posted on May, 16 2003 @ 08:46 PM
Myself was somewhat surprised by the reaction of
some people who frequent this site, so impatient and so prepared to put down the one country in the world who has done everything in its power to
protect freedoms.
This country is not perfect but in reading responses one gets the impression that it is perceived as perfect, as perfectly evil.
The word scapegoat comes to mind someone to be blamed because they are not in a position to respond, in a way it is reminiscent of witch trials.
Why didn�t the UN respond to the issue of mass graves in Iraq as it did with Bosnia?
It seems clear that it was apparent though the first time the possibility was even brought up is with respect to Presidents Bush's speech calling us
to war
How come just as soon as we took Baghdad was there so much effort to make the matter of WMD in Iraq seems more important than finishing the war?
Were there those who were certain that finding them was not going to be easy because they already knew Saddam Hussein had hidden them well?
A sort of standardized response has been "Yes, yes I know Saddam was a tyrant but where are the WMD"
Who made it possible for a press agency whose responsibility is to the whole Arab world too not
report the mass murders occurring in Iraq?
When the first sites were found they reported nothing it was not until after the US and UK had taken Baghdad that they began saying anything at
I can imagine a scenario, in which the UN was unprepared to address the atrocities of Saddam
Hussein. So as to favor the interest section
(countries) which were involved with that Regime.
We would be foolish to assume that Saddam Hussein did not have WMD, simply stated the reaction of her people. Does present evidence they were well
of what was happening to those who disagreed with Saddam regime.
Given the way Moslems react to such matters that
they did not react, presents that they had a powerfull motivation for doing what they did.
Can you imagine the reaction of American or British citizens that within its borders 200,000 people have been reported missing in the last 10
In my opinion the conspiracy is very real but it is not related to the US as being the evil empire (or for that matter the coalition forces). Its
related to someone else who is prepared to cry peace despite the fact that the dead are being piled up, one atop the other.