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My Experience with "RA" - Yes, this relates to Aliens/UFOs/Mysticism Equally

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posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 03:41 PM
This is so cross-category that I'm only putting it in this category
because I'm saying that 'RA' is responsible for a lot of UFO type
phenomenon too.. and I like this category.. it's more "nondenominational'
and I like the people interested in this category too..anyway..

When I was a little kid, I was just 'oozing' with light. Mostly golden
and silver.. but the whole spectrum really. I didn't have to do
anything to get that way.. it was just baked into me. I assumed
for years that everyone experienced the same thing.. now no
I don't have Synesthesia or Schizotypcal disorder that I know..
and I've been to numerous psychiatrists due to my Asperger's
diagnosis I got when I was 41.

Now I never felt any 'personalities' or 'thoughts' or 'beings'
just all that light and happiness and oneness.. I was a little
mind-reading monster when I was little.. quite the little
handful. Nobody liked me for that reason.

Now.. there is a reason I'm going into this.. it's not personal
mewling.. and personal 'look at me'. I don't like discussing
personal things that much.. unless there is a good reason.

Anyway.. after a lot of child abuse.. the free and easy
pure joy was reduced to a much more 'wow, the world
is full of evil people' attitude that took 50 years to

Now I'll mention the 5th Buddha thing again.. just tangentially..
So I was 20, and I was there duking it out with the 'false prophet'
of the '5th Buddha' in Minnesota in 1981, right before I went into
the Navy Nuclear program. Massive light and presence.. massive
vision.. saw all sorts of interesting things that I have been
processing for 30 years.. at that time there was still no
personality or voices or anything like that associated with the
massive power source.. but there was 'something'.. and that
something slowly grew a bit more obvious over the years..

Now I have a policy of only 'channeling' my own Self. In fact
as far as I know, that's the rule.. if you channel 'someone elses
being' that's 'negative' and 'not supposed to happen' in this
world.. that's for a lot of reasons I can go into at another time.
So I'd not have allowed any 'being' to intrude upon me.. beings
that intrude into my space without permission cheese me off..
and that' why I don't 'visit people' without permission. It's

But this increasing bit of personality in the massive light made
me uneasy for a long time... it took me a long time to realize
what was happening.

There came a time when I started 'hearing' a lot more personalities
'in the light' various of them.. but only if I wanted to. There was
a time period where various 'factions' were trying to get me to
'be their channel'. To 'actualize their vision for the world'.
Of course I said no. I'm loyal to truth and beauty only...that's
my way of viewing 'God'. No creepy crawley is permitted to
abuse me.. or anyone else.. I'll kick their ass if I see it.

It was around the time I started to clearly hear the cries from
people's inner being from all around the world, that 'Ra' in
particular was insistent that I 'join the club'. 'Ra' told me
that I could become one of the 'sacred Neteru' with the
others.. that I could maintain my individuality and get
a key to the executive washroom so to speak.

I said no.

So it's been coming to my attention who this Ra and the Ra
collective is. Its somewhat like in this link:

Yes, 'Ra' participates in MILAB operations.. the very same guy
who has been trying to 'turn me' to 'his crew' all these years..
since my birth it seems.

Now let me share this:

That 'clubhosue' that I'm aware in, is on the skin of the universe,
apparently contiguous between the real-space 5th dimension
of the matterverse and the 2D surface where people in this
world emanate from into the 3D interior of the holographic

This space is also contiguous with what I call anyway,
Feynman space of the quantum all paths are taken

Basically this is the place where the pattern for all possible
paths that can be taken exists. Sort of Boehm's implicate

So it seems to me, that 'Ra' and his buddies are a bunch
of marauding entities, which seek to implant themselves
into all the variant Earths (Feynman's all paths are taken)
space.. as a way to cheat death.

Yah, I know this sounds like 'Stargate'. But that's not
where this comes from.

For whatever reason, these 'Ra' and buddies beings
are cut-off from their full potential too... which
is why they are scared of death.. and seek to
basically 'memetically' implant themselves in our
world as a survival mechanism.

