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Holy Sprit, christian Shaktipat?

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posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 11:36 AM
There are (at least) 2 experiences a christian could have very consciously in his life:
1. the indwelling of the Holy Spirit after baptism and/or prayer for it
2. the grace experienced for example by a humbled heart after eating the eucharistic bread and wine

While the first one can lead to life changing events, people call themselves New Born in spirit. 1st Peter 1:23
the second one supports in long term the process of the transformation and purification of the Heart.

The catholic teaching would suggest the Holy Spirit is in both of this experiences,
the orthodox teaching, which includes divine energies distinct from God, would call the second Grace.

Looking at Hinduism and Buddhism we find Shaktipat transmissions or initiations given by a guru.
It can happen in Satsangs or directly by being looked or touched by a guru, awakening the kundalini energy.
In hindu cosmology the source is Kali, the goddess of destruction of illusion leading to ego death (

So at first look it does not seem to be the same, according to the Bible the Holy Spirit gave birth to Christ,
Moses was led by the Holy Spirt (Heb. 11:24-30), refreshing (Acts 2:4), speaking the world of God with boldness (Acts 4:31), pentecost.
But there are also Dark Nights and Ego Death cases, experienced especially by monks and mystics, supported for ex. by
John 3.3, John 3.6-7

Does it mean the christian ego death and the Hindu/Buddhist ego death are the same?
Does it mean Kali can be seen as a kind of a destructive cite the Holy Spirit?

What is the origin of the Holy Spirit?
If the Holy Spirit is a hypostasis of an omnipresent God, it would be existing from the beginning even with dinosaurs million of years ago, sounds strange, eh?
If mankind was created by a super advanced alien race, could they leave a kind of spirit intelligence on earth?

In my research I discovered that Moses was possibly a Priest of Aten/Aton,
the first monotheistic God of Egypt under the Pharao Achenaton.
Bible claims he was led by the Holy Spirit.
Has anyone gone further into the past?

Some speculative reflections on the devil:
Assuming the devil exists, he would try to keep people away from communion with god.
He would take as the target the biggest christian community, which is the catholic church.
Splits, slow decay of spirituality over centuries, greed, corruption...
This would explain the situation the catholic church finds itself these days,
that every christian denomination split from it without community ceremony, is already a victim of the devil.

I'm curious about your your opinion.

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 06:49 PM
God is "spirit"(pneuma in Greek meaning wind or not "a"spirit.The rituals of baptism or the eucharist or transmissions by laying on of hands by "priests" etc etc... are just that ....vain rituals that have no significance at all.

Nothing needs to be done (or can be done) to cause the "Holy Spirit" (aka...God) to do anything.Religious ritual is all futility.God can't be manipulated in any way and man surely has zero power or knowledge to do so.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by Rex282

God is "spirit"(pneuma in Greek meaning wind or

This statement is leading us nowhere, because it embraces all levels of existence and experiences, even those called Holy Spirit experiences.

The rituals of baptism or the eucharist or transmissions by laying on of hands by "priests" etc etc... are just that ....vain rituals that have no significance at all.
Nothing needs to be done (or can be done) to cause the "Holy Spirit" (aka...God) to do anything.
Religious ritual is all futility.God can't be manipulated in any way and man surely has zero power or knowledge to do so.

If you think it has no significance in peoples life, please look at this: When-I-got-Baptized experience, or this:

reply to post by schuyler

It's simply a religious ritual that has no real meaning outside the beliefs of its adherents.

BEing that I'm a Christian-Mystic Non-dualist ...let me chime in here.

Water Baptism represents ego death. The old egotistical ways are drowned under water, and a new Enlightened Ego free you emerges from the water. Also, in the NT everyone who goes through this is of an adult age capable of adult logic & Reason.

For me, Baptizm was THE NUMBER ONE reason I attribute to the beginning of my Mystical/Spiritual awakenings. It took about 2 weeks afterwards, and then the Holy Spirit indwelled me and killed off my ego, taking me back to child -like awareness and instilling in me Higher Transcendental Faculties, Divine Love, Non-judgmental acceptance of all beings, etc.

There also Baptizm rituals in Buddhism and many other "Paths."

Believe me, had I not received Spiritual Awakening shortly after water Baptizm, I too would have believed its a sham. But I concur, it's legit!!!!
edit on 6-7-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

or google Holy Spirit experience by yourself

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