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2 disaster dreams 2 nights in a row...

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posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:25 PM
I've had very vivid dreams the past two nights, both with natural disaster themes. I've never had a dream, to my recollection that included tornadoes or earthquakes. Both dreams stuck with me, and I remember most of the details.

Last night's dream:
I'm at a college (been out of college for some years now) in San Francisco (city which I have visited in real life once), and I'm taking a shower. The showers were communal, and everyone used the same shower head, so the water was constantly running. I thought to myself that it was weird enough being naked in front of so many people, but no one thought it was strange. Well, I see that when we shower the water turns reddish brown. Most of the girls mention that it must be fake tan washing off, but it's everywhere. It sort of looks like blood. After everyone was almost done showering, a man walks in to say that the college uses way too much water and it's horrible for the environment and it is about to run out. We all quickly get out and agree it was irresponsible to take such long showers and be wasteful.

As soon as we step out, the ground rumbles. Everyone rushes to hold on to a railing or something. It's a funny scene as half of everyone in this giant room is naked and half is dressed. Most of the student body is from San Francisco, so they aren't too worried about the earthquake and have had many drills and know what to expect. Since I'm not from around there, I'm very quiet and am listening to what others are saying around me but hear no one in particular. The windows start to jiggle and then it suddenly stops. Most people think it is over and begin to walk away when a low humming, growling begins and gets louder each second. I hear someone scream "That's Centric! Brace yourselves for the big one!" (This is the one phrase that I hear clearly from someone during the entire earthquake. I have no clue what Centric would mean pertaining to an earthquake) Everyone holds on to something for dear life as the school slips into the ground piece by piece. My side never budged, but most everything else around me was gone.

Later on, I dreamt about going to class and then woke up. I don't remember the details.

The night before last:
I was at what looked like some sort of dude ranch in a desert like area (which I have never visted in real life). I was searching for my husband to tell him something and got side tracked talking to some patron of the hotel. I was speaking with him about buying land (which I'm doing in real life), and I walked him outside to show him something. The sky went dark in an instant, clouds started to swirl, and I thought to myself "Dorothy made it through a tornado, so there is nothing to worry about". I scan the horizon for my husband and only see people running for cover and running to lay in ditches.

The man I'm speaking with yells for everyone to hold on. I grab on to him and lay flat on the ground. I wrap my legs around some rope-like fence that is next to me. The tornado rolls right through the middle of the dude ranch, and we see people flying into the sky. My legs are so tangled in the rope that we fly up a little but are secure. I'm thinking the whole time how embarrassing it is that everyone can see my underwear since I'm wearing a skirt and it's blowing about. Lots of people seem to be missing once the tornado pulls through the other side. There is wood from the buildings littering the ground. I get up, fix my skirt, and run to find my husband. I find him hours later in a hole in the ground, drunk. I'm angry he never came to look for me, but at least he is one of the few left alive.

Later on I had a dream I went to a 2 story supermarket and then woke up. That dream isn't as clear either.

So anyway, thought I'd share! It was so weird to have a tornado dream with a relative location followed by an earthquake dream with an exact location. They definitely stayed with me after I woke up. I have vivid dreams a lot, but none stick with me word for word.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:31 PM
I dont usually dream of disasters and when i do they are usually water related which means family or personal problems. Last night i think for the first time ever I had a dream of an attack. It felt like usa,it was in color also. but I dont know, this could be a fear based dream from the world nuclear talk, but then again it could be a preminition. we do get them we just dont always believe or pay attention. I guess time will tell.
edit on 11-3-2013 by lbndhr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

I was surprised by the dreams I had because if I have crazy dreams, I usually just blame it on getting on ATS too much or reading. I haven't been on but a few times in the last month since I'm so busy moving right now. I've also never had a dream with an exact location before. Usually my dreams are in a nondescript place.

As far as water related dreams meaning family problems, I can see how that might work. Moving is stressful, and my husband and I have been fighting a lot about it - mostly him wanting to keep crap and having too much junk. On top of that, I'm sick for the first time in about 5 years. It's mostly allergies since the pollen is crazy high, but I can't remember feeling this sick in forever.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by fictitious

Ya, I also have been moving from aisona ( the last letter of the alphabet, that key on my keyboard is brokeb, I will use a S in its place) to colorado, been in a travel trailer with hubby and daughter, 3 small pomerinians and a cat. we are moving into our apartment today, its been 3 weeks. I had to suddenly stop smoking after 33 years, am having health issues also. hmm maybe my dream is life related.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:01 PM
Two questions.

1. Do you read a lot about desasters, or about predictions, e.g. here on ATS ?

2. Did you recently, let's say within the past 4 months, watch desaster movies ?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

I think stress definitely plays a part of our dream world, so it could be!

