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Probably a coincidence and nothing significant but...

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posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:06 PM
I'm sure this area has been gone over a million times already due to the popularity of the Matrix movies...but a couple of things have made me consider more and more that the matrix or something like it might be real.
Coincidences and synchronicity:

Now if I ever experienced coincidences years ago, then they were so few and far between that I never noticed them. But in recent years I notice coincidences in my daily life..ALL THE none of these coincidences amount to anything, but they happen so often that I am 100% sure they cannot be accounted for by chance. for example..recently Im in a bar and I meet someone with an obscure name...seriously..I cant recall it now, but I never met anyone with this name before... about 5 seconds later someone else joins our conversation and they had the very same name..both parties were noticeably freaked out..but not me as I am used to this odd phenomena by now.

Along with the coincidences. It seems many of which are linked to ESP. For instance think of an obscure word..a really obscure word..something you rarely if ever hear. Well I'm talking as my friend is reading..and my friend stops me mid sentence to tell me at that very word I just uttered was the exact word she landed on at that exact precise moment. The point being is that this type of "coincidence" seems more directly linked to somehow subconsciously knowing.

So we have synchronicity and ESP..but the ESP is unconscious and I have noticed its not just Im definatley not claiming to be special...I just notice its happening more and more in the last 12 months. Unconscious ESP simply suggest a LINK between minds, on a subconscious level. This is probably why ESP experiments cannot prove its existence, because its an unconscious mechanism and apparently random, but as ive noticed it occurring a lot then I am positive of its existence. As for being able to harness a random unconscious or subconscious mechanism I am skeptical... but it might be doable..somehow.

The bottom line is this, and it goes beyond paranormal experiences. If there is an underlying linking of minds and not just that but if information presents itself twice in the same place at the same time, such as synchronicity, then it indicates glitches in the system. A linking of consciousness on a subconscious level, indicates a unified consciousnesses. The two things together indicate reality as we know it, may well not be real..because synchronicity and telepathy shouldn't occur in the classical reality. At best coincidences should be extremely rare events, but they have been so frequent in recent times, that the odds would be billions, if not trillions to one.

If reality is a simulation, even an almost perfect one, you would still expect to see glitches. i see them, do you?

Now I wonder how do you go about forcing glitches? Overload the system?

edit on 15-10-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:13 PM
I see one pretty big glitch , GOP.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by TheBlackHat

Sometimes a decade or more passes without me thinking (and i mean literally not 1 thought) of something specific e.g. movie, song, person, food etc etc!

More often than not, when the time finally comes that this thought does exercise itself in my head, it just so happens that either on the day or a day or two max later I experience that thing in the physical presence i.e. I randomly see the movie on TV, I hear the song randomly on radio, i see the person the next day (this happens more often and it is freaky), i find myself eating that exact food.

I have never spoken of it because i accept it as part of my interaction with reality.... i accept that i cannot explain it.

It cannot be coincidence. Sometimes i do not think of something literally for 10 years. it just dissappears and i dont get reminded of it. And when i finally do think about it - and then the same day you interact with what you thought about, it is funny more than anything, when it happens!

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:33 PM
So if we think about a computer system. We have the hardware and software. So we could view "reality" as we know the software and consciousness as the operating system.
So consciousness is running billions of separate programs (or our separate life experiences), whilst the actual operating system links all the programs without the programs realizing it (because why would a computer program become self aware anyhow..and question what it is?) but in the case of human beings we do question these things.
So in a computer we get glitches, the glitches show flaws in the system that shouldn't be there. I believe there is enough evidence to show that similar glitches occur in "real life". Flaws in the system that by all rights should not be there.
Now, the more powerful the computer..the fewer the glitches. So if this "reality" is a simulation, you would expect very few glitches..because if a computer is behind all this it is clearly VERY the glitches we would find would be small but still hard to explain..just like random telepathic occurrences...Something most people believe in but nobody has been able to pin down. Well could the reason we cant pin it down, be due to telepathy not being an extra hidden sense..but rather a random glitch?
Working to this assumption..Id be curious to have some ideas on how we could cause the operating system to throw up glitches...How can programs disrupt or overload the operating system to make glitches and prove the theory that reality isnt real?

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:44 PM
Synchronicity or coincidence doesn't exist. This is just You seeing further down the "time spiral line" You dream in and then presto! What You dreamed is now happening, this puts You in "The Zone" where time slows down, great ain't it?

Have You had a life changing happenstance lately? Whether it happened to You or You were a part of One?


If it was a place, scent or something like that could be a past life recall...

