posted on May, 14 2003 @ 01:34 PM
Well, lets seperate the real consiracy theorists from the gung ho nutters (JUST JOKING)
Seriously though, i would like to put forward some points and maybe,once and for all, we can try and figure out if:
a) Saddam is alive
b) and if so, where did he go?
c) and if he did 'go', who helped him?
I have heard, from many sources including ATS and the BBC that Saddam struck deals to escape. I have heard several countries mentioned - France,
Russia, China, Syria and one person even said he struck a deal with the Coalition, though I have to admit i told the guy to stop chatting $#iT!!!
Also what happened to the Repub. Guard? tens of thousands of troops may be able to dissappear into hte wilderness, but what about all their tanks
etc.? and dont tell me they were all destroyed because the media would have gone ape.