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The political pulse of ATS

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posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 03:58 PM
I hope this isn't futile, but I am trying to develop sort of an understanding of the general people who both visit and run this board. Ok, especially the people who run this board, as in mods.

If possible, could anyone who visits this thread answer this short 7-question survey? I promise not to be judgemental and I hope that no one will be either. I will answer my own survey in an effort to encourage replies. Don't judge me, and I won't judge you. Explanations are encouraged!

1. Do you really think that there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to the status quo?

2. Do you think that, as Americans, our civil liberties are being eroded, slowly but surely through proxies like the war on terror and the war on drugs?

3. Do you think that the military is cool? You know, like big tanks and fast planes, and stuff like that, does that please you?

4. Is the CIA fallout in response to our ties to Israel and their links to 911, or in relation to a fundamental shift in terms of the CIA's modus operandi?

5. What do you think of the national budget deficit? Does it need to be paid, and why?

6. Would you be for or against the US invasion of Iran?

7. With major events like 911 or the Bali bombing, have you ever asked yourself the question, "cui bono", or, who benefits from the outcome of such an event?

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 04:06 PM
Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
I hope this isn't futile, but I am trying to develop sort of an understanding of the general people who both visit and run this board. Ok, especially the people who run this board, as in mods.

If possible, could anyone who visits this thread answer this short 7-question survey? I promise not to be judgemental and I hope that no one will be either. I will answer my own survey in an effort to encourage replies. Don't judge me, and I won't judge you. Explanations are encouraged!

1. Do you really think that there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to the status quo?

God i hope so. I hope that their are people on the streets terrorizing politicians into waking up.

As for violent terrorist, i beleive that even if they where not a serious threat before, we have made them into one.

2. Do you think that, as Americans, our civil liberties are being eroded, slowly but surely through proxies like the war on terror and the war on drugs?


3. Do you think that the military is cool? You know, like big tanks and fast planes, and stuff like that, does that please you?

I find it disgusting

4. Is the CIA fallout in response to our ties to Israel and their links to 911, or in relation to a fundamental shift in terms of the CIA's modus operandi?


5. What do you think of the national budget deficit? Does it need to be paid, and why?

No, let it fall. People seem to be voting for it to fall flat, and that might be best.

6. Would you be for or against the US invasion of Iran?


7. With major events like 911 or the Bali bombing, have you ever asked yourself the question, "cui bono", or, who benefits from the outcome of such an event?

Of course.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 04:11 PM
1. No, because, it would seem that the powers that be are the same people who encourage and facilitate acts of terrorism. However, in terms of justifying an offensive against legitimate threats to the powers that be, such as protestors, the precautions that manifest themselves appear to be in an effort to limit such non-violent efforts.

2. Yes, because of the direct amount of authority that has been overtly granted to branches that can enforce the populous which directly threatens their privacy. Whether or not they are guilty or innocent, they are guilty until proven otherwise, it would seeem.

3. I did when I was younger. I was all into that stuff in during my teenage years, honestly. But now I see the damage those things can do and the kinds of things they are made for.

4. Both. If anyone knows about 911, it's the CIA. It's their job to have the facts about such events. The CIA might have been shifting to a more benevolent purpose within the last decade, but since that is intolerable to the powers that be, the new director of intelligence may want to return to the old values of assasination and espionage that results in the decimation of the international quality of life. Such qualities that made the CIA famous during the 60's may not be so popular today since many employees tend to learn from history.

5. I think it's BS. Most of it goes to the military, anyway. Most of it is not regulated through money that actually exists through taxpayers' money supplies. Most of it is funded from foreign bank branches that own the Fed, anyway.

6. Against, because Iran poses very little of a threat towards the continental US. Security measures are in place that guarantee this notion, along with a certain degree of protective fascism. Even if Iran had a nuclear warhead, there is no way that it could reach the US, and there is no way that they would launch such a strike, considering the Mutually Assured Destruction idea. Also, I am against such an invasion because of the implications this would have in regards to the destabilization of US-China and US-Russia relationships.

