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Stop the S.H. Nonsense

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posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:38 PM
Yes, this thread is about Sandy Hook - And I expect that it won't last long. But while it does, I've got some points I'd love for the ATS community to see before it's gone Mods, I'd love it if you could read the entire thing before closing, but if you can't, then I understand.

Point 1: Sandy Hook was NOT about gun control!

I believe I've seen threads and talks about gun control WAY in advance of this particular shooting. In fact, I can recall the same debate after EVERY major shooting. Here's the thing - if the government really wanted to take your guns away, they could do so without creating a "false flag". It wouldn't take much either - all they would need to do is slip some small change into a bill that was about to be passed - Not enough people would catch onto this before it was too late.

Point 2: People are NOT faking their grief & sorrow

I hate to break it to you guys, but there's a little thing called "shock" that can have some weird affects on your emotions - When you're a parent, and you lose a child, it can take weeks, months or even years to recover from that kind of loss.

Let me paint a picture as to how this goes down (from a psychological perspective): After the child is dead, a parent almost NEVER instantly breaks down - They refuse to believe that their child is gone, that they are no longer with them. True, this period can last for days, but it can also last for a while. In the next phase, the parent finally realizes that they are gone, and this is when the "break down" occurs. The final phase involves the parent trying to make themselves happy.

Recently, some members posted videos here that showed the parents "pretending to be sad". I watched the same videos, and saw REAL parents in REAL shock ,- nothing fake about it.

When I lost my Grampa, I was just like the people in the videos - I appeared "fine" until two weeks after the funeral, then I "broke" my composure, and didn't stop crying for two weeks. If someone were to record me before I broke down, they might even claim that I was "happy" about my Grampa's death.

Point 3: It's NOT the Mod's fault that Sandy Hook threads seem to be getting closed down
There is a reason large forums have moderators - to maintain the peace around here. I ask you guys this question: What do you think would happen if Westboro Baptist came on here and started saying that the killings were because "God hated Gays?". Guess what - I'd be willing to bet the threads get closed down.

I praise them for doing this - Because if they didn't, can you imagine how one of those parents would feel if their own name came up from some "poster" claiming they are a "fake", and that their kid "never died"? What do you think would happen to ATS if they decided to sue? You wouldn't have a conspiracy website because it'd probably be taken down.

And for those of you with the argument "Can you imaging how an actor would feel if they saw their name come up..", do you really think they would "drop" the theoretical act upon seeing their name come up?

Hint: "A true, real actor stays in character for the entire play, and even carries it off the stage" (Dad, Musical actor).

Guess what? Even if they were "actors", same result - they'd still claim that the content on ATS was causing them some kind of harm.

So when the Mod's close down a thread like this, they are actually doing YOU, as the poster, a favor; They're keeping ATS alive, and out of trouble for another day.

Point 4: The movies do not contain any links to the shootings or Hurricane
This is actually several points, so if you made it this far, congrats!

First, The Batman movie is a movie people - it was made for the entertainment of the masses, the same way that all movies are made. Just because a map seems to have a reference to something in a movie, doesn't mean that it's saying "hey, there's something going to happen here". There's no "hidden messages", subliminal programming, period.

If you want a movie that contains a lot of "hidden" messages, go check out the movie Knowing, or Life of Pi : Both contain a story within a story.

Second, There are hurricane name lists that they rotate through to name the next storm that forms. In fact, here's the link to the lists: Tropical Cyclone Names. And to think, had we one, less hurricane in 2012, the "Superstorm Sandy" would be "Superstorm Rafael".

Third, there's no relation between the hurricane's name and the place the shooting took place. Again, I hate to break it to you, but NOAA doesn't say "Hey, there's going to be a shooting; lets put PART of the name of the school into our naming scheme for hurricanes". People, the shooting took place at "Sandy Hook" elementary, not "Sandy" elementary.

Point 5: There are holes because the public doesn't need to know everything!

People, if there are "holes" in the tales, it's because the public doesn't need to know them! When a violent crime takes place, there's a reason that police will release one or more versions of the story - it's because they themselves do not have all the facts, or are looking into possible leads, such as other shooters, and don't want "the public getting involved". Last time I checked, the only, and I mean the only people that should ever know the full details are the family of the deceased and law enforcement - I don't deserve the full details, nor do you. Personally, I would hate to be on the team that had to investigate the crime scene, I don't even want to see the photos coming from there.

