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Your help is requested. Help interpret this dream.

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posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 12:46 AM
Hello all. I have been having some very vivid dream as of late, and have decided to start taking a "dream journal".

I had a very intense dream the other night, and upon waking up, I wrote down every detail I could remember. Can you find any meaning or symbolism in this dream?

Here's what happened in the dream...

I was talking with an ex-coworker as we walked through a park that had a lot of construction going on.

We passed by a smoothie vending truck that was giving out wristbands. I got one and it changed colors between blue and green.

The park had a lot of people in it playing different sports games, and I kept running into people that I haven't seen in awhile. One of the people I met up with wanted some juice or milk that I had in my car, and I remembered I had an empty container in my car that I could pour it into, so we walked back to get some.

When I walked up to the car, I was joined by a girl that I felt like I knew in the dream, but don't know who it was in real life. There was a man trying to steal the container out of my car, and he said he planned to be gone by the time I got back. I exchanged some harsh words with him and got the container back.

I went back to the sports fields to give my friend the juice/milk, but couldn't find him. Instead I ran into some other people I knew. After talking with them for a bit, the clouds in the sky began doing crazy things. At one point they looked like whirling red flames. They then turned white and grey, and looked as if they were from a time lapse video (moving very fast).

Suddenly, a dense fog moved in from the distance REALLY fast, and it startled a lot of us as we ran underneath a structure for shelter. You could see into the distance for miles and miles and suddenly the sky was consumed with thick black clouds like the ones you see in a bad thunderstorm.

It looked as if the Earth had been twisted around so that there were tall buildings sticking out of the clouds above us (if that makes sense?). Stacks of logs kept falling into organized piles that grew very high.

I looked up at this spire that was atop one of the buildings sticking out of the clouds above me and it had flames shooting out from the top of it. At this point, everyone was mesmerized and simply trying to figure out what was going on.

Suddenly, one by one the buildings in the "sky" began falling and they had massive clumps of Earth attached to them. Picture a tree being uprooted and all of the dirt that would be attached to it.

3 or 4 of them fell, each with a massive explosion when they hit the ground. Our group of people under the shelter structure were far enough away to be able to see the entire explosion fireballs, almost like atom bombs in the distance.

Then, when one of the buildings fell and exploded the fireball turned into a face, then vanished. Everyone gasped and started yelling frantically, but I didn't recognize the face.

Someone yelled it was "Joseph from the Bible" and then everyone started praying including myself. I kept repeating the phrase, "Please Jesus" really fast, over and over.

I looked up, and it looked like the structure we were standing under was tipping over on top of us. As it fell, the panic increased, and I woke up...

Please note that I am in NO way claiming that this was some type of vision into the future seeing "doomsday". ATS has been flooded with these lately, and I am not trying to claim that is the case.

I am simply curious if anybody out there has experience in interpreting dreams, so that I can try and get some sense of why I dreamt this. It was very disturbing.


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:27 AM
I am curious for clarification before I take a stab at this. You said in your dream everyone began to pray, you included. Are you religious? How deep is your faith, if you do have one?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

Thank you for your response!

I would not call myself religious per say. I do believe in God, but I practice that belief on my own terms, if that makes sense.

I don't go to church on Sundays or anything, but I do have my own type of faith.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:04 AM
I think your dream means that before long, you will be confronted with your true purpose, forcing you to reorganize the way you look at the world. Someone will appear to stand between you and your purpose, but his role is to help you test your mettle, to put you in a position to begin your journey rather than impede you in any real way. You may find meaningful information in the book of John, the book of revelations (written by biblical John) or the secret book of John (google it.), or perhaps all three.

Good luck on your search.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by No_man4

Wow that's a great interpretation.

Thanks so much for your feedback!

Can you tell me why you came to that conclusion though?

edit on 26-1-2013 by csuldm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by csuldm

maybe all started to go wrong becouse you took the wristband like everyone else? then you were moving somewhere and had to go back for something that someone else wanted.. i have had these dreams that someone is acting like they need something from me, when really they dont have any good intentions..

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by csuldm

Sounds to me like your standard every night mixture of both thoughts, bits of experience and TV memories.

