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Dream I had

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:47 PM
So I was in a hut, but it was more squared? Like it was made of mud but it was square and had windows it was clay color and had no roof. So it was ruins of a nice house/hut? Im looking forward to desert, and to my left is all desert as well, then to my right is jungle. I look down and this little african american kid is just smiling up at me with the whitest teeth I have ever seen. Then I hear this music, very beautiful but I can remember it all, there is only these lyrics that I can remember.

"The most beautiful Ive ever known..." That is just a snip of what was being sung. It stuck with me, I can still see it as I picture it now. Werird, but I love dreams like that. I could even feel some wind blow on my skin, but I couldnt tell what color I was. After I heard those lyrics I woke up.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 08:52 PM
Does it go anywhere from there? Does there seem to be a point? Or is it just the lucidity that you find so striking? I often have dreams that seem to be the makings of a lucid dream. I can never control them as I believe them to be real situations. Sights, sounds, etc...Sometimes inducing real fear and the threat of panic.
Thanks for sharing, though. And I think that you can lose the "american" portion of the kid's description.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Tylerdurden1

Thanks for sharing. It's been suggested that much of what dreams are 'trying to tell us' has to do with the feeling you are left with upon awakening.

I myself place a particular bit of importance on specifically worded messages, names, book titles, etc. when they are vivid enough to carry over into my waking life. I usually don't remember such details, so when I do, I give it some extra thought. For instance, I visit a town called "Pnell" (pronounced "Thnell" (???)) in recurring dreams, and once met a really cool king named "Leoben".

Lately I've been waking up with absurd phrases or sentences in my head. The most recent was "Thirty blank cartridges, I counted them myself. Thirty blank cartridges. Thirty."

But I digress. The description of your dream is all very positive, and you obviously must've felt good (if a bit puzzled) when you woke up. Are you in love? Are you generally happy? Did something in your life recently bring that up a notch? Did you recently help someone, or do something positive for the environment?

The main thing I gather, as generic as it sounds, is that you're trying to tell yourself that you're doing something right/on the right path, and that the planet adores you for something you've done, or have the capacity to do.

Also, next time you notice the breeze on your skin - awake OR while dreaming - look at your hands and ask yourself if you are dreaming. I believe our subconscious selves WANT us to become lucid in our dreams. I believe lucid dreaming is a state that takes the combined efforts of our conscious and subconscious minds to achieve. And I believe that all dreams contain clues - something that if we look at just right, given the right amount of attention, that INDUCE the awareness: Aha! I'm dreaming!

But if you get into the habit of performing a little ritual (looking at your hands, questioning whether dreaming or awake) frequently throughout the day, eventually you'll do it in a dream, thus triggering a lucid dream.

I must say, this only worked for me a few times, then it was like my dreamworld 'wised up' and I did my little ritual - only to remain convinced it was "real". Upgrades?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Teratoma

Lately I've been waking up with absurd phrases or sentences in my head. The most recent was "Thirty blank cartridges, I counted them myself. Thirty blank cartridges. Thirty."

HAHA! Ok After typing that out I realize what inspired it. "32 Footsteps" by They Might Be Giants:

"32 footsteps, counted them myself, 32 footsteps"

I haven't listened to that song in years though.

Sorry, I don't mean to derail your thread, just wanted to cop to this before someone else pointed it out.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by wilkinsonus

You are right on the American part...I felt kind of weird saying black kid..

It was like we were apart of a tribe, and i had no worries at all, I felt happy. It was one of my nicer dreams, and in allmost all of them, I feel hot, cold , wind and pain..ect.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Teratoma

"Lately I've been waking up with absurd phrases or sentences in my head. The most recent was "Thirty blank cartridges, I counted them myself. Thirty blank cartridges. Thirty."

Ive woken up with some weird sayings as well.

The last one I remember is " I have six candles on a stone." That was also a nice dream.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Tylerdurden1

That is quite a beautifull dream

The hut is symbolic for yourself, reading your dream, you are quite balanced .
There is an old saying, he who breaks down a wall, builds up a view.
It could be the old image of yourself that is the ruins you were seeing in your dream.
Than there is the open field or desert with on the other side the wildernis or jungle.
This can be seen as out of the woods, clarity, a clear view.
The teeth say the same, a new phase in life.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by earthling42

Hmmm. I never thought of it like that! I like that

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