In closing
I understand 100% that this is a conspiracy forum, and that I probably "just don't understand" about the "Sandy Hook Conspiracies", but what I do know is that some of the comments on the threads are downright insensitive - I never believe the 100% truth of a story, but I still find those comments inappropriate to appear so soon. What many people forget, is that whenever something this traumatic happens, it affects a lot of people, around the world - While you may feel that people are "faking their sorrow", guess what most of the people around the country are doing: Weeping real tears. In Michigan, I've seen no less than 20 "funeral gatherings" in my location alone - I imagine that the rest of the country is and was just like my area.

To the mods, I await any punishment I deserve for posting this - I did read the warning about "Sandy Hook" threads, and if posting this gets me banned, then at least I can walk away with a smile
. It is a rant, hence being in the rant section, and it's a rant I think everyone should read (even if they think it's incorrect).

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:48 PM
Very well said. My thoughts exactly.

2nd line, yup well said.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:14 PM
yes, let's stop this now and prepare ourselves for the next attack they have planned .
edit on 31-12-2012 by tinhattribunal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 02:51 PM
Know what I'm tired of? Posters on their high horses.

Particularly annoying are those who portray themselves as experts: Experts in human emotions, experts in what is conspiracy and what is not, and experts in "internet etiquette".

You posted your rant, fair enough....and I typically am very open-minded on a great many subjects, but when I got to the point where you said that "people don't need to know everything", I have to admit, I started to get annoyed. Seriously?? Is that denying ignorance, or telling us to be happy and accept huge holes in the story because TPTB don't owe us an explanation for anything that happens in our world?

I haven't participated much in the Sandy Hook threads. I read through them, but noticed right away that they were dividing people into two camps: The "something stinks to high heaven about this story" camp, and the "how dare you question this, because children died" camp.

There is a third camp, one which most of us are in currently: The "I'm not sure about this whole thing" camp. However, if somebody wants to question the official story, I welcome it. I don't appreciate being told what to post, unless it is by the site owners. After all, it is their checkerboard, and if they don't want certain things on it, I can understand, and I abide by their decision.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 03:45 PM
Good Rant! I am the camp that went to two wakes and funerals ,Helped put up a human wall with other Firefights to block the protesters. Here is first hand information from first responders on that day.
From our local paper.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
Know what I'm tired of? Posters on their high horses.

Particularly annoying are those who portray themselves as experts: Experts in human emotions, experts in what is conspiracy and what is not, and experts in "internet etiquette".

You posted your rant, fair enough....and I typically am very open-minded on a great many subjects, but when I got to the point where you said that "people don't need to know everything", I have to admit, I started to get annoyed. Seriously?? Is that denying ignorance, or telling us to be happy and accept huge holes in the story because TPTB don't owe us an explanation for anything that happens in our world?

I haven't participated much in the Sandy Hook threads. I read through them, but noticed right away that they were dividing people into two camps: The "something stinks to high heaven about this story" camp, and the "how dare you question this, because children died" camp.

There is a third camp, one which most of us are in currently: The "I'm not sure about this whole thing" camp. However, if somebody wants to question the official story, I welcome it. I don't appreciate being told what to post, unless it is by the site owners. After all, it is their checkerboard, and if they don't want certain things on it, I can understand, and I abide by their decision.

Regarding your first paragraph, you are a bit correct about me: I don't have a degree in psychology, therapy, or even how to behave on the internet - at the most, I'm just a "closet psychologist". What I've posted in here though, is what I've experienced with myself and other people.

As for the second paragraph, dealing with my point saying "people didn't need to know everything...", it's not telling you what to believe, but merely saying "yes, there will be holes in the official story, but there's nothing wrong with that". Like I said, I never believe the "full story", but I also don't feel that it's a "conspiracy" per se, especially when a crime scene is involved - the police or other personnel involved usually have a good reason for leaving something out.

I do have a question for your though, FissionSurplus: Why do you, personally, need to know the "full truth" about a case like this? I'm not "calling you out"; just wanted to hear your side of this. You can U2U me if you'd like to discuss it privately.
NOTE: Above question is without sarcasm - it's a pure discussion question.

Finally, you can consider my rant more of a "pamphlet" being passed around - Do I really expect people to "follow my lead", and stop posting threads about S.H? No! But maybe, just maybe, someone who was about to will read through the points in the rant, and consider that there are other people grieving, even if the story released isn't the "official truth".



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