I just don't know if I'm sold on dreams always 100% having to be related to our own personal lives. Somethins I think they can just be related to what's going on in the world.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
Two questions.

1. Do you read a lot about desasters, or about predictions, e.g. here on ATS ?

2. Did you recently, let's say within the past 4 months, watch desaster movies ?

1. I do read the occasional disaster thread here on ATS, but I haven't been on in a while. I used to be on daily, but since January, not so much. It's more like 5 mins of reading headlines once every few days.

2. None that I can think of. I don't watch too much tv aside from a few shows.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by fictitious

Thanks for sharing. I thought - why not, and am deciding to share a few of my own. I never remember my dreams so remembering three of them during the first week of march was significant for me. No change in sleep habits, no drugs, nothing different in my life so could be just three strange powerful dreams out of the blue....

Dream 1 of three first week of march:
So real I woke twice in sweat and heart pounding - violent and persistent thumping at a window in my upstairs unused bedroom. Someone was trying to get in and would eventually break the window. I wake up to this noise (I did not really wake up though). I was afraid and tried to listen for more pounding (thinking I had dreamed it yet I'm still dreaming while thinking this). I notice the curtains in my front room are wide open and feel afraid - thinking that someone knows I'm alone and wondering if they know how thin the windows are to my 100 year old house. (I had fallen asleep on my couch). Anyway - I notice the curtains open and know my house is completely vulnerable.

I think I woke up and realized it was all just a dream because the curtains were closed but cannot be sure I woke up before the next unrelated dream...

Something with very large teeth trying to bite me. I used all my strength and managed to hold it off. Woke up.

Second dream first week of march
My son ran home from his friends house out of breath saying "mom mom mom are you watching the news? Turn it on channel? Come and see. My son is 11 years old. Was very realistic. I did not sense NK but rather something with Israel but in the dream that was likely my sense due to checking in on news about them every couple of weeks.

3rd dream first week of march
A bunch of people were lined up with lambs or sheep. Each person had one. Our arms were held behind our backs and we all knew to stay quiet or else. While we were forced to watch "our lambs/sheep" be tortured and killed in front of us. Feeling was betrayal - our loving pets not knowing we couldn't save them due to force. Lambs were deliberately facing away from their owners so were not aware it was not us doing the torturing.

Why would I suddenly begin waking at just the right moment to be able to remember when it's such a rare thing for me to remember at all? Why so extremely vivid and real? Why do mine have the same themes of "vulnerability and fearful things" as yours? I guess my questions are my reason for posting - to explore. I know how to interpret dreams and can do this with my own but there is something off about this series of dreams.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:32 PM
In reading what others are saying I guess it's valid to try to tie these things into the context of our lives. I have no clue what this feeling of "impending doom or expectation" is about but it increased 10 fold after these dreams. I likely need to keep putting my mind into other things and in spite of being extremely busy I feel I can overcome this if I practice overriding this sense I have. The dreams were likely from a slight feeling/a 6th sense I've had for some time now that things will change in the world. I cannot even narrow it down to the world but "something" in the most ancient part of myself that won't be quiet. In the meantime it is an extremely troubling and unsettling feeling that is not helpful to a good quality of life so I think it's time to override at every turn. I must also add I'm not paranoid and don't put much into drama or threats facing us. I think I check ATS sometimes just as a way to check, hoping to find an answer such as, "oh....that's what it was". Maybe it's playing on my subconscious. Thanks for your thoughts everyone

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by fictitious

Thank you for the prompt answer.

Seeing that not a single one desaster dream, posted here on this forum, has ever come true, do you have reason to believe that your dreams might be anything else but dreams, most likely caused by your subconsciousness processing things you read here ?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:15 PM
Thank you so much for sharing! I, too, have had extremely vivid dreams lately (have some threads on them), but wanted to reply because I've had some specific to what you've written about, but one was 3-4 years ago and the other a couple of months ago.

The Earthquake:

Like I said, a few years ago, I saw something happen in what I then believed (and still do) to be San Francisco. Now, to be fair and honest here, it wasn't quite a dream. I had been cleaning my bedroom when suddenly it was like I was instantly dreaming and saw what I'm about to tell you. It was as real as if I were there and I can still recall all of the sounds and sights with it, just like with a lucid dream. Here it is:

