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Petition To Revoke Obama's Nobel Peace Prize

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posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 04:19 PM
So we're on the eve of Barack Obama's ego-based, 'feel Good', 'Check-the-"I Did Something"-Box ', "Brief and Limited" cruise-missile lob into Syria...without congressional authorization (Yes, I know Reagan and Clinton didn't get Congressional authorization either...but neither of them were handed a Nobel Peace prize simply for being liberal and fabulous).

All the ensuing chaos and escalation that will occur as a result of Obama's foolish 'red-line' statement...and his now imminent, flaccid, and essentially useless "Brief and Limited" strike on empty Syrian military buildings and airfields (attack has already been well telegraphed to Assad)...will further inflame the region and will probably result in an Iranian attack on Israel.

So I wondered if, at the very least, there was any movement afoot to revoke Obama's totally undeserved Nobel Peace Prize.

I found this article in the Huffington Post from several months ago...and assume the petition it mentions is about to get a HUGE bump after Obama's missiles let fly towards Syria.

The Growing Campaign to Revoke Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
Posted: 04/04/2013 7:46 pm

This week, a challenge has begun with the launch of a petition urging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to revoke Obama's Peace Prize. By midnight of the first day, nearly 10,000 people had signed. The online petition simply tells the Nobel committee: "I urge you to rescind the Nobel Peace Prize that was awarded to Barack Obama."

Many signers have added their own comments. Here are some samples:

"It is with very great regret that I sign this petition, but I feel it is morally the right thing to do. I had phenomenally high hopes that our President would be a torch bearer for the true message of Peace. Instead he has brought death, destruction and devastation to vast areas of the world, and made us less safe by creating more enemies." -Sushila C., Punta Gorda, FL

"War is nothing to be given a peace prize for." -Brent L., San Diego, CA

"President Obama has clearly demonstrated that he is undeserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. Revoke his prize and give it to Bradley Manning!" -Henry B., Portland, OR


I also found a petition urging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to revoke Obama's Peace Prize from a link posted within the article, but I am not sure if posting the specific link would be an ATS rule I will leave it to others who are interested in joining me in do so should they so desire.

P.S. I did a search on this and couldn't find it already posted...but apologize if this has already been discussed here.
edit on 28-8-2013 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT


Although I know they will just laugh at us peons. It made me feel good.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 04:55 PM
why does obama deserve a peace prize? this is the first i have heard of this one lol. what has he done really? to deserve such a reward. he has ordered more drone attacks than george dubya, tried to amend, the second amendment. and his passport has still to be validated. i think it is criminal to even consider giving him a peace prize. i would ask for my stars and stripes lapel back as soon as he leaves office.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:02 PM

He never should have been considered in the first place.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:19 PM
I like this petition. Would be a great wake-up call to the president for one, and might give the Nobel Prize some credibility back. Nobel Peace Prizes should be based on achievements, not promises.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

Thank you for this thread and the rediecting, IAMTAT ! It's somewhat unfortunate
that by now the signatures are only half filled... but I am confident.
I was stunned from day one that the Nobel Committee even allowed somebody
on the list with a biography as conspicuously lacking. By the way, Major bump
and signed.

Then the first term-- with more and more occurrences piling up that by the end
of it should have made Oslo revoke of their own accord. On the other hand
I can maybe sympathize with that degree of shortsightedness on their part, and
inevitable public embarassment.
I'd just chalk it up to possibly lots of charisma just glittering them all stupid.
They'd have quite a bit of company, yours truly almost included by 2008.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:15 PM
It'd be easier to just interpret the prize as the exact opposite of what is its namesake.

So many tyrants and madmen have won the thing it has to be ironic.
edit on 28-8-2013 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:18 PM
I never did understand why Obama was given the peace prize. He'd only been president for a few months at the time, and he would have had to have been nominated before he even won the election, i.e. before he'd done anything in the White House, good or bad.

While I don't think Obama did anything to earn a Nobel Peace prize, I think there are other past winners of it that were far less deserving. To name two, Henry Kissinger and Yasser Arafat. Think about those two for a minute. At the time Obama won his prize, he'd done nothing. (Yes, Obama has since done things that are against the spirit of the peace prize, but at the time he won it, he hadn't) Kissinger, as Secretary of State, was involved in several American wars prior to his winning the prize, and Arafat led acts of terrorism against Israel, although he did improve somewhat later in his life.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

Thank you for brightening my day. In all seriousness.

I was not an Obama voter (but was going to give a fair chance in my head and heart) and even right when he got it I felt a little sick. And everything that's happened since then is a justification of that sick feeling. I got a glowing feeling when I saw the thread title. I don't care if anyone laughs at us peons or not, you made me feel good OP!

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by IAMTAT

This feel good notion of "petitions" is growing out of hand. That isn't how we govern -- albeit, the petition is towards an entity outside of the United States. Regardless, we have people petitioning the White House to build a "Death Star", "Condemn Affleck from being Batman" and other ridiculous notions that are beyond the scope and power of the branch of Government that is calling for citizen's to petition.

Interesting that they make a concerted effort and campaign to have people petition but has the White House or in that matter, any politician, sought to educate people one exactly how our Republic works? That it isn't just about November? That primaries, state elections and local elections are just important? No?

Maybe I should start a petition for the petitioned masses to become educated then...

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy
reply to post by IAMTAT

This feel good notion of "petitions" is growing out of hand. That isn't how we govern -- albeit, the petition is towards an entity outside of the United States. Regardless, we have people petitioning the White House to build a "Death Star", "Condemn Affleck from being Batman" and other ridiculous notions that are beyond the scope and power of the branch of Government that is calling for citizen's to petition.

This petition will also fail, as:

Is it possible to revoke a Nobel Prize?
No, it is not possible according to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, § 10.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Doesn't matter...these people will petition. It is the way of the 21st Century, as it was in the 18th Century in France. Mob rule. Rule by Internet petition (hell even people here think we should). Just imagine: I petition for "ownbestenemy" to be censored. So be it. I petition that books that use the word "boy" is racist -- so be it.

Yep, see nothing wrong with that at all.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:39 AM
Just signed, Obama the war-monger more like.

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