Although dreams can sometimes be a way for a persons sunconscious to work out issues...a lot of times a dream is just random visions and thoughts that one has either thought about or seen in every day life.

In you case this dream would seem to be the later.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I appreciate your feedback, but how can you say that my dream is supposed to be a way for me to work out some kind of problem?

I definitely don't have any weird problems. I'm just a normal person.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by csuldm

It is not a problem as defined as a personal is more a problem that the Conscious mind cannot solve but the subconscious which acts like a recording computer that records and stores EVERYTHING that a persons senses have detected or anything a person has ever thought.

Say you lost your sunglasses. You lose them a year ago and now you don't even think about it. Then one day at the beach you are walking in the sand and out of the corner of your eye you could if you consciously thought about it...see a pair of sunglasses exactly like the ones you lost.

That person is a guy who looks a bit like an old buddy you knew who lived in another state you once visited and when you were there you watched Independence Day on TV.

Your conscious mind does not even think about this but your Subconscious in that split second access all the sensory input and memory of these events.

That night you dream and have all these images such as water from the beach and sand and perhaps some girl you saw when you were with your buddy and the club you went to and then you see explosions from the movie you watched.

This is your subconscious trying to communicate with your conscious mind about some trivial events that happen to be connected.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by csuldm

No problem, I hope it helps.

I can try. let's see here...

First, there's the smoothie truck, symbolizing god. Why? It's big and obvious, sitting in the middle of the park(symbolizing earth) dispensing refreshment, but not everyone can tell it's there. If they could, then your friend would have gone to the truck instead of asking you.
For a drink to be a smoothie, it has to be made of fruit (evoking the image of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil) and dairy, like ice cream or yogurt (esoterically, the nourishing essence of god is symbolized by milk because though milk is fluid and seemingly insubstantial, it's full of nutrients). So, the smoothie represents spiritual knowledge and sustenance from the divine. When you approached the truck, you didn't come away with a smoothie. Why? Because you already had one, back at the car. Instead, you received the bracelet identifying you as an agent of the smoothie truck, or a bearer of spiritual knowledge. When connecting to the divine, a color which is neither green or blue, but both in their purest forms at once shows in an individuals aura.(you'll just have to take my word on that one for now.)
The park or sports field is analogous to earth. Why? Because at a sporting event, we split ourselves in to arbitrary teams and put all our energy in to blustering about how much better "our" team is than "their" team like it actually means something. After the game though, ultimately, we're all human, and we all want the same things. When we come to earth, we put on these human jerseys, and we play at the game of peoples and nations. Ultimately though, we're just little pieces of god in costume, and it's just a game, realistic though it may be.
The strange-yet-familiar female represents the high priestess from the tarot. Like the moon reflects sunlight down to the earth in the dark, the priestess reflects divinity from the realm of god to the consciousness of the individual, which is why she showed up out of nowhere while you were on to your way back to the car to retrieve your smoothie(spiritual knowledge/acquaintance with god.)
The car is analogous to the chariot from the tarot, and represents your mortal self. Much like you get in your car and use it to move around the world, your 'soul' or true self climbs in to your mortal consciousness and uses it to get around and interact with the physical world. Acquaintance with god is found within, never without. That's why your 'smoothie' is gotten from the car, and not from the smoothie truck.
Then there's the would-be thief. Thieves can't be stopped, only deterred. If the thief really wanted to steal your cup, you would have found nothing but a busted window and an empty car. Even if you happened upon the scene while he was in the act, he would have taken what he wanted and run. That he stopped and talked to you shows that his was only token resistance. He never meant to get away clean, he was only there so that you could tell him what for and claim what's rightfully yours.
The cup symbolizes your capacity to carry and distribute the spiritual knowledge represented by the smoothie. Laying claim to the cup and 'owning' your role as a bearer of knowledge constitutes a spiritual awakening, which is never a smooth transition. The chaos that greeted you upon your return to the sports field represents the metaphorical 'turning upside down' of one's world that usually accompanies such a transition.
I recommended the books of John because I had a brain fart the first time I read your post and mistook 'Joseph' for 'John', but I don't believe that there are such things as coincidences, and you still may find something of use to you by reading them anyway.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by No_man4


You went from a Smoothie all the way to telling him to read the Bible? LOL!