The very same Ra that has hovered around me my
entire life as a 'spiritual entity' is also the same Ra
that works with the military to do MILAB ops!

Also old Ra has his fingers in corrupting every last
spiritual tradition and religion the world has ever
seen or known. It's all a massive psyop.

Sometimes I think if we all woke up, that this
pot hole we are in would stop existing like this
and return to normal space..(5d) and we could
all leave the short bus.

I'd say that Ra and his buddies are doing this
all over the 3D universe.. suppressing world
upon world..

Now are there 'good aliens' fighting Ra?
Hard to say. I've never met one.. but on
the other hand.. I do not 'get my power'
from Ra.. or any of those buffoons..
(I don't actually have any power.. per se..
just whatever is involved with being a
living being you know). But I suppose
it might be right to say, that I'm a
'good alien' 'fighting Ra'. LOL.

Oh, as far as the '5th Buddha' thing,
Ra's buddies also fight each other..
they are a contentious lot.. that's
why I say that the 'spiritual hierarchy'
as the Theosophists call it, is far less
danger to humanity than people
might think.. they fight each other

It demonstrates that there is really
just one conspirator.. and even the
government work for 'Ra'.

(no, not Lucifer or the devil.. those
are also psyops from 'Ra'.)

Gnosticism is just as much a psyop as
any other religion or spiritual system,
so no not archons either.

I do 'believe' that there is goodness so
to speak.. implicit in the very fabric
of space time and beyond.. call that
the REAL 'sacred neteru' or the REAL
holy spirit if you wish..

But those hostile invading memes that
refuse to die.. that's really all Ra is..
I've no patience for them.. death
is nothing to fear.. and I do not seek
to avoid it. I also have no fear of Ra.
He'd better watch his step..

I know how all this sounds... but the
pieces are coming together.. this isn't
just about me.. the closer we get to
understanding this puzzle, the closer
all of us will see that long hand of


posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Are we talking about 'RA' as in the sun god?

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 03:53 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Are we talking about 'RA' as in the sun god?

The 'sun god Ra' was a psyop. But sort of.. various priests
and Pharoh's were 'overshadowed' by Ra and by Set all
all those guys.

I'm just using Ra as a name, as that seems to be one of the
best labels for the memetic collective.. various people
are writing about 'Ra' and the 'Ra collective'.

We can call him Phred if you'd rather.. but yes.. old 'Ra'
seems to have been particularly active and open in
sumeria and Egypt etc. May have even gone around
in a body of sorts at various times.

Frankly I HATE discussing all this personal stuff... it sounds
so whackadoodle.. but it's starting to come out in various
forms all around the world.. I'd be doing a disservice to
humanity if I didn't let myself be a laughing stock too.

edit on 16-11-2013 by KellyPrettyBear because: typo

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Okay. You're not telling me anything I don't know. I'm very familiar with that material you just linked. But thanks for answering the question. Now I have all the context I need to continue reading your OP.
edit on 16-11-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:02 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

Okay. You're not telling me anything I don't know. I'm very familiar with that material you just linked. But thanks for answering the question. Now I have all the context I need to continue reading your OP.
edit on 16-11-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

Oh cool. You had said that you wanted to hear some of my
secret stuff.. well mocking of me be damned.. here is
a bit of it. It's just too useful for thought-provoking
purposes not to post..

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

...I was being sincere. But thanks for the credit. Isn't it hilarious how my sarcasm comes across as sincerity and my sincerity comes across as sarcasm?

Maybe I should start using sincerity markers as well...

edit on 16-11-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:07 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

...I was being sincere. But thanks for the credit. Isn't it hilarious how my sarcasm comes across as sincerity and my sincerity comes across as sarcasm?

Maybe I should start using sincerity markers as well...

edit on 16-11-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

You either have Asperger's or something like that too..
or your name is Sheldon Cooper. I"m so used to trying
to read 'people' that I'm losing my ability to read
your species.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Maybe I should start using sincerity markers as well...

