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Not just your usual HAARP Thread. Strange Jet Stream Patterns.

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posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:05 PM
Hello everyone on Above Top Secret. This is my very first thread here on ATS, and i'm posting this on the Conspiracy Forum because of my suspicion of HAARP being used.

So here it goes.

I have been noticing that the weather has been somewhat repetitious as of late where I live in the North East and I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed as well. Hot humid weather during the day, and thunderstorms in the evening. While this type of weather is not uncommon, the storms in the evening, especially in the North East have been popping up in the same exact spots each evening unlike you would expect with changes in the jet stream. This has all been happening since around June 28th through today.

Doing a little research I found a couple of interesting sites that have been reporting strange jet stream patterns since the 28th of June. The first is reporting "Dueling Jet Streams" and "Weird Weather" posted on the 28th of June 2013.

The second, is a site called that allows users to create Jet Stream Animations for up to 30 Days. If you change the date to 2013, and create a loop that begins before the 28th of June, you'll notice an anomaly in the Jet stream, as it will start to swirl in the pacific ocean right off the coast of Washington state. I thought this was unusual.

This all may have been happening much longer than late June, as if you google "strange weather june 2013" there are many website reporting strange weather as far back as late May. Late June is when I really noticed the repetitive weather here in the North East

How does this all tie into Haarp? Around the 28th of June is when I noticed the Haarp website Haarp Website has been down mysteriously.

This is just a theory, that the machine has been being used to alter our Jet streams as of late, either for scientific research or otherwise. The strange weather anomalies have been the result of this use, and the website is down to keep the public eyes away from the data they are collecting.

So lets talk Haarp talk!

edit on 8-7-2013 by HAARPwatcher because: Fixing Hyperlinks

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:27 PM
Weathers been pretty much normal here, but I can't say that the weather patterns out in the middle of the great lakes can be used for comparison anywhere else in the country. The Lakes act as a buffer, but can and do produce a lot of snow. The great lakes somewhat stabilizes the weather of half of our country.

It's hard for me to say HAARP when I see little difference in anything. Around 2007 we had a real weird lack of summer.
edit on 8-7-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:58 PM
There is a history channel video on weather manipulation out there that talks about Russia doing this kind of thing to us in the 80's using radio waves in a HAARP fashion.

Here it is. At the 10:00 mark they start to talk about how ELF waves can be used to move the jetstream. At the 11:30 mark they start to talk about the Russian signal.

edit on 8-7-2013 by IndieA because: added video

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 10:05 PM
Last summer we set heat and drought records, this summer we are setting low temp and rain records.

Who knows what normal is anymore

edit on 8-7-2013 by Doodle19815 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by IndieA

Thanks for the vid IndieA.

I have watched this video as well as a few others and I believe this is very possible.
It's my belief that the strange weather is not necessarily large storms or disaster type weather but more the consistent, almost clock-like weather patterns we've been having. Storms coming through in almost the same spots, at exactly the same times each evening and weakening around the same times. This could also be a natural phenomenon of course, but playing around with the Jet stream animations on Squall it looks like around the 28th the Jet stream just goes loopy, swirls around in the pacific, and then folds in on itself. I urge you guys if you're into meteorolgy to check it out for a few mins.


posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 10:52 PM
I have heard a few weather people talk about the different jet stream.

The weather pattern the OP is describing is typical Gulf weather.. HOT, electrically charged storms, constant humidity and daily afternoon showers.. That's weather in the south.

Wonder if It's because the global climate is shifting to a warmer temperature or if the poles are shifting slightly..?
edit on 8-7-2013 by Euphony because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 11:26 PM
From what I understand, the polar ice sheets have been melting for a while now.
The air that is now carried more up north and doesn't get as cold above water, as it would get above the ice.

So there is a massive shifting of warm air into a region that used to be cold. The shifting boundaries of the cold and warm air cause the yet stream to act all weird, relocate, and I even read it was missing even on occasion.

There are more events taken place that show there is a shift of warm and cold around the globe, all the way up to the vacuum of space.

Although Co2 levels have never been higher, the average temperature didn't rise for a couple of years, and even got a little colder again.

I guess we can only wait and see what happens. Maybe it will all get back the way it was, but we could also be on the verge of a giant climate change, as the entire atmosphere gets effected by the shifting boundaries of warm and cool area's.

Exciting times huh....

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Euphony
I have heard a few weather people talk about the different jet stream.

The weather pattern the OP is describing is typical Gulf weather.. HOT, electrically charged storms, constant humidity and daily afternoon showers.. That's weather in the south.

Wonder if It's because the global climate is shifting to a warmer temperature or if the poles are shifting slightly..?
edit on 8-7-2013 by Euphony because: (no reason given)

Or maybe it is from the amount of methane we are releasing into the atmosphere while attempting to drill for natural gas?