7. I find myself asking that question all the time because it tends to answer both the reason for and the cause of the actual event in question. Behind every major event, there is always a benefactor; always a winner and a loser. And if the winner is not someone famous or powerful, you probably won't hear or read about it on mainstream media.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 04:25 PM
1. Do you really think that there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to the status quo?

--There is now. Pre 9/11 I think there were fringe groups & people. Post 9/11 I think those groups are mad enough to take action.

2. Do you think that, as Americans, our civil liberties are being eroded, slowly but surely through proxies like the war on terror and the war on drugs?

YES=Patriot Acts + mandatory drug sentencing & property confiscation.

3. Do you think that the military is cool? You know, like big tanks and fast planes, and stuff like that, does that please you?

Military industrial complex is so uncool. Defensive weaponry is needed, to a point. Missiles look like penises, nuff said.

4. Is the CIA fallout in response to our ties to Israel and their links to 911, or in relation to a fundamental shift in terms of the CIA's modus operandi?

Not enough info for me to make an educated answer. I'm thinking a house-cleaning to pave the way for more rights erosions and invasions.

5. What do you think of the national budget deficit? Does it need to be paid, and why?

Debt-free is the way to manage my personal life, aside from a mortgage. The government should take similar care of it's credit score.

6. Would you be for or against the US invasion of Iran?

Invasions should only be sanctioned by a request by a majority of world governments, to retaliate against physical invasion of america, or by overwhelming outcry by invadee populace to address genocide.

7. With major events like 911 or the Bali bombing, have you ever asked yourself the question, "cui bono", or, who benefits from the outcome of such an event?

I ask myself that with every headline, law passed, election taken, judge appointed. Keeps pointing to the same few peeps, and they ain't me. 9/11 benefitted Bush & co., it's Saudi investors, and the military industrial complex.


posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 06:27 PM
1. Do you really think that there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to the status quo?
A: Yes. But there probably wouldn't be if the US didn't try to control the whole world without recognizing the consequences of its actions. If we hadn't gotten involved with Osama in the 80s would he have had the power or incentive to form AQ? hmmm...

2. Do you think that, as Americans, our civil liberties are being eroded, slowly but surely through proxies like the war on terror and the war on drugs?
A: Of course. But much more through the war on drugs than the war on terror. I actually think that while the Patriot Act is dangerous, it's been applied pretty narrowly thus far. Now, in the wrong hands, it could (and eventually will) be used to erode our civil liberties.

3. Do you think that the military is cool? You know, like big tanks and fast planes, and stuff like that, does that please you?
A: Just about every person I've met from the military has been honorable. I have great respect for them, especially given that they believe they're giving their lives for the USA. We can argue about whether the Iraq war is right or wrong, but you can't argue that these people believe they're laying down their lives for us. Don't forget that.

That said, I'd prefer we bring the troops home as soon as possible from all over the world and concentrate on beefing up our borders. Military power is cool for defense, but can be used for evil purposes.

4. Is the CIA fallout in response to our ties to Israel and their links to 911, or in relation to a fundamental shift in terms of the CIA's modus operandi?
A: The CIA fallout is because they had no purpose after the cold war ended. Look for them to be remade to fit the war on terror.

5. What do you think of the national budget deficit? Does it need to be paid, and why?
A: I think that the deficit is part of the biggest problem facing the US today. Coupled with the debt and the government's Medicare/Social Security obligations, the USA has 53 trillion in liabilities. There's no way the workforce can expand enough to pay this back (in taxes) when the bill comes due, and it WILL come due. Either benefits will be drastically cut or taxes will be dramatically raised. Either will cause an economic collapse that will rival the Great Depression. Terror is butt-zit of a problem while the government's financial standing is like heart disease. I'm just amazed that we allow the political establishment and the media to continue to ignore it. Where's Ross Perot and his pie charts?

6. Would you be for or against the US invasion of Iran?
A: Against. Iran's large youth population will take care of the mullahs in due time.

7. With major events like 911 or the Bali bombing, have you ever asked yourself the question, "cui bono", or, who benefits from the outcome of such an event?
A: Of course. But because the answer often results in multiple beneficiaries, I tend to not put too much weight on conspiracies.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 08:32 PM
1. Terrorist threat represents a serious problem to the status quo?
Yes, with the "cowboy" attitude we've aggravated the issues surrounding terrroists motives.

