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Jesus Christ was a Demigod

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posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by dominicus

Originally posted by CallYourBluff
Jesus wasn't real. Why would an all knowing being turn water into poison (alcohol). Sounds like the bollocks of man to me.

Since when is alcohol considered a "poison" If we keep in mind the fact that it occurs naturally when fallen fruit begins to age naturally, its no a poison?

Sheesh, the intellect levels of many people on this planet, and on ATS, is just beyond my comprehension

Please read up on the definition of poison before you have a shallow,half arsed ignorant attack of facts. Alcohol is a poison to the physiology of a human. You tried to sound intelligent and failed so dismally. Go find some fox glove and eat it, it's also naturally occurring.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by CallYourBluff

Originally posted by dominicus

Originally posted by CallYourBluff
Jesus wasn't real. Why would an all knowing being turn water into poison (alcohol). Sounds like the bollocks of man to me.

Since when is alcohol considered a "poison" If we keep in mind the fact that it occurs naturally when fallen fruit begins to age naturally, its no a poison?

Sheesh, the intellect levels of many people on this planet, and on ATS, is just beyond my comprehension

Please read up on the definition of poison before you have a shallow,half arsed ignorant attack of facts. Alcohol is a poison to the physiology of a human. You tried to sound intelligent and failed so dismally. Go find some fox glove and eat it, it's also naturally occurring.

Oh ok, I got you now, you're going that route.

Okay then, let's play by your logic.

In that case, oxygen is also a poison. Anything below 19.5% is deadly as is anything over 21%.

Water? Also a poison if you drink to much. Same with food, same with vitamins, minerals, let's just go the full extent and exclaim everything as a poison, your posts also.....


so since everything is poison, means jesus wasn't real!!!! (sarcasm) lol facepalm

edit on 25-3-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

makes you wonder what was is known by some

Both of the paintings in your post are actually easily understood with some art history background. [color=gold] The Golden Disk is a physical depiction of the Holy Spirit, with the rays symbolizing the power coming down from the Holy Spirit. With our modern eyes, we see a disc UFO, but that isn't what the artist was doing. They also would put the golden disk behind the head of holy people, which evolved into a halo.

The OP post is VERY loosely tied to aliens by the way...really belongs better in the religion forum. Unless you're claiming that Jesus is an alien (which, technically, he'd be a hybrid...half from the Earth, half not)..

It is understood the DATA you share Gazrok. And as an experienced ATSr 1 knows you have encountered some better compiled data on this subject OP. With that in mind [color=gold] We MUST remember that the CURRENT understanding of ENERGIES mentioned of the TRINITY is related to DATA spanning back millennia(s) and as we remember we then gain more understanding of data that is more present that is presented in some of the Art works presented in the OP.

Personally 1 believes that the LORD JESUS CHRIST or the who is original model from... if deception at play, is more then 3d physical or genetic flesh related.. TO EA*RTH and many must keep in mind his SOUL/SPIRIT/INTERNAL ENERGY Guiding his Conscious, and from where that SOUL/SPIRIT/INTERNAL ENERGY came. With this in mind Gazrok 1 can see the Hybrid aspect you share carrying some truth. For the is/was of EA*RTH 3D Flesh material and OF (?) SOUL/SPIRIT/INTERNAL ENERGY it seems when the left after the Romans did what is said to of been done to the.

Gotta speak in terms of understanding this is a sensitive subject and many must have patience and compassin as we come to the TRUTH of it all (if that's the case) and not some sneak a different card but again @ the same time remember the FACE of DECEPTION jumps from the deceptor to the decepted ALL based on how well its fitter embraces the others IGNORANCE...

edit on 3/25/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Christ is from a different and wonderful loving group of Higher Ups compared to the other stuff in all the religions, and found it interesting that you mentioned the original one, which even if I don't accept have still researched alot, and in that search, my own opinion so far has been that the other christ candidates all warred or retaliated. Only if one did not do any such thing could one be a Higher Up. Or if one recovered from doing bad, though to be a true awake, walk in with memories and on mission, I don't believe he would ever have murdered or harmed. Which is why I prefer our Christ Yeshua, real or metaphor.

As to the old testament, the controlling warring religions. The draco's and reptilians have conquered and set up numerous prison or low level mind trap planets all over, with people just like us at various stages of history, who wonder whether they're alone, with religions so similar, languages so similar, occupations, governments and ISMS so similar.

For this really evil doing group of SLAVERS, this is a cookie cutter model so why mess with it or change it.

