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Dude! Where's my party?

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posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 09:26 PM
All spending comes from the House eh? So what...

Security costs money, but negligence costs more. The system is so bad that maybe 50% of people on the government payroll are really doing much in the way of productivity.

This is a fun report... Straight from the Senate.

Do you have any idea how much money we could save if we shock loose the clutter that clogs our whole system?

Yet not a peep from the Republicans? Yeah, they are for reducing government.

Why would they want to? The RNC has just pulled a major victory with a marginal candidate.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 09:40 PM

I will repeat the question

Name me ONE time in history when the Republicans, or the Democrats either for that matter, reduced the size of the government?

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:08 PM
OK KrazyJethro and Amuk, you are both right. Government never gets smaller. I still trust the Republicans to cut taxes and to grow government less.

To actually reduce the growth of goverment Republicans will have to deal with all kind of rhetoric like....

They want to poison the earth, they want to starve our children, they don't want our kids educated, the want to kill the elderly, they want people to be homeless.

Even if spending stays the same, democrats call it a cut, because it was not the same increase as the year before.

What would YOU do to cut the size of government, without being demonized? Remember the Democrats have the media, hollywood, and all the hippie protest squads on their side. Republicans have to be smart and go about this in a prudent manner otherwise they will be out of power and never achieve anything.

In a perfect world I would be behind you guys 100%. But when you have 48% of Voting Americans voting for a Leftist/Socialist, you got to use tact.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 10:28 PM
The number one way to change people's minds is to give them back their money.

If we layed out a 5 year plan to eliminate income tax altogether, I don't think you'd have much problem with having people of any group wringing the necks of their reps to go with the idea.

I mean really, 30+% back per month? That would help across the board with concerns over health care, taxes, rent, mortgage, small business, etc.

There would be people that would ask where the money is coming from, and we tell them no one. We will not tack on a national sales tax.

We will cut the military, education, social, and global aid, not by butting back, but by spending better.

If at least half of the government is waste (or conservatively 30%), then we should have no problem dropping income tax.

Next, we need to find a solution for our industry. If I remember correctly, 70+% of our business is services. That is not a good sign, especially with a trade deficit like we've been running.

Open up the market for exporting, and allow US Steel and the Merchant Fleet do what they do best.

Believe it or not, our Merchant industry is dying, badly. I've worked in it, and our fleet (i.e. ocean trade is the absolute backbone of a nations economy since containerization) is burdened with the impossible task of competing in a world that is not overly inflated like our country is, so everything costs more to make here.

That coupled with the overtly acidic regulations for all merchant vessels and ship builders (which is a dying trade in America). It's a far cry from our WWII days.

We need a cure, and doing nothing about the red tape and taxation (in a major way, not mearly small tax "cuts").

I AM a Republican by nurture, but I can not stand by and watch them partake in hurting this country through overextention of almost all our resources while providing a huge monolithic government by which to pass millions of laws with forms to fill out and government to wade through.

I live right outside Washington. Getting things done in their is a nightmare.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
OK KrazyJethro and Amuk, you are both right. Government never gets smaller. I still trust the Republicans to cut taxes and to grow government less.

Here is a group that WILL shrink the government. When you get tired of broken promises look us up.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 04:17 PM
Honestly, the only reason Republican won the White House is we had a nominee who contends with Lieberman in the Least Interesting catagory.

I take that back, there is another reason. In the past seven years, there has been a huge campaign to make liberal a dirty word. And I would say it has worked. You have the people of the ilk such as Hannity, Rush, and Gallagher everyday on the radio spewing "conservative hate" on the radio. You had people like Lott , Santorum, Cheney being as outspoken as possible against liberals. Then, you have the most blatant of partisan unfair media, Fox News. If anyone wants to say the FNC is fair is lying to me and themselves. (Watch how often they say "fair and balanced" before a liberal comes on. They say it like they feel guilty.) And then you get to the internet and they have places like Newsmax and Drudge report. This is where alot of people get their actual news from. And these are the type of people who have been relentlessly assaulting everything liberal since the Clinton Sex Scandal broke. Yes, some of these people have been on the offensive longer, but it became ridiculous since the Clinton BJ thingy. My .02.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 10:19 AM
Yes, I was truely "shocked" at the Clinton Sex scandel. Considering the Republican sex scandels have been mounting up since I can remember.

I'm surprised people actually cared in the first place. Well, actually most people didn't care too much because if they did, the Republicans wouldn't have a majority now.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Amuk

Originally posted by Carseller4
OK KrazyJethro and Amuk, you are both right. Government never gets smaller. I still trust the Republicans to cut taxes and to grow government less.

Here is a group that WILL shrink the government. When you get tired of broken promises look us up.

at least there not democrates, ill vote these guys before liberal.

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Amuk

I will repeat the question

Name me ONE time in history when the Republicans, or the Democrats either for that matter, reduced the size of the government?

I know George Washington. Of course he was an Independent so I guess that doesnt count. How about Lincon he reduced the size by at least 50%

posted on Nov, 17 2004 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Vegemite
How about Lincon he reduced the size by at least 50%

I dont think half the states leaving the union counts.

Besides that Lincon and the Bills passed right before, during and after the civil war was the begining of the end for states right. It went form a group of equals (states) to the states being held hostage by the Federal Government.

The biggest lie being told was it was all about the slaves which is BS (kinda like the WDs in Iraq. Lincon himself admited that the south could keep their slaves but would not be allowed to leave the union. Northern states were even allowed to keep their slaves till almost the end of the war.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 01:03 PM
That's my point, the Republican party has become a narrow platform of global politics and social issues (not including social programs).

This became a battle of Gay rights, Iraq, Afghanistan, Abortion, and Christianity.

This has almost nothing to do with the internal workings of the government, and they rarely ask for our opinion anyway.

Tax cuts are real small potatoes when it comes to spending and taxation overall (which is way too high).

Thats right, I agree with you all the way

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