In equal parts methane will hold 25 times as much heat as CO2. And more methane is being released into the atmosphere on a daily basis.

I live in the northeast and suffered the brunt of Irene and Sandy. This area couldn't survive more hurricanes like that. Some towns north of my location were completely wiped out.

IMHO HAARP is a psyop to steer people in the wrong direction. The weather is changing because the government sold out to mega oil corporations. It's really as simple as that.
edit on 8-7-2013 by olliemc84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:36 AM
You guys should read the 'HAARP for dummies thread'. The OP is extremely misinformed but there is a lot of factual information in there from Bedlam and Phage if you can sort through the BS from the OP.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by HAARPwatcher

It need not be HAARP, or at least HAARP alone. You could try and find what its like in the Gulf Of Mexico temperature wise, and what the Gulf Stream is doing, and if there is independent data available for there etc.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by HAARPwatcher

Climate change - Yes


The Earth is a large complex system. Oscillations in weather patterns are to be expected. Changes in jet-stream flows (a semi-chaotic effect in itself) are also to be expected.

Study a little chaos theory, perhaps. It will help clarify what is happening in dynamical systems for you.

The only constant is change!

edit on 9/7/2013 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by HAARPwatcher

Funny you should mention the 28th. I came across an article a few days ago and thought to myself that was kind of interesting, but then again today I came across it in a different link which made me think the first thing I had read may have come from the second thing.

If you GO TO THIS LINK, you will see a huge radar spike that covers quite a few states, with a bit of the northeast included.

I had left for Fla. on the 27th and was told it rained the whole time I was gone. I got back on the 2nd and we have joked that I brought the sunshine back with me. It has been blistering hot. I am Rhode Island btw.

Anyhow thought you might be interested in seeing that.


I went back and grabbed a picture of it. I forgot to add that this was taken on the 28th.:

edit on 9/7/13 by onehuman because: added picture

edit on 9/7/13 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 03:28 PM
Haarp yes.....Russia started it...we caught up yo them.....they have more power...we have more sets....Tesla speaks of changing weather.....main stream tv had a show on streering Katrina....Remember that? a year after Katrina they explained half of what was used to steer the hurricane....

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 03:54 PM
Go ahead and take the time to explain just how HAARP affects the troposphere or the tropopause (where the jet stream exists). I'll wait patiently for an explanation, but please try to get on it before my 100th birthday.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by onehuman

If you GO TO THIS LINK, you will see a huge radar spike that covers quite a few states, with a bit of the northeast included.

Here you go some good info on Dutchsinse...

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by HAARPwatcher

Nicely done.

Given the fact that HAARP is a military joint venture, and the Air Force announcement back in '97' of owning the weather by 2025, kinda puts it all together for me.

What I'm wondering is are they using the weather as a weapon against U.S citizens or are we just the poor unfortunate test subjects while they master the use of this weapon.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by onehuman

If you GO TO THIS LINK, you will see a huge radar spike that covers quite a few states, with a bit of the northeast included.

Here you go some good info on Dutchsinse...

Yes I saw that already, in fact there are a proliferation of sites taking up the story, as well as other stories, and stories against stories. Unfortunately, there is nothing that hits you in the face as a true observation, or a true debunk. You also get many clipped statements that may be singularly true as far as they go, but don't always convey the whole message. People really need to go much deeper into stuff like this. I agree though, that the OP here has some way to go.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

What I'm wondering is are they using the weather as a weapon against U.S citizens or are we just the poor unfortunate test subjects while they master the use of this weapon.

Well that can be answered in one word...


posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by Witness2008

What I'm wondering is are they using the weather as a weapon against U.S citizens or are we just the poor unfortunate test subjects while they master the use of this weapon.

Well that can be answered in one word...


That's ambiguity for you! another clipped answer.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Stealthbomber

Misinformed? Maybe, but it is my belief that weather modification through the use of Haarp and other means is, and has been being used. I do like how this thread is progressing and I'm encouraging anyone and everyone to dispute the Haarp conspiracy theory because it makes for good conversation.

OneHuman: Nice link about the Radar Spike. I hadn't seen that one.

Now I know a lot of people especially scientists believe that any sort of haarp weather manipulation is not possible especially since the wave transmissions they are sending up are frequencies that are only supposed to affect the electrons in certain portions of the ionosphere depending on the electron density of that particular portion. My feeling is that the radio waves are also affecting the electrons in the air the waves are passing through causing the troposphere to bow upwards. When this is happening the air in the jet stream would have nowhere to go but to change directions and find the path of least resistance causing weather patterns to change.

This is the reason why I theorize this, though I currently have no way of testing this theory.

However, I do have a link to a PDF file that is a pretty good read for people interested in the auroral projects going on and want to learn more about the ionosphere. Aurora Project


edit on 9-7-2013 by HAARPwatcher because: fixing spelling errors

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