Imagine the power dark side has over souls/lights in practicums, without their memories, when they are taught from cradle to grave that the Highest Love and Goodness that would never hurt a flie and only helps all in need and equalizes and doesnt begrudge anything, but is Highest Counselors, Teachers, Healers and Lovers of all, is a God of War and Smiting, the one way road to hell. Quite a laying seige of souls I'd say.
edit on 25-3-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

Your signature claims that you "know kung fu". Great. That said, study up on grammar and punctuation please. Your 'truth' is hard to decipher. Opinion and truth are two different beasts. Do not confuse them.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Christ is from a different and wonderful loving group of Higher Ups compared to the other stuff in all the religions, and found it interesting that you mentioned the original one, which even if I don't accept have still researched alot, and in that search, my own opinion so far has been that the other christ candidates all warred or retaliated.

The way 1 sees it Unity_99 its like over time or periods/loops depending on how time is understood there seems to be evidence of beings here and believe or not ELSEWHERE, Human or Other that seem to Manifests from their ORIGINAL Conscious ENERGY forms they EXIST @ on HIGHER FREQUENCIES and LOCATIONS into what ever type of Environment SUIT FORM(S) based on the LOCATION they were ATTRACTED too due to LOWER Frequency vibration activities pulling them or CALLING Them into those realms of EXISTENCE in ENVIRONMENT SUIT FORM to assist.

Of course 1 would have to provide data of say MASSIVE Planet/Moon CARVINGS-Obelisk-Mounds etc. comparative to the Nazca lines to prove other zone activities (which 1 cannot )
for various reasons . But 1 feels their deeds done ELSWEHERE like HERE said to of been done by the LORD JESUS CHRIST have been HONORED just like TIME is associated to his time or last known Presence here...

Originally posted by Unity_99

Only if one did not do any such thing could one be a Higher Up. Or if one recovered from doing bad, though to be a true awake, walk in with memories and on mission, I don't believe he would ever have murdered or harmed.

Your Logic is understood. Just got to keep in mind @ times DEFENSE is NEEDED with those of the CREATOR Creation GROUPs that dislike and have no base to reason with others, presenting them LOGIC to Coexist as a CREATOR Creation Family and not ENEMIES based on some POWER related Agenda etc. But yes understood is your logic my friend.

Originally posted by Unity_99
As to the old testament, the controlling warring religions. The draco's and reptilians have conquered and set up numerous prison or low level mind trap planets all over, with people just like us at various stages of history, who wonder whether they're alone, with religions so similar, languages so similar, occupations, governments and ISMS so similar.

Yes reference my above post of Others Elsewhere and their deeds and Honors - 1 however doesn't place JUDGEMENT on ANY CREATOR Creation Group for deeds done. For 1 is not the Judge not Jury. And I try not to place assumptions on their said potential negative deeds w/o having the proper compiled Objective data of the deeds said to of been done as to understand potential agenda related.

Who knows some may be PROTECTING some from CREATOR Creation Groups that are less into PEACE and more into RULE take HOST and LAND invade etc. Sort of like if you view the HUMAN WARS here and the Countries that appear to TRY and assist but get bad names for stepping in or not stepping in, again my friend as far as the DRACONIANZ and other REPTILLIAN or questionable CREATOR Creation Groups the OBJECTIVE facts need presented before if access allowed to come to better OBJECTIVE outlooks on them..

edit on 3/25/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Trying to find the compassion for the ones dominating and harming is part of the purpose for being here, I believe. We're trying to perfect, and overcome the negative anger, reactions in us. Still, won't bury my head in the sand about the way things are run here and elsewhere, as much as possible, knowing the truth helps one sidestep from some of the traps, but also, to recover faster, if one does respond with anger, and try to find ones Love for everyone who is lacking the love.

And yes, am aware that all are tainted with brushes, when many are working for helping instead. Good post.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

I'm not Christian. Nor do I believe the bible to be anything more than a testimony written by man who was enlightened through different processes. Einstein claimed he entered a different dimension of awareness with his mind experiments. People who wrote the testimonies in the bible, claim dreams, orbs of light, and all kinds of supernatural methods in which they received their information. Which has been adapted, changed, and have entire gospels censured at the discretion of those in power. The elite. So I love to read it, but I don't take just a literal approach. I like to read between the lines, find parallels with comparative religions and all that stuff.

However, I do believe the bible is an important, integral part of our history. I consider it required reading, but I realize that's only my own opinion. I follow Christ in his teachings, and agree with all that he has laid out before us. But I feel the same for other great spiritual teachers too. So I've a complex system, which I love, because it's me and it's all I know. I can't box myself into a belief, I'd rather be an ever expanding circle of evolving beliefs.


posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:06 PM
Ha ha ha. Loved it. Keep trucking man, you make this place really funny. Even Jesus is laughing...

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:06 AM
Satan loves you more than Jesus.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by dondrews
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

Your signature claims that you "know kung fu". Great. That said, study up on grammar and punctuation please. Your 'truth' is hard to decipher. Opinion and truth are two different beasts. Do not confuse them.

