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Negative Energy & Negative Space - A New Theoretical Model

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posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 09:25 PM
The pressure from inflation has to happen from within as from without. Space inflates from the subquantum, which means that the inflation is occurring everywhere, not just in empty space. It's happening in our planet, in our bodies, so in effect, we are inflating with space as it inflates. You cannot exist within space and not be a part of space. Inflation 'out' from areas of greater matter density is still occurring, just at a different rate from 'empty' space. The difference in these rates of inflation is what causes gravity.

Astrophysicists insist that 'inflation' is only happening between galaxies and clusters, in areas without matter, but it's just what space does - it inflates. Space doesn't care about us or our observational standpoint. The difference between rates of inflation will give you results like the gravitational constant (which is variable), the cosmological constant (which is also variable), and will do away with the need for 'cancelling numbers' that we call dark matter and dark energy.

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