I was standing on a beach that was next to a main road (4 lanes) that had a sidewalk between the beach and the road. There wasn't much distance between the sidewalk and the water, so the beach itself wasn't that "deep". it was the kind of beach that's just for walking, etc. It was early in the morning by the way the sun was in the sky and it was a little cool out, but I knew it was either June or September, by the way the air felt, but I'm leaning toward June. There was a guy running on the beach and a guy on a bicycle across the street. Across the street were white buildings, some just a few floors, others about 5-10 floors, seemed like office buildings, but I'm not sure, but it seemed like it was the south end of a downtown area, just outside of it. They looked like white adobe or white stucco. Suddenly there is a huge crash of something off to my left and behind me, as I'm still facing the buildings. Simultaneous to the crash, a huge cracking sound ripped through the air and the buildings across the street crumbled and crush the guy on the bicycle. Suddenly, I'm over the city and I can see there are hills throughout the city, big hills, and I watched in horror as the water climbed the hills, I mean, it was so quick, so complete, just covering everything. Then I woke from what I can only describe as an involuntary trance-like state. I was so upset, it felt so real, and I've been watching that area ever since. I have to tell you, it is something that crashes in the water that causes a chain reaction of events, either triggers an earthquake or the horrible impact caused something like a quake, but definitely resulting in a tsunami. A month or so ago, my husband had a dream of standing in San Francisco in the financial district and watching as a fireball crashed into the area. I'm wondering if maybe a meteor might hit the city, but in the water, causing this? Of course, who can know if this would even happen, but I do wonder.

The tornado:

Again, California. I'm riding in a 1940s-style car without seat belts with my two kids, funny enough, Johnny Cash is driving
We're driving along the 101 headed south, not sure exactly where, though. Suddenly, I'm watching as over the small stone wall that is next to the road are 5 tornadoes, coming in off the ocean. I'm screaming to get him to pull over the car and we get out and brace ourselves as we watch the tornadoes come towards us, joined into one giant tornado, but it passes over us, to my disbelief, and separates back into 5 separate tornadoes again. That was the only time I've ever dreamed of a tornado

You'll see that there are so many people have natural disaster dreams as of late, many even having the same ones. Ive been somewhat shocked to see the sheer number actually. What does stick out to my about yours is nudity, maybe that aspect is personal to you? Please, keep posting if you have any more of them! Thanks!

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:27 PM
Ha! I found it! I think this is what your dream was telling you with "centric":

"The point at depth where faulting is initiated is called the focus or

The area of the fault where the sudden rupture takes place is called the focus

The epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the hypocenter "

Hypocentric is a term that is used when discussing a quake. Now, applying that info to your dream, it would mean that in your dream, wherever you were was the area above where the quake initiated, if I'm understanding correctly. Do you know what school you were in in SF? Here's a pretty lengthy list, so any kind of memory of what you may have seen in the dream could be a good indicator of what school you were at. I know it seems silly, but being able to verify dream places in real life often helps validate the dream itself, one way or the other

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Dianec

The point of vulnerability is odd in your dreams. I never had a sense of helplessness in mine though. I guess in my dreams I was just as cocky as in real life haha.

What struck me most about your post was having vivid dreams beginning in March. I don't remember having many dreams last month, but this month has been full of them. Most are usually just adventurous and normal, but still...maybe it being March and all this stuff going on with Iran has our minds all riled up.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
reply to post by fictitious

Thank you for the prompt answer.

Seeing that not a single one desaster dream, posted here on this forum, has ever come true, do you have reason to believe that your dreams might be anything else but dreams, most likely caused by your subconsciousness processing things you read here ?

I definitely am not saying the dreams are prophetic, but they are strange for me. I have never, ever had a dream that put me at a definite location. That in itself is strange. I do consider myself intuitive, but that usually has to do with only my life and friend's lives. People frequently call me to ask how some situation will turn out, and I give warnings to people a lot when I have bad feelings, but never have I used a dream to formulate an opinion or take as prophetic.

Since I had two disaster dreams in a row, I felt like I should post it. If I have another one tonight, then maybe I'll think more of it. For now, it's just very strange....and that word Centric is bothering me.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Dianec
In reading what others are saying I guess it's valid to try to tie these things into the context of our lives. I have no clue what this feeling of "impending doom or expectation" is about but it increased 10 fold after these dreams. I likely need to keep putting my mind into other things and in spite of being extremely busy I feel I can overcome this if I practice overriding this sense I have. The dreams were likely from a slight feeling/a 6th sense I've had for some time now that things will change in the world. I cannot even narrow it down to the world but "something" in the most ancient part of myself that won't be quiet. In the meantime it is an extremely troubling and unsettling feeling that is not helpful to a good quality of life so I think it's time to override at every turn. I must also add I'm not paranoid and don't put much into drama or threats facing us. I think I check ATS sometimes just as a way to check, hoping to find an answer such as, "oh....that's what it was". Maybe it's playing on my subconscious. Thanks for your thoughts everyone

