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WikiLeaks Julian Assange asks Hackers to Unite Forces Against NSA Surveillance

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posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 09:00 AM

While addressing a large number of hackers and computer experts at Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urged hackers from all over the world to join forces against National Security Agency (NSA)‘s PRISM surveillance program.

To me freedom is not something granted. It is something that needs to be fought for from generation to generation. If certain governmental bodies get their way this could well be the last free generation. The choice is there and it is our choice to make.

JA draws an anology between the labour movement in the past and the technological paradigm we have entered today. He calls for people to unite to protect freedom of speech and privacy.

“This is the last free generation,” he said. “The coming together of the systems of government and the information apartheid is such that none of us will be able to escape it in just a decade.”

Fighting this system – by leaking information, where possible, or otherwise working for the cause of transparency – was the only way to shape government systems in a positive way, he said.

“We are all becoming part of this state whether we like it or not,” he said. “Our only hope is to help determine what kind of state we will be a part of.”

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 09:09 AM
Obviously we don't know how far this invasion of internet privacy has stretched but regardless, it is everyone's duty to stand up and protect privacy. The more people that realize this, the more powerful the movement.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 10:48 AM
Wow.. How America has fallen... Nothing brings that more clear than something like this. Love, hate or just don't care about Julian Assange and what he's been a part of? THIS is a statement so loud my ears are ringing.

When reading the OP, I started to mutter to myself .. Self, that was a real stupid thing for him to do, huh?! .... and lo and behold, Self answered! 'No, it wasn't stupid, because the American Eagle has slow claws with cracked and dull talons'.

There was a time when being someone the US really wanted? You would find safety in a foreign Embassy. True enough ... If you then USED that sanctuary to incite further attacks and damage? Vienna could just cover it's collective eyes for the violence about to be done to treaty and spirit of agreements alike.

Now? He probably knows he's entirely safe in doing this. While the US will force down planes of foreign Heads of State because Snowden just MIGHT be onboard...The idea of chasing something this blatant for a slap in the face gives our leaders a cold sweat and fear shivers.....and I weep for what we've become.

*For the record, I support Assange and what he's done in the spirit of free press and reporting. That's in strong contrast to some sources he used ..but when did reporters become the one to hang for the story brought to them by others? That doesn't change how foolish this makes us look..but what America has morphed into is sad and not lost on Julian, one bit.
edit on 1-1-2014 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Snowden said something like - we are walking blindly into an Orwellian society...

And it is true.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 01:25 PM
I imagine that the people who can hack....will Will it work.....probably not, they are already a step ahead of everyone. They know who the hackers are, they have the best because they knew who they were and they recruited them. The last few this country might have are probably not worth so much their weight in gold. I don't mean to sound so unenthusiastic but I have no faith in Americans anymore. We can not work as one, we are too divided.

NSA is doing what they are doing not to save our lives but to use our lives against us. They are saving up our data to assassinate our characters if and when the need arises...they own the black box of our lives and will use it to enslave us.

1984 isn't's here.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 04:53 PM


While addressing a large number of hackers and computer experts at Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urged hackers from all over the world to join forces against National Security Agency (NSA)‘s PRISM surveillance program.

To me freedom is not something granted. It is something that needs to be fought for from generation to generation.

Fight.. confront.. violence.

these concepts have been HAMMERED out of most Americans mental capacities.. "Violence is NEVER the answer" garbage.

At some point one is FORCED to fight or DIE..

How long ago would our founders have fought? How long ago did the world think America would have fought back?

it is all shocking that people like Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are the biggest champions we have.

Where are all these retired Generals? greed and selfishness has them COWERING in the face of adversity..

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

One thing about the future is sure, there will be more civil wars around the globe.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Zcustosmorum

I would like to think thay maybe civil wars can be avoided. It is not really an us on them. There is only us and the faster we see that the better. Or else we will fall for the same mistakes of the past and repeat them....

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Well of course, however judging from the past, people don't seem to learn from their mistakes too well


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