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posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

I haven't noticed them either.Thought it was just me

The msm on the other hand, do push doom/war porn to suit the PTB agenda,

This is IMHO in order to keep the people in fear and more importantly, to lower the individual and collective vibration of the population, for reasons explained much better by others that feel the same way as I do, in other threads.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:14 PM
It just annoys me when I read posts by ATS members wanting to turn "NK into a parking lot". That phrase has been used many many times on ATS...

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:32 PM
Maybe Kim played a lot of Homefront?

So far Homefront's mostly aligned with the real world timeline, give or take a few minor details and dates - remember that "satellite" that DPRK launched last year - in Homefront, it's actually an EMP device of some sort that only needs to be triggered by DPRK and then sets off above, you guessed it, the United States of America.

Hopefully, all will be well...

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:43 PM
Thank you op and s&f to you.

I feel that a high percentage of persons who are ill-informed should go watch the recent reiteration of the "Red Dawn" movie; to get a small taste of what war in your home land really looks like. War is gruesome, war is unfair and war doesn't care what country you are from, so therefore it is unbiased. So in short, no one (North Koreans...Americans...Russians or Chinese) want to see their loved ones injured or even worse, killed. Just because a few crazy leaders sit in their luxurious homes and decide to play upon MILLIONS of lives, doesn't mean it is the right "thing" to do.

Although, the future appears grim their are many of us out there who have a conscious.

All the best, ZukaZuka.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:46 PM
To the person who started this thread, you're exactly right. We (mankind) have been moving backwards to the point we are pretty much cavemen with technology. Everything in the universe spirals including us. We are supposed to move forward (up) and spiral, up and spiral etc. (it would look like the number "9" repeatedly on top of itself) Instaed we are moving backwards, spiraling down... which would look like the number "6" spiraling down. For those of you who are religious or whatever, and wonder exactly what the mark of the beast is..... THINK ABOUT IT.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 05:59 PM
Theres only so long you can hold a gun in your mouth, thinking about the consequences, before the taste of the cold metal and sickly oil drives you insane and you pull the trigger just to make it stop.

I was born into the threat of nuclear bombs, get it over already or get rid of them.
edit on 2-4-2013 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by MrStyx

Couldn't agree more! CTRL-ALT-DEL

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 06:27 PM
I would agree. It's truly a cruel thing, to wish for the decimation of a species and it's host. However, knowing, planning and preparing for it's inevitability and ones survival, is entirely something else.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Spacespider

Very well put.
Man is lost. Absolutely lost.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by ZukaZuka
Thank you op and s&f to you.

I feel that a high percentage of persons who are ill-informed should go watch the recent reiteration of the "Red Dawn" movie; to get a small taste of what war in your home land really looks like. War is gruesome, war is unfair and war doesn't care what country you are from, so therefore it is unbiased. So in short, no one (North Koreans...Americans...Russians or Chinese) want to see their loved ones injured or even worse, killed. Just because a few crazy leaders sit in their luxurious homes and decide to play upon MILLIONS of lives, doesn't mean it is the right "thing" to do.

Although, the future appears grim their are many of us out there who have a conscious.

All the best, ZukaZuka.

You know, I'd go one step further... I haven't seen the remake so I don't know how emotional it was for gripping the heart with how it ends. However, the first Red Dawn was as sad and as tragic as it was action packed and exciting. A pretty good mix I think and anything but glorifying war. If anything....I think it showed why war sucks.

An even better one? We Were Soldiers. I've never watched that movie through without misty eyes. Not in just one part either. Two parts... Even recalling them sitting here gets me a little choked up. The middle of the battle, with the focus on the Wives and the notifications... (sigh) and the end...where Joe Galloway just flat breaks down and cries over his typewriter for what he'd just been through and experienced.

I think either or both of those are outstanding. I've been told on We Were Soldiers, by Vietnam vets, it's the most realistic film on the reality of combat in that war they'd ever seen. I can say my Father was an emotional wreck for days after seeing it... He was two tours in and training for a third when Nixon turned things around for withdrawal.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 08:08 PM
Dont trust ATS, read an article that its filled with shills and tons of disinformation. It was on reddit

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Spacespider

Reset cannot come by war.

The peace cannot happen in a world where the only language of rulers is coercion.

The current empire is not genuine. It has some shades of good (better than some earlier empires) but it still is not genuine. So it does not have the moral/spiritual force to rule the Earth.

Any regime that rules on the strength of sin will not last long on Earth. It has to perish. This is God's law.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Spacespider

Agree, to an extent. On MSM (yahoo) it is reported that N. Korea ISN'T mobilizing troops in connection with the confrontational rhetoric. People around me are talking about it, and I swear their eyes are shining with the (hope? - hope not) wonder that this all might be the spark the lights the fuse.

I don't get it. I don't want it. I want the world to stand down and think about what it means for all of us -- ALL of us -- if the big birds are launched.