It amazes me of all the things in the world you vould have said, spelling. Are you a teacher trying to correct my grammer? At least some people have somthing interesting to contribute. As far as the Kung fu is concerned, did you see the matrix, well its not about the kung fu at all, its about entering the matrix

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Miracula
Satan loves you more than Jesus.

Sound like somthing a satan lover would say, Christ would Love all, but not you, you think you have the right to judge, wonder what Jesus would say of your ignorance

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by STARTRUTH49

Originally posted by Miracula
Satan loves you more than Jesus.

Sound like somthing a satan lover would say, Christ would Love all, but not you, you think you have the right to judge, wonder what Jesus would say of your ignorance

LOL. Curious. Bizarre really given that I'm the kind of Christian who never attends church and would consider dating prostitutes before most of the women I have attended church with.

Nice try.

You are about as good as assessing someone's character as Bernie Madoff's clients.
edit on 26-3-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by Miracula

Ok well I give you that at least someone here is able to be honest, enjoy your girls

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:26 AM
I think Jesus , along with some other prophets, were scientists of their time. They were each, in their own right geniuses of their time.Their ideas have reached us. In our time we have had some as well. we are still having them.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by mehefit
I think Jesus , along with some other prophets, were scientists of their time. They were each, in their own right geniuses of their time.Their ideas have reached us. In our time we have had some as well. we are still having them.

Yes he was someone that was able to Master life, that is why he is called a master/ ascended master . blue blood of the ancients. Im also very sure that a lot of what he did was manipulated from above by those in the overshodowing sky craft, using advanced technology and this in part is how he was able to do so many unbelieveable things.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by dominicus

Originally posted by CallYourBluff

Originally posted by dominicus

Originally posted by CallYourBluff
Jesus wasn't real. Why would an all knowing being turn water into poison (alcohol). Sounds like the bollocks of man to me.

Since when is alcohol considered a "poison" If we keep in mind the fact that it occurs naturally when fallen fruit begins to age naturally, its no a poison?

Sheesh, the intellect levels of many people on this planet, and on ATS, is just beyond my comprehension

Please read up on the definition of poison before you have a shallow,half arsed ignorant attack of facts. Alcohol is a poison to the physiology of a human. You tried to sound intelligent and failed so dismally. Go find some fox glove and eat it, it's also naturally occurring.

Oh ok, I got you now, you're going that route.

Okay then, let's play by your logic.

In that case, oxygen is also a poison. Anything below 19.5% is deadly as is anything over 21%.

Water? Also a poison if you drink to much. Same with food, same with vitamins, minerals, let's just go the full extent and exclaim everything as a poison, your posts also.....


so since everything is poison, means jesus wasn't real!!!! (sarcasm) lol facepalm

edit on 25-3-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

Errr, so Poison doesn't exist?

This has to be one of the dimmest replies I have ever read on this site. Alcohol IS a poison and in no way comparable to Oxygen.
The funny thing is you truly believe in your delusional shallow logic and use it to call others ignorant.Laughing Out Loud doesn't cut it right now.

Just to add, is this where you got your information. The first result off of google.

edit on 26-3-2013 by CallYourBluff because: (no reason given)

I wonder how many people laugh at you, rather than with you in your life.

edit on 26-3-2013 by CallYourBluff because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:29 PM

A demigod (or demi-god), meaning half-god, is originally a Greek mythological figure whose one parent was a god and whose other parent was human;[1] as such, demigods are human-god hybrids. Examples of well-known demigods include Greek hero Heracles (Roman Hercules), the Celtic hero Cuchulain, the Sumerian king Gilgamesh (who supposedly was actually two thirds god).

Definition of DEMIGOD 1 : a mythological being with more power than a mortal but less than a god 2 : a person so outstanding as to seem to approach the divine

is this what this thread is trying to establish?
i got lost when ufo's came up.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 04:33 PM
Again, I really enjoy this thread, and its premise. However, can't go so far as to link demigod with Jesus/Yeshua. Demigod, may mean to some hybrid, which humanity is and the elite are even more so in a sense, with some bad/faulty brain wiring that reduces their compassion and turns them into sharks basically. Even think sharks may have more emotion as there are countless stories akin to dolphin stories, of friendships developing.

In any case, demiurge and demigod to me is associated with false paradigms and boxes, not opening your mind and I can't call Christ that.

But still enjoy this discussion.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
I follow Christ in his teachings, and agree with all that he has laid out before us.

Really? Do you cast out demons? Because if you really read the Gospels, that appears to be the thing Jesus did the most as he wandered around with his followers. That seems to be the way they made money to support themselves. A little bit of preaching, a whole lot of demon casting. They even get worried when other people are doing the same thing, but in Jesus's name. Competition. Are you a good sorcerer?

edit on 26-3-2013 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

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