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I believe science can find god BUT

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posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:43 AM
I dont think it'll be happening anytime soon. I really do believe they can, I think our government
is hindering science in such a way, our gov knows if they find the truth, it'll ruin all religions,
people will panic. Thats why theres really not any good studies about death/spirits and what
not. I believe government has SUCH A HOLD over science that if any word was to be
spread out in any nation, war would ensue, and many deaths will happen.

They dont mind if religion just go around dallying around skipping,
they have their own hold over religion just as well. Science is just as much
in cahoots with gov, just as religion is.

Just like UFOS! Prety sure science can find the answer to this quick, if they had a
"chance" but if they did, religion would be ruined just as well, religion already came
out with a excuse for aliens, now they're called demons
. So if aliens were true
basically they would be real life demons.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:57 AM
Oooor science simply doesn't know where and how to start the discovery of the spiritual/alien world.

Because there is no scientific theory (aka "story") which would lead them.

Make up a theory, try to prove it, falsify it if necessary and improve it. That's how science works.
You can't go around saying "hey, discover the ghosts!", as scientists have no idea how to do that. How could they? At least, some repeatable and verifiable encounter with a ghost is needed to even convince a true scientist that those ghosts are real.

I for myself don't believe in ghosts. Sit me down in a graveyard at midnight and I would be bored, nothing else. There is simply no evidence of ghosts.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by aerial

please define what you call " god "

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:11 AM
Science, Religion, and the Gubmint' have NO interest in God.

This is the reason that everything is a LIE.

They worship a counterfeit god AKA "the father of lies."

One group and one group alone is responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed on the face of this planet. The Synagogue of Satan

"After forty years of patient study of the crises which faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion-all conspiracies are Satanic! ~ Eustace Mullins in his Preface to 'The Curse of Canaan'

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

I wouldnt say god, or like where we came from, what makes us US. More
actual to the point, evidence.

Large Hadron Collider, seem to be doing good so far, hopefully they'll find more.
Discover more about the universe.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by ManFromEurope

I suppose you make a good point. When someone encounters a soo called ghost,
maybe its not for everyone(hence why they dont bother) , maybe down their life they might,
and it'll be to late to even bother to investigate or prove it.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:21 AM
I also believe one day science will either totally prove or totally disprove God. But that day is a long way away.

No scientist will touch anything like this with a ten foot pole, you know they might get their funding cut.

Someone said make theories, I have lots of theories from ghosts, to God to time and time travel, unfortunately I don't have the funding to make any sort of "scientifically valid" investigation, and no one will even listen to my theories, must less work on them. Why should they not like I have a PHD or something? I have BSC but what is that good for anyways?

Anyone who wants to see can see that there is more than enough evidence of:
Out of body experience ( no its not a dream)
Shared dreaming.
Remote viewing
Future prediction
other death defying things (conducting electricity through body, not eating for 70 years, and so on)

Those places would be a good start.

There was something just a while back about all this(the entire universe/ multiverse) being a computer simulation. If that is ever proven then God would be whoever owned that computer. If you take the Hindu belief of the universe being inside the mind of God, this computer simulation thing is similar. If you go to the atomic level an atom is 99% (sometimes more) free space, so solid matter is 99% free space, suddenly it doesn't seem that far fetched.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:24 AM
That is probably true -

However, there is no guarantee that the Creator God was even involved in the founding of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Even if he was, there is no guarantee that the followers of those religions haven't been corrupted, or even the religions themselves.

I actually think that God - the Creator - and religion are completely different topics. In other words, God might not like religion very much because of all the damage and negative impact it has.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:45 AM
To make it neutral i use if.If there is a god, and god create us all and everything in universe and above, surely god would mastered all the science and technology.
Now if we try to imagine the technology alone 1000 years from now or even 1 million years, or even just what kind of cellphone in next 200 years would be not an easy thing.
So it might happened but it surely be hard if it is happening and will need a lot of wisdom from scientist society.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by darkbake

I think God would not be angry at religion but at the misuse of religion. I don't think there are many religious people around these days. Most religions teach us to do common sense stuff like not stealing, loving everyone, respecting your elders and such, not many people even do that, so yeah.

At this point I must say something I don't believe the Christian God is the real God, in the ten commandments it says

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God,visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

What the hell? You are a God what do you have to be jealous about? I will not believe any God who is jealous or demands that people worship him or go to hell.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by darkbake
I actually think that God - the Creator - and religion are completely different topics. In other words, God might not like religion very much because of all the damage and negative impact it has.

I've been saying the same thing for some time now.

Your post may be the first time I have ever seen someone else that agrees.

The evidence for this is massive, why do so few see it?

God and Religion are total opposites and enemies.

The reason is simple...

Satan is using Religion to be LIKE God.

This is what got him thrown out of Heaven.

This is also why he is referred to as the god of this world.

He also uses Religion to cause people to hate God.

This is the real agenda behind all of the atrocities committed by Religion.

Another clue is how all Religions completely contradict one another.

Religion was manufactured long ago by men who wished to control the masses. In essence, religion was the first form of mind control. When the Illuminati was formed, it was evident that religion was something that could keep the masses dumb and ignorant to what was really happening around them. Because of religion, the Illuminati has been able to work in secret for many, many years. Every major religion in the world has been infiltrated by the Illuminati. A group that calls themselves Light Feet has installed Illuminati members in every major religion of the world.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 07:31 AM
If you compare the mass of humanity to the upper crust movers and shakers of government, their beliefs reveal intent (By design) clearly. They DO believe in God. They do know that it is evident. Read any literature that is written from a well trained mind. Read anything that is written to the elite audience and you quickly find that they not only believe in God, but they see it as evident. With the same rational mind that can easily see God, they deny him as well. The denial is an attempt to work against God on a level of pride and disdain for the principles of law and order. Authority and power over the masses is the desired possession of a thief. The restriction against this is law. The aim of the thief is to neutralize the law by working one law against another. Compare this to two waves of sound that are matched pitch. One disappears into the other and remains hidden. The Bible refers to these people as the 'experts' in the law.

