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White House Blocks Press

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posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:55 AM
The Obama Administration and the Press

“I think we have a real problem,” said New York Times national security reporter Scott Shane. “Most people are deterred by those leaks prosecutions. They’re scared to death. There’s a gray zone between classified and unclassified information, and most sources were in that gray zone. Sources are now afraid to enter that gray zone. It’s having a deterrent effect. If we consider aggressive press coverage of government activities being at the core of American democracy, this tips the balance heavily in favor of the government.”

I wonder if the Ministry of Truth is running during the shutdown. I've know about the talking heads reading government talking points like they were news. However, this article states that this administration is by far the worst in history for controlling the press. Perhaps state media will be next.
edit on 10-10-2013 by gentledissident because: it's always something

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 11:31 AM
The White House has been centralizing everything since this Administration took office.

Much of their agenda resemble Central Committees and politburos.

And lately, we're *really* seeing how they want everything their own way with no exceptions.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 11:47 AM
Tyranny requires absolute and iron control of information to the people in order to work.

Check! ..they've managed that, quite well. Tear up the Constitution a little bit to go play the federal heavy with Journalists doing their jobs ...and it's amazing how fast that First Amendment becomes a Right in name only.

Obama managed what presidents have wanted to do since the invention of the radio, if not the printing press and movable type well before America came along. He left the press looking free and muzzled their sources to near absolute terms. A reporter without sources is an opinion writer.

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