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ODDITIES from the FAR and ANCIENT PAST...........OOPART lecture..

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posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 12:10 AM
Hello all you anciet aliens!
I found this on You tube.... (a Nexus magazine production)
There is good reason to view it beginning to end i believe....
The evidence of a world wide civilisation at one time in the past, peopled by giants possibly....
A written language that is PRE SANDSCRIT! two language professors have translated some of it, with interesting results....including the location oif even more artifacts and a tunnel system (in ITALY!)
Evidence of races of real non human being type giants in the past as well.....
Pictures of the artifacts are amazing!
Several chrystal skulls from all over the globe...
(one of which warned the russian psychic who was examining it, about the Boxing Day Tsunami 250000 dead...remember?
It is a lecture by a guy with a european accent.....
The variety of evidences and technical perfection of some of these artifacts....
Some we cannot reproduce.....
Chromatical steel......?(accent problems , i think...he probably means chromesteel invented in 1909)or was it? this was
17000 yrs old?
In a texas riverbed dinosaur and human footprints in sand stone?
two separate layers!
The Texas hammer .......results of testing......? very interesting ..age still in doubt......
A must watch for follow ups of different world wide oddities....An iron pot broken out of a lump of coal!
A human footstep with a crushed trillobite in it....300 million yrs old?
many other various OOPARTS...stuff from the CONUS that will slay you!
anybody interested in this stuff , there are some real surprises....
Some stone medical instruments that are as good or better than todays......
much much more too
any opinions?

edit on 9-12-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-12-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by stirling


Scrolling down to the section listed under DEBUNKED:

Ica stones: depict Inca dinosaur-hunters, surgery, and other modern or fanciful topics. Collected by Javier Cabrera Darquea who believed them to be prehistoric.

Most of what's depicted and talked about in the video has been thoroughly examined and proven either entirely misrepresented/misinterpreted, and or fraudulent.

I'm not even going to try to go point by point on the objects covered in the video, though the Ica stones were conveniently listed in the link I've provided.

Respectfully, thanks for the video, but, all I saw, for the most part, was fraud, fabrication, misidentification, and misrepresentation.
Speaker guy may have simply been the victim of this rabbit hole, or, another Von Daniken. His delivery and Accent easily bring Von Daniken to mind as well.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 04:16 AM
Thanks for the link


Also thanks for making me laugh!

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by stirling


Scrolling down to the section listed under DEBUNKED:

Ica stones: depict Inca dinosaur-hunters, surgery, and other modern or fanciful topics. Collected by Javier Cabrera Darquea who believed them to be prehistoric.

Most of what's depicted and talked about in the video has been thoroughly examined and proven either entirely misrepresented/misinterpreted, and or fraudulen(sic).
I'm not even going to try to go point by point on the objects covered in the video, though the Ica stones were conveniently listed in the link I've provided.

Respectfully, thanks for the video, but, all I saw, for the most part, was fraud, fabrication, misidentification (sic) , and misrepresentation.
Speaker guy may have simply been the victim of this rabbit hole, or, another Von Daniken. His delivery and Accent easily bring Von Daniken to mind as well.

Your commentary is a lazy cheap shot at a fascinating and informative video.
You neither back up your allegations with references (in yellow) nor have the grammatical experience to spell check your own mistakes (in red).
Again, nothing but a lazy cheap shot.
Regarding the effort provided by the OP, star and flag.

edit on 9-12-2012 by Violater1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

lol you used wiki to try and debunk something

Something which can be edited by anyone, anywhere, for any reason is not a valid source of information. Quite the opposite.

(edit to add) And thanks stirling for the video, I'll watch it later
edit on 9/12/2012 by Acidtastic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by Violater1

Practice some due diligence. I dare you. Pick any 5 of the artifacts prattled on about in the video and perform some thorough research and digging on the side you LEAST agree with. Perhaps you're too lazy to do such?
You don't even have to tell anyone about it or return a comment here.

You're right about me being lazy in my comment, but, I was lazy with purpose such that in my opinion, and by my own prerogative I felt the video wasn't worth more than I gave comment on at the time.
If anything, your absolutely hilarious fervency in ready support for such ludicrously laughable material only reinforces my disdain for the video.

Thanks for the spell check too. It's nice to have people working in the service industry.

As for me, I'm done. Enjoy.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by Violater1


I'm sorry but...that's an awful post? You're being mean.
I thought Druscilla's one was quite nice, indeed.
You point out sentences she used, omitting others like

I'm not even going to try to go point by point on the objects covered in the video, though the Ica stones were conveniently listed in the link I've provided.


Respectfully, thanks for the video, but,...

She's not been disrespectful to the OP.

She also provided a link for whoever want to start checking on the Ica Stones debunking. A short search on Google will show many links with proofs of the debunking.

Now, back to the OP's post: thanks, I will have a look at that when I got time. If only for its intertaining value, because, as Druscilla said, the Ica Stones have been debunked, as well as most of the crystal skulls stories kulls/

So it does not help the video's credibility, that it uses such references. But nevertheless, I enjoy watching this kind of show, like a good scifi movie :-)

So, indeed, thanks again, OP!

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:19 AM
Those of us who are history hounds love ooparts. But we would all do well to remember that both sides of this perpetually ongoing debate between "official" explanation, and alternative explanation, have a vested interest in being right. Even at the cost of the truth.

While some frequently tend to lend more trust to anyone who goes against the mainstream of academia, it is wiser to listen and look at the explanation both sides give, and come to your own decision based on available data. No one "team" has a corner on the market of truth when it comes to this subject. Just because one side says a given oopart has been "debunked" or is "legitimate" doesn't mean it is so.