2. Civil liberties are being eroded ~ proxies ~war on terror and the war on drugs?
Yes, the gvmt is playing both sides of the gameboard just as they did with the Iran-Iraq war.

3. Do you think that the military is cool?
No, military is a necessity, we do have good people in uniform, but all the corporate corruption has spoiled the credibility.

4. Is the CIA fallout~ fundamental shift in terms of the CIA's modus operandi?
This has to do with the team in the ovid office!

5. What do you think of the national budget deficit? Does it need to be paid, and why?
No fiscal resposibility in current admin. Yes, foreign investors are buying up the debt.

6. Would you be for or against the US invasion of Iran?
Against! We've already dug a deep enough hole and lost the sand needed to refill the hole.

7. With major events like 911 or the Bali bombing~
Sounds like game on to me!

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 08:38 PM
(Deleted duplicate post)

[edit on 16-11-2004 by AlabamaCajun]

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 09:06 PM
1. Do you really think that there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to the status quo? I think there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to every man woman, & child in the US & other countries. There are biological & nuclear weapons that a terrorist can use to wipe out entire cities--wiping out people indiscriminately, regardess of "status quo" or not.

2. Do you think that, as Americans, our civil liberties are being eroded, slowly but surely through proxies like the war on terror and the war on drugs? I do think our civil liberties are being eroded due to the war on terror, but the question is--how do you keep tabs on potential terrorists without it? Maybe there is a way, and maybe there isn't. As for the war on drugs--I hate drugs, so I frankly could care less.

3. Do you think that the military is cool? You know, like big tanks and fast planes, and stuff like that, does that please you? I think soldiers in general (not every single one, mind you) are noble. I'm not into GI Joe toys or Rambo movies, if that's what you're asking.

4. Is the CIA fallout in response to our ties to Israel and their links to 911, or in relation to a fundamental shift in terms of the CIA's modus operandi? I don't think the CIA kept up with the times after the Cold War...and they needed a shakeup. Maintaining a puerile rivalry with the FBI & not properly sharing information with them didn't help them.

5. What do you think of the national budget deficit? Does it need to be paid, and why? I feel that if the deficit doesn't get paid we're screwed...just like smokers get screwed many many years down the line w/cancer & the like. However, I do feel the govt is going to do something sneaky when that time comes to pay...I don't know if it'll be having a war with another country, or what...but something's gonna happen.

6. Would you be for or against the US invasion of Iran? If Iran has nukes & they swing back into a Westerners must die Al Quada (sp) type philosophy, and the US feels it is in immediate danger--ok. But--by the time they have nukes, it'll be too late to do that, won't it? Do we want to let hostile countries develop their weapons programs to the point where they've got missiles pointed our way? That's the $25,000 question. What do you think?

7. With major events like 911 or the Bali bombing, have you ever asked yourself the question, "cui bono", or, who benefits from the outcome of such an event? I do think there is more that meets the eye in those cases. But I don't think Bush made an order to cause 911 so he could invade Iraq for oil and plunge us into slavery.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
I hope this isn't futile, but I am trying to develop sort of an understanding of the general people who both visit and run this board. Ok, especially the people who run this board, as in mods.

Why mods especially? Want the least valuable opinions first?

1. Do you really think that there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to the status quo?

No. It empowers it. Read Condi's Neocon agenda thesis FredT posted. Searching for a new enemy after the "cold war" was a top priority of the military-industrial-(I'll say it)-Republican establishment.

2. Do you think that, as Americans, our civil liberties are being eroded, slowly but surely through proxies like the war on terror and the war on drugs?

Yes. But in even more areas, like reproductive rights. If Roe v Wade is overturned, as planned, next will be the Connecicut ruling it's based on...the right to contraceptives (privacy). Our civil liberties are like dominos. Protect them all or lose them all. If one falls, the Theocrats taste blood and go for more.

3. Do you think that the military is cool? You know, like big tanks and fast planes, and stuff like that, does that please you?

Not really.

[skipping quoting questions]

4... Huh? Not a yes or no question.