Could you please? I used to wonder if you were
an awful person the way you come across. but
maybe you are more like me than I realized at
first.. no wonder I rub various people the wrong
way, if I come across to them, how you come across
to me. You are this spiritual black hole to me in
some way.. so I can't 'read you' with RV very

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

You either have Asperger's or something like that too..
or your name is Sheldon Cooper. I"m so used to trying
to read 'people' that I'm losing my ability to read
your species.

Two for two. Well, more precisely, I'm a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes, Sheldon Cooper, and Spock. Can you guess why? Also, thanks for the blushingly awesome compliment.

edit on 16-11-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

...RV? Wat.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:14 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

You either have Asperger's or something like that too..
or your name is Sheldon Cooper. I"m so used to trying
to read 'people' that I'm losing my ability to read
your species.

Two for two. Well, more precisely, I'm a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes, Sheldon Cooper, and Spock. Can you guess why?


You see yourself in them.. just like I do..
only I'm part "The traveller" from star trek TNG
and those other characters.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I edited my post if you care to check it out. Yes, my closest friends associate me with those characters. I'm a much greater fan of logic than I am of emotion. Emotion is that crushing pain in your testicles where logic is the nut cup.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:27 PM

Gnosticism is just as much a psyop as
any other religion or spiritual system,
so no not archons either.

In your link, the article says that Ra is actually an Archon..
Interesting post anyhow.

edit on 16-11-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Tucket

Yes that 'Ra is an archon' approaches something
truthful. Somewhat. You may recall that I like
reading various things even if they are only
10% true. that 10% true can help me be more
open-minded with what I'm sensing. This whole
sensing thing is a new ability for me.. at least
on the level I'm using it.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:42 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

I edited my post if you care to check it out. Yes, my closest friends associate me with those characters. I'm a much greater fan of logic than I am of emotion. Emotion is that crushing pain in your testicles where logic is the nut cup.

Yah, apsies don't process emotion very well. Fortunately
the apsie processing circuits can process spiritual experience
with a lot of purity.. I'd say that 1/2 or more all all 'spiritual
giants from history' were aspies.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:43 PM

reply to post by KellyPrettyBear

...RV? Wat.

remote viewing.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:55 PM

reply to post by Tucket

Yes that 'Ra is an archon' approaches something
truthful. Somewhat. You may recall that I like
reading various things even if they are only
10% true. that 10% true can help me be more
open-minded with what I'm sensing. This whole
sensing thing is a new ability for me.. at least
on the level I'm using it.

Would calling him douche bag be closer to the truth? Ra the douche bag..

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 05:02 PM


reply to post by Tucket

Yes that 'Ra is an archon' approaches something
truthful. Somewhat. You may recall that I like
reading various things even if they are only
10% true. that 10% true can help me be more
open-minded with what I'm sensing. This whole
sensing thing is a new ability for me.. at least
on the level I'm using it.

Would calling him douche bag be closer to the truth? Ra the douche bag..

Ya.. that works!

Ra the douche bag in chief.

he's not actually 'evil'. His collective is a parasite. Parasites are neither
good or evil .. they are douche bags.


posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 05:29 PM
"he's not actually 'evil'. "

Huh? This directly contradicts how you describe the douche bag in the OP. Make up your mind. No more of this 10% nonsense.
edit on 16-11-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 05:40 PM


"he's not actually 'evil'. "

Huh? This directly contradicts how you describe the douche bag in the OP. Make up your mind. No more of this 10% nonsense.
edit on 16-11-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-11-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

Good and evil are human concepts. They don't exist in nature.
But if you want to view Ra as Evil.. I can understand that..
I'd put the whole lot of them into a blender and turn it on
high and I'd sleep like a baby. If anything is Evil, it's a
slavemaster like Ra.

Now, from Ra's perspective, we are primitive food like
cattle for him to feed on. Humans treat our cattle
just the same way..

But yes.. from the human perspective.. Ra is pure evil.

Shaman's tend to keep a more neutral point of view..
as if you let 'evil' get a foothold in you.. by thinking
about 'Evil' then you lose your mental balance.. you
create an opening for 'douche bags'.


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