It ain't good for anybody, anywhere.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 08:56 PM
Its like that saying absolute power corrupts absolutely. I tend to disagree as this puts blame on the power, the power is neutral with no agenda. It is people that are corrupt. Destruction seems destined because people are selfish, no matter what examples of so called good and selflessness one provides can prove otherwise. These are only examples of an action not a motive. Motives can never be proven and so are always questionable.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:09 PM
Is that the same thing as Doom Porn?

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:47 PM
The people who start wars are far removed from the gore. I can't understand why and how a society can let itself get so stoked on such a disgusting enterprise.

I must confess that I fell for "shock and awe". I remember "Baghdad Bob" throwing down the government line and lying to his country. We mocked him. Retrospectively, as futile as his actions and rhetoric were, he stands as a parody to the processes that are put upon any nation to inspire a populace to war.

Kim Jong Un is doing the exact same thing. He is however, again, removed from what war really is. He is removed and sanitized from what suffering is. The control of humanity in North Korea is a phenomenon that can readily occur in any nation. We get played in the US too. We fall for this stupid crap time and time again.

Then our soldiers come home and eat their guns and we wonder why.

If you have a desire to start a war, stand in front, not behind. Don't tell someone to take one for the team if you're not even going to come to the game. Let alone play.

I want TPTB to quit phoning in the hate. I going to change my number.

You should too.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by RighteousDude
The people who start wars are far removed from the gore. I can't understand why and how a society can let itself get so stoked on such a disgusting enterprise.

I must confess that I fell for "shock and awe". I remember "Baghdad Bob" throwing down the government line and lying to his country. We mocked him. Retrospectively, as futile as his actions and rhetoric were, he stands as a parody to the processes that are put upon any nation to inspire a populace to war.

Kim Jong Un is doing the exact same thing.

Is he? Maybe he has full intentions of going to war. If he has a right to nuclear armament as a defensive weapon then maybe the sanctions if they are costing people's lives in North Korea are unjust. Maybe he has a legal justification for protecting his countrymen's lives.

What if one of the countries that is helping to create financial distress and starvation lied to its own people about why Russia was in Afghanistan 20 years ago and was arming zealots that eventually came to be led by a man that attacked that country and in the process got 14,000 Russian soldiers killed and 3,000 of their own civilians killed, and then had to send troops in to do clean up that would have already been done had that country let Russian soldiers who were invited by the legal gov't to route religious zealots out of their nation?

Self-righteousness is not a legal justification for starving a nation.

North Korea is a sovereign nation and has a much right to flout the rules as other nations that lied about why Russia was in Aghanistan 20 years ago. North Korea's president has every right to defend his countrymen's lives against self-righteous that has no basis in reality, and he has duty to do so.

It's a mistake to view North Korea's president as the aggressor if people are losing their lives due to self-righteous that has not been validated. He could very well be on defense.

edit on 2-4-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-4-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Spacespider

Greetings SpaceSpider and all,

I'd like to share a quote from "The Evolving Self: A Psychology for the Third Millennium" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

It was published in 1993, is twenty years old and his work has evolved since. The author is one of the 'founders' of 'Positive Psychology' and studies the phenonon of 'Flow' and peak experiences. I've not a lot of time to go into his theories and research but what to share a couple of paragraphs that address this 'trend' that Space Spider is talking about.

What Happens When Flow Is Absent?

All the evidence agrees that when people in flow act at the peak of their capacity it both improves subjective well-being and has the potential for socially positive consequences. In each case, flow seems to be the engine of evolution propelling us to highter levels of complexity. But what happens when people aren't able to operate at full capacity, when their opportunities ae either too few or too daunting for them to experience flow?

What typically occurs under such conditions is that people are drawn to activitiesthat are wasteful or desructive, and in such cases ther result of seekingenjoyent in entropy, rather than harmony.....

Addiction to various chemicals is obviously an attempt to recapture some of the qualities of optimal experience by artificial means... But artificially induced flow is dangerous on two counts; first, it does not stretch skills and hence does not lead to complexity; and second, when it becomes physiologically addictive, it causes enormous amounts of entropy to the individual and to the group....

Or culture, too, has been paratized by memes that mimic the appearance of flow but do not produce its benefits. Recorded music, videos, TV, movies, pulp fiction and sleazy magazines soak up an enormous amount of attention. They produce a semblance of excitement in the mind, but to the extent that they do not require skills of any kind they take up energy without increasing complexity.

Thank you for your patience with the quote (s). Csikszentmihalyi has a graph with two axes: one, skill level - low to high and two, Challenge level - low to high (you can look it up at his website or google Csikszentmihalyi flow graph for several versions)

Flow occurs when both Challenge to you and use of your Skill is high is where flow happens. High Challenge matched with Skills that are too low for the challenge you have Anxiety. When your Skill is High but the Challenge low you have boredom.

Take a look at the model - it's fascinating.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 01:15 AM
Wish I had more than 1 star to give you, op.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Spacespider

It's nothing new, throughout history humankind has encouraged violence. It's in are nature to be violent and destructive. We hunted and wipeout are only relative species the neanderthal enough said. The downfall of mankind will be us in the end.

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