the members of this community we all share. I for one am very happy to be a part of such a thriving, multi-ethnic, and multi-faith community as this, and I think it is healthy for members to be allowed to interact with one another, as people, and as persons of faith. Remember, you, as a member and reader of this site, are not forced to interact with any particular subject matter represented here, if it offends you. You are responsible for the content you see on the site, and can choose at any time to cease participation in a thread, or to choose not to view threads which have a religious connotation which you do not wish to explore, for what ever reason. No one will think less of you for doing so, for discernment is crucial to enjoying the site in a way which appeals to you.

If you feel that a post WITHIN a thread is off topic, then by all means alert a moderator to the issue at hand, and let them deal with the matter. Other than that, your experience on this site is for you to manage in a way that pleases you. However, you should not expect that all threads will be to your taste, for an awful lot of reasons. There are many threads here on ATS, which pertain to matters which interest me greatly, but are created with such ill attention that participation in them does not avail one of any benefit. Equally there are threads which have been very well crafted, but relate to topics in which I have zero interest. It is all swings and roundabouts, and you can step off any time you need to

Take it easy !

edit on 29-1-2014 by TrueBrit because: Corrected grammatical error.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:46 AM

pryed -eyed-one
Because I'm quite curious and I'll read them from time to time.
Well stop whinning then. You CHOOSE to read them.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by pryed -eyed-one

ATS has chosen to dedicate the entire "off-topic" half of the site to discussions which are not conspiracy-related (hence the name "off-topic").
Computer help, literature, automobiles, travel- they're all there.
Religion is just one of those topics, with as much reason to be there as any of the others.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 09:57 AM
Maybe because the site owner respects the points of views of every ATS member here and decided to create a forum for each topic that comes up... including that "boring" In my point of view topic called religion... but I (personally) respect those peoples needs to post here on the forum that has been dedicated to them.

We could say the same thing about the USA, Guns, Sandy Hook, UFOs, JFK, Rocks on Mars, Sky noises etc etc etc...

We all have our own favourite topics and we also have the boring topics such as religion (IMO)... it's up to each and every one of us to choose not to wander around that forum if we/you/I don't want to get bored or offended...

Kindest respects


edit on 29-1-2014 by Rodinus because: Rather crap spelling

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by pryed -eyed-one

Personally, I think ATS (specifically the religious forums) is the perfect place to discuss religion and belief systems. ATS is full of many educated (and not so educated), inquisitive, opinionated people. What better place to throw around highly subjective and controversial topic than here??

If you really want to explore a topic like religion from all angles, throw up a thread and let the flaming begin.

edit on 29-1-2014 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:11 AM
I'd say the reasons you guys have given are fair enough not to complain about such a topic again.

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