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Iranian military chief warns against U.S. crossing Syria 'red line'

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posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:35 PM
If the world police (the US) would actually back the people that are doing nothing but protecting themselves instead of protecting the ones that hold their interests, the world might actually be a better place. Syria is a civil war. If people think Vietnam was a big loss for the US, try a war in the ME.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Originally posted by Wookiep
, I would be interested in knowing what you think of WWIII. I know you don't think current events would cause it, as you have stated. What do you think would be a catalyst for it? Is WWIII just a far off exaggeration of a doomsday that will never come, or do you think it's a very real not-so-distant real possibility? I ask because I am really interested to know what you think about it. Thanks in advance!
edit on 26-8-2013 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

A complex question for sure...

Iran will most likely honor its mutual defense treaty with Syria.
Hezzbullah / Hamas / Muslim Brotherhood, etc etc will side with those countries above.
Israel is going to get tagged by those countries, forcing Israel to respond.
The US / EU will honor their treaties with Israel.

While we have a boat load of countries involved, not one of those countries is going to act in a manner that jeopradizes said countries.

Hence regional and not global.

This goes for both sides of the coin -
]ex“Teamwork - A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction.”

You have some things wrong... I bolded so you will understand what sections of your post I feel you, and most other people, do not understand the complexities of...

Iran will most likely honor its mutual defense treaty with Syria... this part is correct. Without any qualification.

Hezzbullah / Hamas / Muslim Brotherhood.... this part you do not understand, allow me to explain.

Hezbullah will side with Iran because this is about freedom for the people of Syria and it is a righteous cause.... and even if they dont see it as righteous Iran and Syria are their allies and the last thing any shia needs is a bunch of wahabbis in power aiming to kill them....

Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood is already on the side of the west and will stay that way.....their motivation is a new caliphate, one that the west etc is happily trying to provide. Hamas, the Palestinian division of the Muslim Brotherhood, has already told Iran and Syria they will not involve themselves on the side of Syria and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood is already inside Syria - the group you are calling the 'rebels' - and are fighting Assad.

Israel is going to get tagged by those countries... here you are incorrect... Isreal has already put themselves in the middle by bombing... they have already started in minor.... they just want western involvement so they can get started in major.... they WANT to involve themselves, they wont sit it out because they already are not....

that cannot be glossed over in the future....what they say their reasons are for it are nothing short of lies.... and they dropped the first bomb...their motive is land... they always did want the levant in its entirety.

The US and the EU will get involved because they want to.....they will see it all as in their interests....

I am not exactly certain whether or not it will stay regional... regardless of what the west and eu would like

edit on 26-8-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Your assessment breaks it down nicely but it seems as if we are on the brink of WWIII (on and off) the past few years. World leaders are preventing this but tension is in the air each time one of these conflicts erupts into something that attracts global attention.

A world war is a global conflict - affecting most countries. Its usually the most powerful countries so if China and Russia joined in at any time it seems it would meet the criteria.

I know Syria does not have much muscle behind them - which makes it unlikely this will be the event that would officially begin WWIII. I hear Russia (well justified) will never get involved to a level of all out war for Syria but what about for resources? Although future oriented I'm sure they think about this. Maybe they are concerned about ME resources being controlled by the West. If those two Countries (Iran and Syria) are westernized what does this do, if anything, to Russia? How would it affect China, if at all?

It seems that there would be a tipping point for Syrian allies. They may not be there yet but I believe it will be evident soon if we dont stop interfering. I think the main reason our newest intervention plan is an issue is due to so much strong arming in the past decade. Otherwise it might seem the responsible thing to do. This is lost on no one - past nose butting, picking sides, and getting our way are influencing how this is viewed.

