posted on May, 20 2003 @ 06:44 PM
this is just one of those crack pot theorys i came up with while i was lying in bed last night watching Flashes of light out the window of my room.
As far as i can tell the only limitless energy source is the sun, it provides us with warmth and everything else, I have heard scientests say that
they are harnessing the power of the sun to make energy e.g. solar power. But i have a different idea. and this is it (i know it needs work).
Light is a constant energy, it feeds it self while traveling enourmous distances, instead of going in the direction of solar power imagine going in
the direction of a light alternator, where light is the energy, not solar rays but actual light, i have probibly just blown a circut in my brain but
to me, using light for an energy source is a perfect idea, with light as our 'fossel fuel' we could reach unheard of speeds in space travel, maybe
not the speed of light, but pretty damn close.
I have no idea how im gona do it, but damn i am gona work on this and try and figure out a mathimatical equation to get this pet progect to work.