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

I had written a good reply to this and the computer switched off...anyhow...not one thought in 10 years?
Are you a zen master? I went through a year one time not thinking..I still don't know how the hell that happened..but one day suddenly I had a though and it freaked me out to realize I had drifted along a whole year basically asleep.
But from what I hear recently scientific experiments using an that the machine can detect, up to 10 seconds, before a subject makes a choice..what the choice will be. in other words..your brain makes choices before your mind believes it makes them. This brings into question free will..if the machinery of the brain is making choices before your consciously making "the same choices" then who the hell is making the choices? Also this adds weight to the idea that the brain is actually running a program. This would mean everything we "think" about ourselves being independent beings would be wrong. It would also mean that the mind, as we know it, is nothing more than an illusion...much as we are attempting to recreate with artificial intelligence. Are we machines, self deluded ones?
edit on 15-10-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by TheBlackHat

Oh the rabbit hole pertaining to these topics goes very deep, friend. What you are describing are some of the lower levels of these phenomena. Believe me when I say that it can become far more powerful, and truly disturbing on some levels.

Remember that scene where Neo wakes up from the Matrix reality, and can't initially take the "Truth" he has been given? He begins to fade in and out of consciousness, vomits, and passes out...

That's a fairly succinct and accurate interpretation of most people's reactions if they were to uncover what some of us have experienced/discovered.

Of course, in today's medical field and regarding social stigma, most of this is considered psychotic thinking or nonsense...

There is a very specific reason for this obstruction of further investigation and knowledge of these topics.


Because you can discover otherwise unknown forms of telepathy and telepathic hypnotism (mind control) if you will, and it is not necessarily you doing it, simply that you observe it in most cases.

Thought form projection that you can see the results of, by the actions of those around you, but once again, it is not clear who or what, only that the level of 'coincidence' is too improbable to simply ignore.

Not only this, but your mind can literally time travel. Yes, I am not afraid to admit it because it's the god damned truth. We have countless people talking about dreams that come true, and this is only one form of this temporal awareness. Not only can things "outside" this time be perceived, they can be influenced. Truly terrifying stuff if you really think about it, were these powers to fall into the wrong hands...

This is why it is an extremely taboo and dangerous field of knowledge and way of thinking. If you get very caught up in it, lets just say "something" won't take kindly to it.

Really, think about it. If an entity or group held this power, and people began to find out, would it not threaten their dominion over humanity and this planet? Of course I don't know this for certain, only that it would make sense, given the above hypotheses are true to some extent.

No one ever said the path of truth would be easy.

MORPHEUS: Do you want to know what it is, Neo? It's that feeling you have had all your life. That feeling that something was wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad, driving you to me. But what is it? The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

NEO: What truth?

MORPHEUS: That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage... kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.

And that is where it all comes to a point.

Tread lightly and take caution my friend.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by TheBlackHat

Take some programming classes, then program a glitch if you can figure out how to access the mainframe...hey even better a virus!!! Really screw the pooch lol.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:17 PM

So if we think about a computer system. We have the hardware and software. So we could view "reality" as we know the software and consciousness as the operating system.
So consciousness is running billions of separate programs (or our separate life experiences), whilst the actual operating system links all the programs without the programs realizing it (because why would a computer program become self aware anyhow..and question what it is?) but in the case of human beings we do question these things.
So in a computer we get glitches, the glitches show flaws in the system that shouldn't be there. I believe there is enough evidence to show that similar glitches occur in "real life". Flaws in the system that by all rights should not be there.
Now, the more powerful the computer..the fewer the glitches. So if this "reality" is a simulation, you would expect very few glitches..because if a computer is behind all this it is clearly VERY the glitches we would find would be small but still hard to explain..just like random telepathic occurrences...Something most people believe in but nobody has been able to pin down. Well could the reason we cant pin it down, be due to telepathy not being an extra hidden sense..but rather a random glitch?
Working to this assumption..Id be curious to have some ideas on how we could cause the operating system to throw up glitches...How can programs disrupt or overload the operating system to make glitches and prove the theory that reality isnt real?

Maybe that's what miracles are made of?

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by TheBlackHat

Life is a glitch, period.

The following link has some pretty neat stories of personal glitch accounts.

The following is one of my faves...

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by 1Providence1

Well once or twice i have had "experiences" in I assume most people have had...especially those of us drawn to websites like this one. The thing is...if this is the matrix...and we passively live and die within it then we wont escape it. Much like Buddhism and Christianity put emphasis on this life being a trial or somehow not as real as we perceive it to be..

In Christianity Heaven is supposed to represent the "ultimate reality" but ironically most people picture it as a dream like realm...And Christ performed amazing miracles (if accurate) which would mean reality as we know it, can be manipulated...meaning its not really real.

In Buddhism its the cycle of birth death and rebirth we are supposed to try to escape. Meaning if we passively go through life and die...we will only wind up being born again...and again...and again...

