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HPD explains Waikiki shooting in detail

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posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:43 AM

22 year soldier from Schofield Barracks here on Oahu was speeding the wrong way down the main drag in Waikiki. He rammed into some cop cars, then was shot by police.

Maybe he was just sick of it all?

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:50 AM
After he drove off and then was faced a 2nd time with officers, can they really justify them shooting at him? Why didn't they try to talk to the guy? I know (Shoot first, ask questions later). After he initially hit the first officer he probably knew he was already done for. But still, they could of at attempted to try to talk to the guy.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by ZeroReady

22 year soldier from Schofield Barracks here on Oahu was speeding the wrong way down the main drag in Waikiki. He rammed into some cop cars, then was shot by police.

Maybe he was just sick of it all?

This is the story for public consumption, and it may be true.

If someone was on the verge of being an army whistleblower, or revealing secret info to the public, they would probably be chased, and a kill order issued.

On the other hand, maybe he just had too much too drink, it was 4 am after all.

Wasn't there another controversial government agent death in Hawaii a few months back?

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by ZeroReady
Thank goodness it was at 4am and not at 4pm! Having stayed there I assure you many innocent bystanders would have been injured, as the street and sidewalk is packed with pedestrians, mostly tourists but many locals as well. But for the life of me I don't understand why they shot him.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 12:26 PM
What's an Army Soldier from Schofield Barracks gonna blow the whistle on? Haha. That he has crummy leaders? Dude was probably blitzed. Or just very depressed.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 12:28 PM
I think it's all about over by the line where he takes aim at an Officer with his vehicle, punches the gas and tries to kill him.

First Degree Murder of a Peace officer. .......Capital Murder/Death Penalty offense... and for this incident? MORE than enough to use deadly force without further reason of justification. He's attempted to kill a cop....and frankly, if someone tried running ME over, I'd take them at their intent too..and return to favor if I survived the first attempt.

Some people commit suicide with a pill bottle ... Some with a gun...and some just call it Suicide By Cop. Here I'd say he picked the cops to commit suicide with and got everything he was working for. Now I feel bad for the cop who has to live with what his shooting did, given the tragedy of what caused it.


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