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OMG!!! Child support suspended my drivers license!

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posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:19 PM
Wow! ..I don't have any answers for you, I wish I did, as not all dads are deadbeats, or moms. Sometimes people just fall on hard times. Unfortunately , states do have the right to take your drivers license for non-payment.
Perhaps you can do odd jobs for other a "rent a husband " thing, .....or work from home on the Internet? ...BUT, what ever you do, you need to go back to the court system and and ammend your child support payment amount. As your income has changed, so you have the right to change your child support amount too. It is based off your income.
good luck, and keep your head high! Just because your down on your luck with money doesn't make you a bad person, just makes you a broke person.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:22 PM
Sorry can't side with you on this issue. I was in the child-support system for 17 years. I was the one being paid. My ex wife owes me over $60,000 dollars, of which I get $50 a month. I'll have to live to be 149 and her the same as so I get my money. Kids are grown and gone. Needed the money then, not now.

Ive sat in support court in 3 different states, I heard the same story you told over & over & over again, it grows stale after awhile. Every person who gets behind always has a story of woe. No job, cant find work, but them mean old courts and child support people are making my life hard. Took my license, boohoo, Pay your support, keep it current, then them mean ole child support people will leave you alone.

I have allways found in this scenario, the deadbeat is the one who stands and firmly denies being a deadbeat. If the shoe fits , it fits. Seems as if you got plenty of training in LE, seems like you should have known where this all was headed. I simply can't stand a person who sits and whines about supporting the life you brought fourth. It;s damn shameful.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:23 PM
They do this in Oklahoma too. I think the rule here is that if you get up to 90 days behind, they start revoking licenses.

For example, my ex-husband is an electrician. If he were to get 90 days behind on child support and I called DHS/Child support authority people, they could and would take his electrician's license as well as his drivers license, effectively making him unable to do his job.

It has never made any sense to me that his penalty, were he to not pay, would render him unable to make any more money, which means I still wouldn't get any child support. That is just an ignorant thing for these government/social agencies to do, really... Not to mention ex-spouses whose greed gets the best of them...

I am very fortunate in that my ex-husband and I handle our own child support issues; we divorced just before the new state law went into effect that requires that all support payments have to go thru some other child support agency in the state capitol and then they forward the payment to the other parent. Instead, we agree on a amount when one of us changes jobs and I know I can trust him to pay me every month by the tenth. We prefer to keep the government out of our business as much as possible.

Sure, I could take him back to court and get maybe $100 more per month, but I have to ask myself whether I would rather get an amount we can both afford every month, or would I rather get the court to order him to pay money he may not be able to pay, thereby running the risk of not getting anything at all?

Sometimes, even divorced parents have to try to compromise and realize that the other parent is only human, just like you.

I would definitely take the advice of the previous poster who recommended you go to the court and at least have them adjust your support amount. Can't hurt to explain the situation they are creating is depriving you of being able to obtain gainful employment which all but guarantees that you will not be able to make any money to pay support, fines or any of the other stuff they want!

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:31 PM

Also, whichever company first comes up with male birth control is going to be very rich.

They do have male birth control. It's called the condom. Maybe you've heard of it?

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by openyourmind1262

Really? Three months behind. I have never missed a payment, ever! I am looking for work. My efforts have been hindered by their actions, but of course I am the bad guy because I was let go from my job for derogatory credit. Really?

Like I said before. This whole system needs an enema! Its full of a*****es that are full of s**t. There has to be exceptions for those that try. You see and hear about the ones that owe thousands more than I, but yet they walk freely, joking and laughing about it. I could understand the point you are trying to make if I were "that guy".

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:32 PM
$4000 ??

Sure sounds like deadbeat material to me.

Man up, put your boots on, and get to work.

Why are you whining about your "misfortune " on the internet when you should be working?

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:32 PM
Sadly they are all about making felons and criminals of all of us, that way they can make us do whatever they want and extort the maximum amount of money from us. I am sorry to hear of your woes. I don't doubt you're a responsible person and probably the kind to have never missed a payment in your life until you no longer had a job and money.
Divorced husbands with child support payments to make are put through the wringer most unfairly. Even though you're broke they cut no slack nor are you eligible for any kind of aid. It's also about destroying the institution of marriage as well as breaking up families. Big brother is who they want us to cry to for help.
Best of luck with this situation, it's a total catch 22. Hang in there!


Eta: I'm going to take a wild swing here and guess that your state has for-profit prison systems with guaranteed quotas of bodies to occupy those cells. Can't have corporations not make a profit, eh? Check in to it, I'd bet that's the case.
edit on 15-10-2013 by Asktheanimals because: added comment

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:32 PM


Also, whichever company first comes up with male birth control is going to be very rich.

They do have male birth control. It's called the condom. Maybe you've heard of it?

Inference please.

The pill.

Condoms have routinely been shown to be unpopular. 7 billion people on earth and rising.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:42 PM


Also, whichever company first comes up with male birth control is going to be very rich.

They do have male birth control. It's called the condom. Maybe you've heard of it?

Best protection is the one I went with. Nothing wrong with a vasectomy

I already had enough kiddos and my wife has a debilitating heart condition that would kill her if she were to get pregnant, so I did it for safety reasons, primarily.

Still, tell ya what, it's nice to be in the middle of things and not worry about a thing lol

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:46 PM

$4000 ??

Sure sounds like deadbeat material to me.

Man up, put your boots on, and get to work.

