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Scientists have revealed the supervolcano lurking beneath Yellowstone National Park is twice as big

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posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 09:23 PM
Thanks for sharing. Actually had thought I was in the safe zone due to past information. Looks like safety maps and safe area scores will have to change.

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by pandersway

Could you please clarify "Wipe out America"? When I hear that, I think we will be seeing lava flying through the air from California to New York, Michigan to Florida. Is it the Ash that will cover the US? Or will we all truly see lava?

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 10:51 PM

Could you please clarify "Wipe out America"?
reply to post by MountainEnigma

If you read carefully you can see I put it in quotes. It came from the article from but for some reason I couldn't link to it. It linked on microsoft word but not on ATS for some strange reason.

Because of this, I guess you assumed I wrote that remark.

In answer to your question, my guess is the writer meant the blast would be so big as to cause enough destruction and mayhem to cause chain reactions which would eventually seriously damage the U.S.

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by MountainEnigma

From the article:

Something close to Armageddon.

Soil samples reveal that the last time it happened the whole of North America was smothered by ash. The lava flow was almost as great.

The streams of molten rock were hundreds of kilometres long, and kilometres thick.

Such was the extent of the smoke and debris cloud generated by the eruption that the climate of the entire world was affected for several centuries.

Well, that's kind of a crappy deal. Let's hope its not in our lifetime

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

It would be unimaginable if anything like this really happened in our lifetime. Fragile Earth...Yes!

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 02:29 AM


reply to post by pandersway

Thanks for the heads up. I wonder what made them release this information now.

I'm not into doom porn, but all I'm saying is:
"Winter is coming."

Ps: I'm glad I don't live anywhere near that continent anymore. Phew! That was close.

edit on 11/12/2013 by Rainbowresidue because: (no reason given)

If she ever went, she would throw up ash that would block out the sun in the northern hemisphere for several years. Burrrr, its gunna get cold.

Then we fight in the shade!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 02:33 AM

reply to post by pandersway

Could you please clarify "Wipe out America"? When I hear that, I think we will be seeing lava flying through the air from California to New York, Michigan to Florida. Is it the Ash that will cover the US? Or will we all truly see lava?

It means the ash that would drop on the bread basket would kill Americas agriculture. The North West would be toast from earth quakes and lava.....which is were I live...Idaho....the east coast would be ok but "America" as we know it would be no more

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

yeeeap, that's getting it more exact, tks

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 08:20 AM
I wonder if this volcano might be responsible for the "black matte" and mega fauna die out from 12,000 bp? The Carolina Bays make folks think meteor, but ....

Either way, deflating to human hubris and not a great time to be in North America... or Earth.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:24 AM
Well, on the good side, if it did blow, any survivors would have some great soil, after several years.

Sorry, just not in the mood to think about doom today.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:48 AM
Are any scientists looking into ways to possibly vent the volcano and maybe over a few decades of controlled releases of the gas they can prevent a total eruption?

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:54 AM
One way or another America will be the death of us all

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:09 AM
Ohhh not just that The Old Lady might blow and cause global catastrophe, not just the US... but here are several other nearby "smaller" supervolcanos. A paper I read several years back speculated about a chain reaction between the different sister supervolcanos and chambers if Yellowstone went full on eruption. She has several pressure release valves, but who knows whats really up with her expansion and the newer die offs in the area... sneaky toxic gas. Im not even mentioning the HUUUUGE volcano that is not only new, but in the pacific.. and though not set to blow immediately, its a world changer and new continent maker!

I like my doom porn less realistic.. zombies, reptilian aliens with us on the menu.. Yellowstone is way way too immediately possible for my taste.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by pandersway

I have read this a few times since last year.

Yellowstone's Supervolcano More Massive Than Expected
Published April 13, 2011LiveScience

Yellowstone's Volcano Bigger Than Thought
Becky Oskin, OurAmazingPlanet Staff Writer | April 17, 20

I think we have had it, we have overdue super volcanos all around us..there is the NM, Colorado, Idaho, Ca and now this...

20 Ancient Supervolcanoes Discovered in Utah and Nevada

No where to run!

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 04:44 PM
The notion that a Yellowstone super-eruption would be an extinction-level event is silly. Super-eruptions happen every 50k-100k years somewhere in the world. That makes them a regular part of the geologic history of the earth.

How many species have scientists identified that went extinct because of a supervlocano eruption? None that I am aware of (this excludes the super-massive flood basalt eruptions such as the Siberian Traps and Deccan Traps, which were far larger than yellowstone.)

How many ice ages/glaciations have been identified as having been caused by a supervolcano eruption? None that I'm aware of.

In fact, many scientists now think that the climate effects of supervolcano eruptions are greately limited by the fact that so many sulfates are ejected into the atmosphere that they clump together, form larger particles, and fall to the earth:

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Advantage

What volcano in the Pacific that could make a continent? What would something like that do to our continent? My understanding was that our continent is already on one tectonic plate. How would another continent fit on the same tectonic plate? Are we talking something the size of Greenland or something the size of Asia?

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by rigel434

This sounds much more 'doable' for our country if that is actually what really happens and not all the doom and gloom the current scientists want to say about Yellowstone. It wouldn't be the best though if it was possible for Yellowstone to blow at massive proportions and they didn't warn someone. I wonder if they are waiting to be 'pleasantly surprised' with a manageable eruption and not something that wipes out our continent.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

I really like this idea. Like a pressure cooker - there is a steam valve that goes off if the pressure builds too high so that the pot doesn't explode. Why not drill into the chamber somewhere so as not to disturb it too much, but so that pressure is released in a contained manner without causing a huge explosion? And if people do this instead of mother nature, we can preserve lives and possibly property?

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 05:48 PM

reply to post by BASSPLYR

I really like this idea. Like a pressure cooker - there is a steam valve that goes off if the pressure builds too high so that the pot doesn't explode. Why not drill into the chamber somewhere so as not to disturb it too much, but so that pressure is released in a contained manner without causing a huge explosion? And if people do this instead of mother nature, we can preserve lives and possibly property?

It's a great "idea" but in reality, no one knows if it would work out with zero problems. What if the drillers trigger it instead? I think there are too many unknowns to begin probing at it... Heck, we just learned this week that its 2.5 times the size we once thought. This here proves we really don't know or understand what's going on beneath us. Also, who would we trust to do this? We would essentially be putting the whole world into some teams hands.....

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by pandersway

So, I understand there's a huge volume of magma under Yellowstone Park but has there been any documents as WHY it's there? The continent seems to creep over the magma chamber (tectonic plate movement). Could it be that this is a "hole" from a huge asteroid hit eons ago? I could picture an asteroid punching through the crust and the crust that never fully healed. Any thought's on this? Is this even possible?

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