I am personally assuming Assad will fight back. If he were to gain the upper hand it may change how ally's respond. Even if this didn't start anything (and its doubtful it will be more than another get in, disassemble, reassemble mission), WWIII will likely start due to conflicts from this region. Someone has to reorganize the whole thing and whoever does this will be in charge of those resources.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by mideast

Independence and freedom for the individual, democracy for all, regardless of color, creed, or religion. The ME has been fighting this battle for thousands of years. Time to get it right.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 06:12 PM
While Russia may not get out in open in war with West over Syria, but it wold be a major mistake on its part to not help Syria via other means, including weapons, intelligence and denying any sanctions on the ally.

Technically speaking, US cannot attack Syria without UN's approval. In UN the motion will be vetoed by Russia and China. Hence US will have to do Iraq 2003 all over again. To this Russia should not keep quiet and neither should China. Russia and China not helping Syria would be a colossal mistake that they will rue later on.

Meek boys of today will surely be Massacred tomorrow.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Boomer1951
reply to post by mideast

Independence and freedom for the individual, democracy for all, regardless of color, creed, or religion. The ME has been fighting this battle for thousands of years. Time to get it right.

+ independence and freedom for all

But west wants us as slaves , no matter how much they use beautiful words , they cooperate with those who they claim are terrorists.

And like 9/11 , this is not an event which the hands of US are clean of.

It is creating the problem with one hand , and wants to solve it by the other hand.

And that is why American people don't want to understand why we hate the US govt.

There are many reasons for division here , but US govt uses all the reasons to keep us divided. Wise people think about who is spreading division , buying clerics , supporting extremists. But not all people here are wise.

But let US govt put all the pressure and oppression here , the pressure pot will explode one day and burn everything.

So , long live revolutions
edit on 26-8-2013 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by mideast

If you think the West is the problem with the ME, unite your people, no matter their religion or color, and take care of it and stand on your own. I can't speak for government leaders and corporations who own them, but I can speak for millions of individuals. We are sick of wars that never end. I do not want my country going down that road anymore because the two wars we are in now solved nothing. I hope the Syrian people can unite and find that freedom FOR ALL.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by Boomer1951

I wish I could find a way.

But the problem is that they have thought about that ,too.

NWO people made two new sects among two major sects o Islam to blow them from within.

Whhabism among Sonni and Bahayism among Shia.

Hopefully Bahayiat is almost fading away , but Wahhabism has power , schools and fronts to fight.

They were the people behind 9/11 , Taliban , Al-Qaeda , and recently FSA.

Their power is in Saudi Arabia and other monarchy countries , their main schools are in Pakistan and they kill in almost every Islamic country.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Times of Israel - Syria, Iran issue first explicit warning to Israel if US attacks

Hurriyet Daily News - Turkey seizes gas masks, weapons from North Korea destined for Syria: Report

PressTV - Zionists target al-Aqsa Mosque, the heart of Islam

While Muslims worldwide are dissecting and assessing their political affiliations -- pro or anti -- the Zionist entity of Israel is using such engineered confusion to inconspicuously carry out an aggression against Islam of such magnitude that only a few have dared fathom it, let alone warned against it.

Israel is looking to build a temple on the ground of al-Aqsa Mosque, thus desecrating Islam's third most sacred place after Mecca and Medina, thus sullying the very ground which the prophet of God, Mohammed (PBUH), walked upon, which the prophets of God before him walked upon and used to glorify Allah and His creation.

As I stated before, Israel is going to get tagged because its the only country Iran / Syria are capable of hitting with any type of force, or in other words - regional.

Iran and Syria are setting the stage to use religion as the justification for an attack on Israel should the west go forward with strikes on Syria. The flaw in Syria / Iran's plan, claiming the US cannot fight another war due to economy and morale, shows the complete lack of understanding of what might occur. There will not be ground troops and its not going to be an invasion like Iraq / Afghanistan. Its going to be naval / air campaign against a limited number of CnC targets / airbases / artillery etc etc.

Regardless of what affiliation you "think" Hamas and Hezbollah have when it comes to Syria and Iran, that affiliation will be ignored when it comes to strikes on Israel. Those 2 groups are going to use the situation in Syria as a cover to go after Israel in a more pronounced / bold effort.