Why are you whining about your "misfortune " on the internet when you should be working?

I am not bitching about the amount. It's the system I have issues with. I don't expect anyone to understand completely, unless, like a few on here, you have experienced similar circumstances.

It is terribly hard to find good employment when: you have less than 30% of your heart funcrioning, but not deemed disabled, your drivers license have been suspended, you don't pass a background check because of the child support order giving me bad credit. Com'on people. The system is broke! I pay, when able. Never missed a payment since the order took effect. Never been unemployed in 24 years. So what makes me a deadbeat? The fact that my efforts are thwarted by a seriously damaged system?
edit on 10/15/2013 by GNOarmy because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/15/2013 by GNOarmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:53 PM

reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I have always said, " This whole system needs an enema". Could you imgine the amount of........nevermind.

It would be enough to make a Tsunami look like ripples in a bathtub.

Oh yeah.. I hear ya. Especially here recently. It's deafening to everyone, in some special little way every last one of us feels personally. (Or..almost, anyway)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by GNOarmy

File to Go back to the courts and review the amount of your child support based on your it now! You will thank me later.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by GNOarmy

If you were law enforcement and a court officer once, then you should realize this was in the cards for you potetntially. Im not getting into how much or if or when you shouldve, couldve or not.

You realize surely that the government waits so long...and your ex gripes about it... and here you are.

They do have the right to proceed in any and all ways to recoup the $$$ owed. Driving privledges, taxes, garnish all your weekly wages or benefits...that last one was a stunner for me.

I had gotten my paycheck envelope and opened it to find a notice from my employer that they had received a COURT ORDER to garnish my wages.

Instead of my usual take home (way back when) of around $ was $300.......and they kept taking it for 24 months. Devasting at 1st, I got thru it, and understand I owed it, they waited and waited and waited for me to pay anything...even $20 a month...I they just took it out automatically...

It was nearly $1600 a month leaving me with about $4-500. I still had car note, food, utilities, student loan, and house mortgage and insurances etc.

They had every right to take any way they could think of to nail you for the $$$$.

Im sure you knew that eventually...they'd get it from you...and the drivers license is one good way. And I know trying to reason with them on your behalf and of how much hardship this placed on you...but arent the issue: child support is the issue.

They need it...youre supposed to pay it...and you knew it. Even if you had to collect bottles to get the kids something...anything.

Good luck to you

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by GNOarmy

This is the new thing they're doing with lost court cases, which is amazingly unconstitutional
They expect you to pay, but you can't drive and no one will hire you.
It's a joke, and the joke is on the unsuspecting public.
Marshalls enforce it all is my understanding .

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:50 PM
Seems to me that this activity is directed at the Caucasian segment of the country. If the reports are true, certain minorities are laden with single moms collecting/rewarded with more gov't funds for being "brood mares". I don't see the males of any other ethnicity, at least in any number, locked up for failure to pay child support.

Another shot at traditional marriage?

I have never remarried which has it's good points and it's bad ones. This kind of story pushes me away from ever wanting to re-enter a traditional marriage.

Is that the intent?

What's the solution? Ban divorce? Returning to long courtships? Stay single and vend the DNA to prospective moms?

I surely hate this liberal environment we live in.

So little left of what was held in esteem....
edit on 15-10-2013 by nwtrucker because: clarification

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:56 PM

Listen folks. I am not a deadbeat dad that hides and runs from my responsibilities. I am a retired deputy sheriff, narcotics detective, court officer. I've spent about 18 years serving you, the public, in different aspects of my employment.

Ruining peoples lives for a vice.

Now the same BS system that you helped maintain from within, strikes at you.

Oh the irony..

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:59 PM

Also, whichever company first comes up with male birth control is going to be very rich.

I literally read this in a reply to it and had to come back to see if it was real.

Holy buckets... are you sure you know what youi're doing?

edit on 15-10-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by GNOarmy

well relax, a little, not sure about how Ohio, is but your not going to prison, if they send you to court, the judge is going to ask you what you own, etc. and how much money you have etc. if anything you'll goto jail for a little while until you come up with a couple hundred bucks or so etc.

I know this because my wife's ex-husband is a dead beat, he owes us about 20 thousand dollars, and the CSE, here in Florida says there is nothing they can do besides suspend his license hit is credit etc. etc.

So breath, you sound like your trying, Here in Florida, they are not sending dead beats to prison, I am sure up in Ohio, they are not either...

Just try to have as much money as you can for the court date....

edit on 15-10-2013 by Bicent76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:20 PM
I was pulled into court several times and each time paid the court and lawyer fees. After the fifth subpoena the attorney general went after her for filing false claims but they only warned her off.
I got a few thousand ahead and paid through the court for 15 years before I got done but the child support caseworkers never stopped trying to pull me into court and accusing me of not paying and not providing insurance.
When My child was emancipated I had a 4000 dollar refund from the state and they finally closed the case but up until that point in time the child support system was demanding money I didn't owe them.

They never stop because the people within the system only work on the guys who have a history of payment. They ignore the deadbeats and concentrate on the guys who are trying to pay.

If they can't shut you down and break you then they waste your money on never ending court appearances, lawyer fees and constant red tape.

There is a culture within the child support system that considers fathers the enemy and is intent upon punishing fathers as a matter of unwritten policy.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by GNOarmy

Another heads up besides staying current on your COURT ORDERED child support payments. Keep your credit in line and you would still have that job you liked so much. NEWS FLASH........You are " THAT GUY". So stop the whining.

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