This reminds me of a thread by smyleegirl (I think). The topic was "The waiting game". It's like many of us feel like we are waiting for something to happen. I totally agreed with the thread. Not sure if it's bad or good, but I'm still waiting.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by mountaingirl1111
Ha! I found it! I think this is what your dream was telling you with "centric":

"The point at depth where faulting is initiated is called the focus or

The area of the fault where the sudden rupture takes place is called the focus

The epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the hypocenter "

Hypocentric is a term that is used when discussing a quake. Now, applying that info to your dream, it would mean that in your dream, wherever you were was the area above where the quake initiated, if I'm understanding correctly. Do you know what school you were in in SF? Here's a pretty lengthy list, so any kind of memory of what you may have seen in the dream could be a good indicator of what school you were at. I know it seems silly, but being able to verify dream places in real life often helps validate the dream itself, one way or the other

Wow, thanks mountaingirl! That made me have the goose bumps when I read that. I have no knowledge of earthquake terms. I briefly googled "centric" and only came up with companies. I didn't dig though.

That word just stuck with me. I woke up and immediately told my husband the dream and kept repeating the word over and over.

As far as what college, none rang a bell for me. It was simply a dream, but the room I was in was sort of like an atrium. The room was square but two stories. All four sides of both stories looked down into an open courtyard/atrium....if that makes sense. There was a huge glass window that was two stories tall on one side. I don't quite remember what was outside the window.

Sort of like this...but I was on the second story. Not sure if there were more stories. I didn't exactly think it was a library though. It was just empty, except for people. With the giant window.


But yeah, the nudity was interesting in both. Maybe it was just a little comic relief, but I often wonder what I would do if something happened in the middle of the night while sleeping nude. Get dressed? Run out of the house naked? Find a sheet and run, etc. Maybe that was just my mind incorporating that sort of "fear" into my dream. That or it was just that I was sleeping naked and went to bed thinking how soft the sheets were lol.
edit on 11-3-2013 by fictitious because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 07:03 AM
Your dream about the tsunami in San Francisco strikes a cord with me as I've been following the fireballs/meteorites hitting earth more frequently since mid-Feb. All of this correlates to the Far Sight Institutes remote viewing study showing asteroids/meteorites will hit earth simultaneously prior to end of June 2013 causing wide spread tsunamis and flooding.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 07:35 AM
I'm in San Diego, CA. We had a small earthquake (4.7) close to here yesterday. It's larger than normal for the fault that produced it, so geologists are saying it could be a fore shock.

Link to local news story

This is a fault famous for big earthquakes according to retired geology professor Pat Abbott, Ph.D. “There’s always that slight chance – slight chance now – that this could be the foreshock of something larger. Probably not. Usually this is just an event all by itself,” Abbot said. “It doesn’t hurt to keep it in mind, in the next 72 hours in particular,” he said. “If a larger one is going to occur it would probably be during that three-day period.” Residents were urged to prepare for a number of disaster scenarios, including how to cope for being at least “two weeks on your own.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 08:17 AM
I had a dream about a year-18 months ago,about San Fran being destroyed by an earthquake-did'nt think too much of it,as SF is sort of associated with earthquakes.I have'nt ever forgotten it though,the destruction was very bad,but i did see survivors walk away unharmed too.A few nights ago,i had another eq dream-my son and i were with a couple i don't know in real life,and we seemed to be in an apartment building,quite high up.This looked like an American city,though this time there was no indication or knowing which one.The apartment was a mess,totally wrecked-water everywhere too, from ruptured pipes+geysers,i would assume.We were worried that we would'nt be able to get out,the guy told us to wait till things stabilised a bit.Then later he said it should be ok now,but we should hurry.I remember grabbing my son's Ben10 sandals,and we left.Then the dream shifted,and i was in my kitchen talking to 2 women i don't know,a mother and daughter,i got the idea they were Jewish.It ended with one of my cats making a loud racket+me throwing him out,through the window. I dont as a rule get disaster dreams,and i never worry about earthquakes,we live on one of the most geolocically stable regions on earth,here.In fact very seldom in my life have i had disaster dreams,i cannot recall others right at this moment,except one that don't apply to this thread.It may have featured a drone or missile.A man used this sinister flying thing like a cross between a plane and a missile, to try to set the whole world on fire.But some one stopped him not long after the first fires were lit.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by curiouswa

Wow interesting. I didn't know a foreshock could come up go three days in advance. I always figured it was just hours before. I'll keep watch for any headlines in the next week or so. Hopefully nothing comes of it. Last night I didn't have any memorable dreams. Just fuzzy normal ones I can barely remember. They were negative though...fighting with some lady over furniture oddly enough.

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