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posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 01:46 PM
"Discrepancy is the difference of the same point in space at two different moments in time which is growing exponentially while we move away from the reference point chosen."

and this can create Harmony

"Convergence of two-point edge discrepancies can be transmuted from one vector to another vector of convergence only if the time interval has a repetition period."

like here

And this will give you a pulse interval.

This is one of the reasons that in some cases of CPR with one of its components the electro- shock (cardio version) called 'Defibrillation' which is trying to restart the heart can sometimes fail or may succeed and the main reason is Discrepancy.

Indeed the reason is Discrepancy.

because of the optimal timing of shock delivery in the cardiac cycle may not converge with the contraction of Myocardium I mean there may be a Discrepancy in transmiting electrical msv from Sinoatrial Node to the Atrioventricular Node and forward while this process is taking place.

very complicated indeed.

Well but in fact we can say that discrepancy is refering to time I mean time is the governor of Discrepancy and this can be related to Times.

because there is a certain Discrepancy between past time and present Times and that can be seen and felt all over the world.

Of course with the meritorious question 'Why?'.

because Discrepancy is like a wintersun in mid summer.

Or maybe because we cannot look into the future.

But if we could approach again the two same point(s) in time then I guess the discrepancy would disappear.

But for this we need to transmute them from one vector to another therefore we need a repetition period.

If the past fires and present fires can meet will have same color but I guess with different temperatures.

Oh I was reffering to the fires of the soul of course.

Therefore we have a Discrepancy of the Harmony.


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