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Who did Saddam strike a deal with?

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posted on May, 14 2003 @ 01:34 PM
Well, lets seperate the real consiracy theorists from the gung ho nutters (JUST JOKING)

Seriously though, i would like to put forward some points and maybe,once and for all, we can try and figure out if:

a) Saddam is alive
b) and if so, where did he go?
c) and if he did 'go', who helped him?

I have heard, from many sources including ATS and the BBC that Saddam struck deals to escape. I have heard several countries mentioned - France, Russia, China, Syria and one person even said he struck a deal with the Coalition, though I have to admit i told the guy to stop chatting $#iT!!!

Also what happened to the Repub. Guard? tens of thousands of troops may be able to dissappear into hte wilderness, but what about all their tanks etc.? and dont tell me they were all destroyed because the media would have gone ape.

posted on May, 14 2003 @ 01:42 PM
I wasn't aware there was a difference in consiracy theorists and gung ho nutters. I'm joking also.

We'll do nothing here other than speculate, which I guess is really all we do anyway, so here goes. Debka and Worldtribune had reported Saddam picked up and flown to Belarus. INC leader, Chilabi (what ever his name is) has stated Saddam is still in Iraq. Of course, he could also be dead. Saddam is such a hot potato that I doubt any country is going to risk taking him. Who knows really and the longer we don't see anything conclusive the more I doubt he'll ever be found. Remember that bin laden fella?

posted on May, 14 2003 @ 01:50 PM
your right, as long as this goes on for, the less we'll know, and that goes for osama and Saddam

posted on May, 14 2003 @ 05:29 PM
playing poker with Kadaffi. Makes ya wonder whose the forth? I'd guess the French weenie, er...uh prime minister!

Could be the Russian but I think he knows what side of the goulash his bread is buttered on, he'll keep his distance from Sodamn Insane and bin runnin'!!! Just as long as the Amerikanners keep sending them dollarskis over to hold up his craphole country!!

How long will it be before we see Soddam's wife writing a tell all book about her personal hell as one of his haram honeys?
I figure a year, maybe 18 months. Beeeeotch!!!!

[Edited on 14-5-2003 by USMC Harrier]

[Edited on 14-5-2003 by USMC Harrier]


posted on May, 15 2003 @ 03:41 AM

I have heard several countries mentioned - France, Russia, China

Anti-wars countries = treator = enemy ??


posted on May, 15 2003 @ 04:36 AM
I think Saddam will still be in Iraq, hiding out with friends. He doesn't actually need to do any command and control at the moment, so he'll be able to dig his head into the sand and disappear for 12 months.

I guess there's a possibility that he'll come back as a "freedom fighter", which isn't too far off his early roots as a revolutionary. But we'll have to wait and see.

Always possible he's struck a deal with NK, or China. Can't see Russia having anything to do with him, and I think the very concept of France taking him is totally ludicrous (so it must fit in fine on FOX news along with all the other "news"

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by VzH

I have heard several countries mentioned - France, Russia, China

Anti-wars countries = treator = enemy ??

Is the media game, it makes people have prejudices against another people, just because of the media sources, untill they go to each country and they realize what is really going on, they will just see everyday in news and talking to each other about what they saw in the news, newspaper, the speech of this politician, etc etc, and getting day everyday will make it something "normal" either being good or being bad, people will get use to it, and they will learn to live with it, why hitler was able to make half of germany believe in what he said? Speech after Speech, just one type of news, and that is called "programming" yes the same as your "programs in TV" , they program you like a pc, u will go on these kind of thoughts, and so on...



posted on May, 15 2003 @ 05:00 AM
The relathionship between France and the US has been altered due to the medias......

For sure, i totally agree that medias manipulate our thoughts!

I mean people all around the world are all same, behave the same........ But medias give us biased thoughts and sterotypes on others!


posted on May, 15 2003 @ 05:01 AM

Cold~ Good link

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 05:12 AM
I reckon he,s living in a country that he could easly blend in to. Be mistaken for living there his whole life, look ethenic, tastes etc

So thats why I believe that he's living with the wogs .

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 01:29 PM
USMC brings up a good point actually (for once

I remember it was reported a while ago that Libya was building compounds for Saddam and his staff.

(does a search)

Here's the link:

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 01:49 PM
Yeah, remember Kadaffi offered asylum to Saddam if he'd leave without fighting. I'd bet that shrub and daddy convinced him to take the offer and GTFO!!

Would not be surprised to find bin Laden was offered the same asylum albeit in much quieter manner, under the table like!

I owe ya Bob!!!

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 01:49 PM

with a French EU passport..."Mabbas Hussein Abdullah"
after converting quite a bit of American dollars and Euros to rubles I suppose (with a hefty chunk taken out for "moving expenses"....

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