So if religions have one thing in common there is an emphasis on escaping this realm and entering the higher one or ones...and you cant do that by dying...You will only be born again..

now Ive done my share of mediation and can disturb your own mental health...but still the sense returns to me..that there must be a way that doesn't include dying or going insane.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:34 PM

reply to post by combatmaster

I had written a good reply to this and the computer switched off...anyhow...not one thought in 10 years?
Are you a zen master? I went through a year one time not thinking..I still don't know how the hell that happened..but one day suddenly I had a though and it freaked me out to realize I had drifted along a whole year basically asleep.
But from what I hear recently scientific experiments using an that the machine can detect, up to 10 seconds, before a subject makes a choice..what the choice will be. in other words..your brain makes choices before your mind believes it makes them. This brings into question free will..if the machinery of the brain is making choices before your consciously making "the same choices" then who the hell is making the choices? Also this adds weight to the idea that the brain is actually running a program. This would mean everything we "think" about ourselves being independent beings would be wrong. It would also mean that the mind, as we know it, is nothing more than an illusion...much as we are attempting to recreate with artificial intelligence. Are we machines, self deluded ones?
edit on 15-10-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

You misunderstood me.... I dont mean i dont think a single thought (that would be impossible), instead i dont think a single thought about something very specific. e.g. a movie! Years can pass without this movie entering my mind!

As for your little AI theory... i have been analyzing this within myself/my behaviour! There is sooooo much i can tell you about it. It has come to shape many views i have that are proving themselves to be facts when seen in statistical data!

AI is very real in most individuals. The way i see it is you can break free from your AI. this is a little exercise: go to wikipedia, click on random article, read the article no matter how boring and uninteresting it is to you, realize that you have just broken your inevitable AI routine.

I am into the more advanced mind games!

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Goldcurrent

Thanks so much for the links..I love stuff like this. The only thing personally that comes close is one time...a former landlord of mine stopped me in the street and asked how my vacation was ...apparently a former tenant of his told him a story how he met me whilst on vacation...and when i said id never been there and I that I didn't recall this other tenant either his face was just full of he insisted I had known the other tenant...weird.
Actually its happened twice..
another time I was with an old school friend...we were in a bar and we run into two more old friends..we hadn't seen in 5 or so years...well we all got talking and these friends we met..they started telling a story about me that happened in I cant recall the detail of the story..unfortunately...but it was so outrageous...lets put it on a level with me stripping butt naked and running around the was that there is no way id possibly do something like that and certainly wouldn't forget i turn to my friend, the one I came out with and a guy I knew for decades...and i expect him to back me up when I laugh and call BS...but instead he tells me "Don't you remember..I cant believe you don't remember that".

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

Thats not a bad idea...tell you what, ill try it out now, the Wikipedia thing...and i bet you anything it turns up yet another coincidence.
edit on 15-10-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by TheBlackHat

Of course. There is always a solution.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:07 PM
OK...Ive just tried the Wikipedia idea.
But to make sure it was a random wikipedia page...I typed in wikipedia in the search engine...then i ran my hand across the that google would choose the closest Wikipedia entry to my gobbledygook...

And the webpage is...Thuggee

Does that mean anything to anoyne?
edit on 15-10-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by 1Providence1

Can you be just a LITTTTTTLE more vague? I think you would like to come across as having something significant to add to this thread but in just use terms like "tread lightly" and "something" wont take kindly to the OP thinking in these terms of reality.

My suggestion to you, is don't believe everything you see on TV fella.


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by unknown known

Thanks. I dunno if this adds to my speculations or not...but this came from that Thuggee wiki page..
edit on 15-10-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by TheBlackHat

If there is an underlying linking of minds and not just that but if information presents itself twice in the same place at the same time, such as synchronicity, then it indicates glitches in the system.

On the person to person level the "glitch" is between you and another person. Theres a link there. Have you ever thought of someone and they call you up on the phone?

Thats a person you want to stay friends with. Theres some magic there.

I don't think it reflects upon any wider system like The Matrix as you put it. The Matrix idea is that we are asleep to the real world, every waking moment of our life is an illusion prepared for us by "controllers".

Having said that I do think there are glitches of sorts. Like leaving the house in your car and being delayed. Two minutes later someone runs a red light across your path. If you hadn't been delayed they would have hit you.

Happened to me this week. I connected that. Thats a glitch...

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by TheBlackHat

Yeah bro, probably random. The thing is with todays technology, there are COUNTLESS things to relate that to. The amount of information(mind you we take in a lot of minuscule knowledge) we process in a day is staggering to previous generations. Like the wikipedia thing, jumping from one thing to the next. Or like youtube videos, you find yourself lost in stuff you didn't have any interest in twenty minutes prior to watching the first video.

Anyways, what I am trying to say is, we think everything is connected or means something. When in all likelihood they are coincidences and nothing really matters. Just my current thought....I don't REALLY believe that nothing matters because like you I would like to think there is a purpose to our existence on earth.

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