They have to.. They cant let an opportunity like this to pass because they don't know when, if ever, they will get another shot. While I respect your position, I don't think I am wrong when it comes to whats coming down the pipeline with Hamas / Hezbollah.

When World War II broke out, China was in the midst of a civil war. Completely divergent ideals and hatred of each others system was set aside when Japan invaded. The Chinese people united and fought back. Once the war was over, they went back to killing each other for domination.

The Soviet Union and the West did not see eye to eye on many topics. Once World War II broke out and the Soviet Union was invaded, they buried the hatchet with the West in order to survive the war. Once the war was over, the status quo returned.

Some things to consider -

All warfare is based on deception - Sun-Tzu

The enemy of my enemy is my friend - Arab Proverb

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by mideast

With so many religious factions all wanting supreme power, how will the ME ever achieve peace? Why can't religion and Gods be taken out of government. Accept each other's differences. A democracy.

You probably should not talk to me because I am a heathen. I do not believe in any religion except at home or Gods.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Boomer1951
reply to post by mideast

With so many religious factions all wanting supreme power, how will the ME ever achieve peace? Why can't religion and Gods be taken out of government. Accept each other's differences. A democracy.

You probably should not talk to me because I am a heathen. I do not believe in any religion except at home or Gods.

To answer your question - North Korea.

Their is no religion there as we know it.. Instead they have a cult that follows the Dear Leader. One would ask how something like that could occur, where the population sees one man as a supreme being. In North Korea its accomplished by controlling what people see, think and feel towards any one given topic.

In the case of the Middle East, you have, for the most part, Theocracies shrouded in politics.

There is nothing wrong with a religion that says a man must have a beard or a woman must be covered from head to toe. The problem comes in when violating those religious tenets becomes a crime against the state.

Extreme Islam cannot accept more than one idea... To me Extremist Islamic views are on par with the US, which is to say arrogance overshadows common sense. They, the extremists, argue the US wants to conquer the world, which in itself is hypocritical irony because their, Islamic extremism, goal is to conquer the world for Islam.

To bring it back around to Syria, we see the same fanatical zeal towards Assad that N. Koreans see with their Dear Leader. When those leaders feel threatened they lash out, as we see Assad and Iran doing by threatening Israel with attacks if the US / West strike Syria.

Some people on this site like to try to make distinctions between Israel and the Zionist government. They say Arab countries don't want to see the destruction of Israel, just the Israeli government. What they refuse to accept and admit is once you destroy the Israeli government, the country ceases to exist. The other flaw in their logic is the fact Syria and Iran don't even recognize Israel or the Israeli government, so im not sure how they reconcile their logic, aside from make believe.

Assad is going to go down fighting, and in the process is going to take the entire middle east with him.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Your analysis, which may be true, grieves this grandmother. All their Gods have already decreed that we will not live forever and will die. I don't know why humankind wants to make it shorter and do their gods work. I wish their mothers and grandmothers would realize their power. For the love of Pete, ME women discovered farming which has led us to all the good things we have now.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Boomer1951

Let me ask...

What's more criminal - allowing a government to slaughter innocent people, or sitting idly by and allowing it to happen?

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Boomer1951

Let me ask...

What's more criminal - allowing a government to slaughter innocent people, or sitting idly by and allowing it to happen?

Why they are allowing slaughtering of innocent people in North Korea and many other countries and dont invade and "stop that madness" ?

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

I missed the "who" in your question. Personally, I am placing the blame on mothers of all nations. All men are born to one. She and grandmothers have forgotten the power they have. The reason american women can vote today, was because of a phone call from a congressman's mother.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by xavi1000
Why they are allowing slaughtering of innocent people in North Korea and many other countries and dont invade and "stop that madness" ?

If we did would you support it or jump on the "the US needs to but out" bandwagon?

We seemed damned if we do and damned if we don't.