No other person can tell another what that persons dreams are really about. To do so is a form of Self Mental Masterbation.

You can tell them why the Conscious and Subconscious do what they do...but to actually interpret something that by it's very nature is only specific to the individuals own Subconscious as even the person dreaming either will have a hard time or find it impossible to figure out what the dream was all about.

And thats why I drink beer.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

If you had told me four years ago that one day soon I'd be talking to people about god in earnest, I would have scoffed just as hard. Life's funny that way.

The language of the subconscious is symbolism, and the most basic unit of vocabulary is the archetype which transcends time and culture, and is essentially the same for all humans. Surely someone so knowledgeable in the mysteries of the subconscious such as yourself is familiar with the work of C.G. Jung.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by No_man4

That is such a great interpretation! Thank you so much for that.

Do you have experience with tarot?

I am an old soul that is only visiting this world.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by No_man4

Actually it is the act of Dreaming during REM Sleep that generates Symbolism...the Subconscious by itself is very specific data. We can only access some of this data by way of dreams as when the data was collected by the Subconscious while a person was conscious...the conscious mind never even knew that it had observed something that had a connection to something else that the conscious mind was also aware of.

Never read anything by that person.

Also...It is not the dreamer in this case that was having a dream that was really an association with GOD.

That association was made by YOU.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by csuldm

Glad to be of service.
Yeah, I've done some reading. I like to keep a deck close at hand, it can be useful at times.
I feel the same way, although often I feel as though I've visited longer than I would like, and there's still much to be done before I can leave.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by No_man4

Do you give readings?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

The subconscious isn't data itself, the subconscious contains data relayed to the conscious mind during REM. The difference is subtle, but real.
If you haven't read about Jung,I'd recommend it. He was a big contributor to analytical psychology as we understand it today. You'd probably find his work very interesting.

I did make the association with god. And yet the dreamer still found the association meaningful. I wonder why that is?

If dreams by their very nature can't be interpreted, why would you even waste your time in a thread about dream interpretation?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by csuldm

Sometimes in the course of my duties, it becomes necessary. I've never done one long distance, but I guess there's no reason why I can't. I need to get to bed now, but PM me and we'll work something out.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:23 AM
thanks OP
the park = this world inder construction, because its all going to change drastic ;
the wristband = green is ascension [ rapture ] , blue = remain here, so it could mean you are on the balance inbetween both options [ make SURE it is the former ! ] ;
the man stealing the box = the car is your physical frame,
the box = your faith [ and evil tries to steal it ] you say the ' box was empty '..?
and joseph may mean the house of joseph - one of the 2 witnesses

you may want to read on stevequayle more dreams in that section, about the false sky we see being peeled back


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by No_man4
reply to post by SplitInfinity

The subconscious isn't data itself, the subconscious contains data relayed to the conscious mind during REM. The difference is subtle, but real.
If you haven't read about Jung,I'd recommend it. He was a big contributor to analytical psychology as we understand it today. You'd probably find his work very interesting.

I did make the association with god. And yet the dreamer still found the association meaningful. I wonder why that is?

If dreams by their very nature can't be interpreted, why would you even waste your time in a thread about dream interpretation?

I never said the Subconscious was just Data...I said the Subconscious was like a Recording Computer that gathers and stores all data taken in by our senses as well as records all thoughts.
Of course the dreamer found your mention of GOD meaningful as it would appear he believes in GOD and anyone that has any belief or faith will find such a statement meaningful.

As far as interpretation of is true that only the dreamer can do this and that any others interpretation may spark possible connections by is really the dreamers subconscious that understands the connection and through the use of Dreams it attempts to connect to the conscious mind.

As for why I posted was to pass on this knowledge in the hopes that a person who finds themselves possibly bothered by curious dreams can allow themselves to relax and understand that the vast majority of times the connections that the subconscious is attempting to pas on to the conscious mind through dreams is usually only important to the subconscious as it is usually very trivial to the conscious mind.

Split Infinity

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