5... I think the social contract of FDR that built this country with a strong middle class requires it to be paid off. I'm for fiscal responsibility. Contrarily, I think globalization efforts and the destruction of social responsibilities (goals of Republicans) requires debt. That's why they're always such big spenders. It widens the divide of rich and poor, powerful and powerless, ruler and ruled. A by product of all debt is slavery. It's inevitable. Republicans call debt freedom. I find that traitorous.

6. Why the hell would we invade Iran?

7. I don't have to ask. Bush got re-elected didn't he?

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
1. Do you really think that there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to the status quo? NO

2. Do you think that, as Americans, our civil liberties are being eroded, slowly but surely through proxies like the war on terror and the war on drugs? YES!!!

3. Do you think that the military is cool? You know, like big tanks and fast planes, and stuff like that, does that please you? Im a Pyro, anything with fire pleases me!!

4. Is the CIA fallout in response to our ties to Israel and their links to 911, or in relation to a fundamental shift in terms of the CIA's modus operandi?Ima go with...surrre why not

5. What do you think of the national budget deficit? Does it need to be paid, and why?Its 7.5 TRILLION Dollars!!! Yes it needs to be paid!

6. Would you be for or against the US invasion of Iran? Against Any and All Invasions Unless I have ACTUAL evidense that they are doing something REALLY wrong, I mean worse than what our country is doing.

7. With major events like 911 or the Bali bombing, have you ever asked yourself the question, "cui bono", or, who benefits from the outcome of such an event?9/11, a few days afterwards I could tell something wasnt right, now all the pieces fit together, Bush benefited from that, as well as his evil chums bent on enslaving the human race.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 10:14 PM
1. I would say no, but a qualified no. I do not believe that terrorism is going to take down the Wesern World. But, and this is a big but, every time we change (even in the slightest) in response to a terrorist attack, it will either deter or incite them to act more. So, it won't change the big picture, but it won't have also have zero effect.

3. Does the military "Please Me"? Sounding sort of kinky there
. Anyway, seriously, yes, military toys are cool. Something almost visceral about stuff blowing the hell up. War is not cool.

4. Eh, too late at night to think.
5. Well, yeah, the deficit needs to be paid, and it certainly isn't a good thing. But is it the end of the United States? Hardly.

6. Right now? Against, considering there's really no way, draft or not, we could pull it off.

7. Yes. I also thought to myself, "You know, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 10:32 PM
1. Do you really think that there is a terrorist threat that represents a serious problem to the status quo?

Yes, there is. And I believe that because we of the West have maintained that status quo, we've done a very poor job at trying to find out why that terrorist threat arose in the first place.

2. Do you think that, as Americans, our civil liberties are being eroded, slowly but surely through proxies like the war on terror and the war on drugs?

I can only judge by the increased security in airports, which fundamentally I don't disagree with. If the reports I've heard of demonstrations being made harder to hold because of the tightening of "security" are true, than yes, the civil liberties are being eroded.

3. Do you think that the military is cool? You know, like big tanks and fast planes, and stuff like that, does that please you?

The military are people who do jobs, I'll always commend them for that. But war is a last-ditch necessity, something to be lamented and avoided at all costs, not something you cheer over as you watch the bombs fall on a city on your TV. People who treat it like a sport strike me as deranged.

4. Is the CIA fallout in response to our ties to Israel and their links to 911, or in relation to a fundamental shift in terms of the CIA's modus operandi?

Can't answer that. Don't know enough on that issue.

5. What do you think of the national budget deficit? Does it need to be paid, and why?

The U.S. economy is tied in with so much of the world's economy that the huge deficit being accumulated should be a concern for everybody. When the U.S. sneezes, the entire world comes down with a cold. Unless someone were to magically change the system, we're all headed for disaster.

6. Would you be for or against the US invasion of Iran?

Against. But it's going to happen anyway. And nothing no one else in the world says is going to change Bush's mind.

7. With major events like 911 or the Bali bombing, have you ever asked yourself the question, "cui bono", or, who benefits from the outcome of such an event?

Oh yes... 9/11 was good for whatever bastard perpetrated it, but it was also very good for the neocons - it gave them the leeway to implement their agenda.


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