How come Russia or China doesn't end the madness in N. Korea? Or Syria?

Personally speaking im all for military intervention when only humanitarian issues exist.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Originally posted by xavi1000
Why they are allowing slaughtering of innocent people in North Korea and many other countries and dont invade and "stop that madness" ?

If we did would you support it or jump on the "the US needs to but out" bandwagon?

We seemed damned if we do and damned if we don't.

How come Russia or China doesn't end the madness in N. Korea? Or Syria?

Personally speaking im all for military intervention when only humanitarian issues exist.

China and Russia are not world police , you know very well who are.100 000 have died in two years and now with still unproven chemical attack (with highly suspicious background story) died 1000 and the tomahawks are ready.You are damned only if you do it . Military interventions doesnt solve anything. Iraq , Afghanistan and Libya are hell holes now. You will make Syria (one of the most oldest civilisation) hell hole.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by xavi1000
Military interventions doesnt solve anything.


If it werent for military intervention we would still be singing God Save the Queen - Thank you France.
If it werent for military intervention the World may very well be speaking German - WWI
If it werent for military intervention the world may very well be speaking German / Japanese - WWII
If it werent for military intervention there would have been a fully gruesome Korean Pennensula under Kim Un.
If it werent for military intervention the body count would be well in excess of 40 million deaths - WWII

You guys demand the US but out while at the same time you refuse to speak out against countries who are doing exactly what you go after the US for.

Iran and Syria, Hezzbullah / Hamas involved themselves in the internal affairs of Israel - silence.
Hussein uses chemical weapons against the Kurds - silence
Iran uses schoolchildren to clear minefields during the war with Iraq - Silence.
North Korea has active extermination camps - silence.

Maybe we should give credit to the groups responsible for making the ME a hell hole - Thank you religion.

Maybe you and the others are correct about interventionist policies and letting people be clsughtered en masse..

After all - Arbeit macht frei.... right?
edit on 28-8-2013 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 10:26 AM
That was self- defence , it's very simple, Japan attacked first , Germany attacked first in WW2 .

Did Gadafi , Husein or Assad attacked any city in US or kill some American ? You cant defend something wrong , it's impossible .

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by xavi1000
That was self- defence , it's very simple, Japan attacked first , Germany attacked first in WW2 .

The countries they attacked didn't survive... It was only when treaties were enacted did the aggression from Japan / Germany slow. If we apply your logic to Libya, or even Iran, one can argue the demonstrations started peaceful, until government forces opened fire... In essence, Syria / Iranian government attacked first, and the people attacked defended and asked for help, just as occurred during WWII.

Originally posted by xavi1000
Did Gadafi ,

Came to power via a coup, introduced Sharia law, retained power until 2011 Libyan citizens decided they had enough of him. Protests met with attacks by government forces.

Originally posted by xavi1000

Murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people for no reason other than he could. Violated UN resolutions time and time again. Attacks started by Hussein's government on the citizens / opposition.

Originally posted by xavi1000
or Assad

Murdered hundres of thousands of his own people since his family came to power. Attacks started byAssads government on the citizens / opposition.

Originally posted by xavi1000
attacked any city in US or kill some American ?

Yes - by supporting terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezzbollah, and any other group that hates the west. Money and Material support makes them just as culpable... Or so people like to argue when dealing with the west.... It can be applied in both directions.

Originally posted by xavi1000
You cant defend something wrong , it's impossible .

Except when its an Arab dictator who murders their own people....
Except when Hamas / Hezbollah murder Israelis...
Except when Russia rounds up opposition to the current government....
Except when Russia uses Polonium to assassinate people on foreign soil....

I can keep going if you wish...

The point you miss occurs when you ignore any and all action by other countries who engage in the same behavior you disdain and attack the US for.

Although you are right...
You can't defend something wrong... It's impossible.. people will apparently try to split hairs anyways and somehow think their is a difference when in reality there is not.. right?
edit on 29-8-2013 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

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