Read anything with the title 'Hermetic' and you will quickly learn the foundation of the experts. The foundation is of correspondences in nature is not evil, but the intent to subvert God's authority is evil. This is the central root of the problem with pride and deception in this world. The thief can only take. God's will is to give. The clash between causes the enemies of God to do what it takes to subvert the will of God in a mirror of actions that contradict the law. This contradiction is accomplished in such a way that the Builders (Masons) of this world remain hidden in the reflection, mirroring God's law in opposite. Here is what God says to them:

Luke 11:52

"Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering."

Entering into what? God's kingdom. The kingdom is coming and nothing the experts plan for can stop it. The kingdom is founded on giving and will deny the thief at all turns. If you break the law, it breaks you. The law cannot be broken, but it can be worked around by mirroring it by opposites. One law is worked against the other to neutralize the swing of the pendulum. In ritual magic, this is known as correspondence. Here is another verse to consider:

Isaiah 28

18 Your covenant with death will be annulled;
your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand.
When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by,
you will be beaten down by it.
19 As often as it comes it will carry you away;
morning after morning, by day and by night,
it will sweep through.”
The understanding of this message
will bring sheer terror.

Any agreement with God is an agreement to seek his will and authority. Any covenant against God is a conspiracy. The word conspiracy literally means against the spirit (Law) of God. To conspire against God is to work against His sovereign authority. This is where God is just in his dealings. He allows this for a season of time. Back when Enoch walked with God, he gave a 70 generation judgement against the Watchers (Fallen Angels). That 70 generation timeline expired on December 21, 2012. 33.33 degrees has now been traveled in nautical miles. 33.33 degrees on the ocean is 2012.9 miles, the same distance between Mt. Herman (Where the fallen beings arrived) and Zero Meridian in Paris (Louvre).

My point is this: They are well aware of what they are doing. They just don't realize it is a vain work. The 'Great Work' of the builders is a rejection of the Chief Cornerstone of faith. That chief cornerstone is giving rather than taking.

Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: "'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?

Taking the name of Christ requires the character of the name. The name is giving and Charity. A thief cannot give, but steals, kills and destroys. Know them by their fruit.

Originally posted by aerial
I dont think it'll be happening anytime soon. I really do believe they can, I think our government
is hindering science in such a way, our gov knows if they find the truth, it'll ruin all religions,
people will panic. Thats why theres really not any good studies about death/spirits and what
not. I believe government has SUCH A HOLD over science that if any word was to be
spread out in any nation, war would ensue, and many deaths will happen.

They dont mind if religion just go around dallying around skipping,
they have their own hold over religion just as well. Science is just as much
in cahoots with gov, just as religion is.

Just like UFOS! Prety sure science can find the answer to this quick, if they had a
"chance" but if they did, religion would be ruined just as well, religion already came
out with a excuse for aliens, now they're called demons
. So if aliens were true
basically they would be real life demons.

edit on 23-4-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

I just starred your post based on the first few lines of agreement with DarkBake. Then I saw this:

The reason is simple...

Satan is using Religion to be LIKE God.

Do you not see how you have swallowed "religion" hook, line, and sinker by even thinking there is a 'person' called "Satan"? God is not a person. Satan was invented by man just as religion and the description of God as a jealous jerk was invented by man.

Why can you not see that?

I can't 'unstar' you - so I have to reply to let you know why I would if I could.
edit on 23-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Originally posted by wildtimes
God is not a person. Why can you not see that?

A person cannot see that which he knows doesn't exist...

I was once an atheist...

I had NO beliefs in God or religion whatsoever.

Once a person has experienced a REAL encounter with the Creator of the universe, doubting is not even possible.

I don't base my beliefs on Religion, I base them on personal experience.

For what reason I do not know, but God gave me several supernatural encounters that left me KNOWING irrevocably without question that He is very much real.

I'm talking undeniable, unbelievable, mind blowing miracles here.

Now I can't prove it to you and won't even try, but by God He sure proved it to me.

I KNOW God is real from my own personal experience.

There is massive difference between believing and knowing.

Once you have had an incredible supernatural encounter, you will NEVER see things the same way again.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Once you have had an incredible supernatural encounter, you will NEVER see things the same way again.

I believe you, and when that happens, I'll be the first to admit I was naive.

But for now, I still don't think God or Satan are 'people'.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by kaleshwarchand777
reply to post by darkbake

I think God would not be angry at religion but at the misuse of religion. I don't think there are many religious people around these days. Most religions teach us to do common sense stuff like not stealing, loving everyone, respecting your elders and such, not many people even do that, so yeah.

At this point I must say something I don't believe the Christian God is the real God, in the ten commandments it says

“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God,visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

What the hell? You are a God what do you have to be jealous about? I will not believe any God who is jealous or demands that people worship him or go to hell.

Yeah my room-mates and I went over the Ten Commandments the other day, and this guy (God) basically spent four of them on this. Four! Out of ten! He only had ten! There is a lot of philosophical ground to cover about human relations in the first place. I would have been worried about only having ten commandments, not wasting them.

But he does admit he is a jealous God, credits there.
edit on 23-4-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

There are about 5 or 6 of those synagogues around my house, they're called churches.

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