My point being, ooparts are a huge point of contention between those who want the status quo to remain as it is, and those who have a vested interest in tearing it down. It's a power struggle. And the truth often falls by the wayside in the battles between them. So it's up to us to scrutinize what data is available to us from both sides, and decide for ourselves.

edit on 12/9/2012 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:31 AM
Druscilla is smart AND hot!

And how do you think you spell misidentified?

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 10:44 AM
Hi Dru, sorry your so distainful....
Your post ridiculing the vid was pretty sketchy but then again you are probably a wise expert ithis field and not just some ordinary person with a thirst for knowledge about have no time for us.other than to curl yer lip.
The dude givin the lecture actually seemed quite sincere and even
refused to make claims of any sort leaving the video open ended.....
Can you debunk the human/ dino footprints in texas?
or the surgial gynocological instruments > or the stone depicting the gestation of a baby etc?
realise this stone type cannot even be worked in modern days because it flakes off aparently with tool work...
Perhaps the chrystal skulls aren ot all bona fide...however its possible some are.....
you never evem mentioned the universal language found over the world.....or the various experts he consulted...are they up a tree too?
I suppose the pyramid plethora is phoney ?
I think you are reaching here...but you are gone so no matters....
I find some of this evidence to be compelling.....Drusilla notwithstanding.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:32 AM
Awesome OP!!!!

Interesting video, something to think about and do some personal research on before I go and make any claims, to back it or to the contrary.

What I will not do is use excessively technical or descriptive language in a reply post, nerd-rage at anyone (as some are already doing back and forth), point a finger, or list another ATS'r name here unless I'm giving them credit for awesomeness.

S&F for the thread.

For several of the replies from various members on either side of the debate.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by stirling

Can you debunk the human/ dino footprints in texas?

The Texas Dinosaur/"Man Track" Controversy

The supposed human tracks have involved a variety of phenomena, including metatarsal dinosaur tracks, erosional features, and carvings. The largest number of "man tracks" are forms of elongate, metatarsal dinosaur tracks, made by bipedal dinosaurs that sometimes impressed their metatarsi (heels and soles) as they walked. When the digit impressions of such tracks are subdued by mud-backflow or secondary infilling, a somewhat human shape often results. Other alleged "man tracks" including purely erosional features (often selectively highlighted to encourage human shapes), indistinct marks of undertain origin, and a smaller number of doctored and carved tracks (most of the latter occurring on loose blocks of rock).

When I first heard of this years ago, I emailed the Curator of Paleontology & Geology
New Mexico Museum of Natural History because the museum has a collection containing several thousands of tracks from the sites. I don’t know if the any of the links in the email are still active.

my question to Dr. Lucas:

Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 1:25 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Permian trackway

Dear Dr. Lucas;

I read with interest the article on your museum web site about the Permian
trackway finds of Jerry MaCDonald. The reason I ended up there, I was doing
an internet search on Mr. MacDonald, because of a claim made on this
that human tracks were also found in the trackways. Pictures and claim here:

If you are interested, have the time and are so inclined, could you tell me
what, if anything, that could be considered "problematica" was ever found
there? I personally do not believe that humans ever co-existed with
dinosaurs, but this has sparked a debate on one of the science discussion
boards, and I would like to enter into the fray with a little more knowledge
of this area than what I have now.

Thank you for your time,
the answer I received back today:

Thanks for your inquiry.

I looked at the website you forwarded. Certainly that is not Jerry MacDonald
in the photo, nor is the track shown from any of the tracksites he

I believe the website is simply misleading.

MacDonald never found anything that remotely resembles a human footprint, or
bird or mammal tracks at any of the Permian tracksites. The only
"problematica" found were poorly preserved tracks of vertebrates that we
could not identify with certainty, and some difficult to identify arthropod
MacDonald wrote a book about his discoveries, and we published 2 scientific
monographs on those Permian tracks, and no assertions were ever made about
human, bird or mammal tracks at the sites. Furthermore, I have studied all
the sites, and our collection contains several thousands of tracks from the
sites, none of humans, birds or mammals.

I think the people who constructed that web site forgot about good old

Dr. Spencer G. Lucas
Curator of Paleontology & Geology
New Mexico Museum of Natural History
1801 Mountain Road N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87104 USA
tel: 505-841-2873 fax: 505-841-2866

another email

I am Spencer's graduate student and a co-author of NMMNH Bulletin 6,
Permian Footprints and Facies, which is a 300-page scientific volume
dedicated to the study of the footprints Jerry found and others of the
same age throughout New Mexico and Arizona.
I can assure you that:
(1) I have looked at almost every Permian footprint slab in our collection, conservatively estimated at 8 tons of rock and well over 10,000 tracks, and have not seen any "problematica" that even remotely resemble human footprints, let alone the one on the website you saw.
(2) The Ph.D.s who have examined these footprints and published scientific papers on the Permian footprints include Hartmut Haubold, Adrian Hunt, Martin Lockley, and Jim Farlow, four very big names in the field of ichnology (the study of trace fossils such as tracks, trails, and footprints). These trackways have been studies by dozens of others, and no "problematica" resembling humanoid tracks exists.
(3) We are very sure that the tracks are Permian, approximately 275 million years old. We know this from diverse lines of evidence, including stratigraphic relationships and paleontology, including fusulinids, conodonts, and larger fossils.a
(4) the trackway on the website does not match any Permian rock in New Mexico or Arizona. In fact, I think it looks very much like Recent beach mud or sand. I am a little jealous of the trackmaker, however, as they have better arches than I do.
I hope this helps,
Andrew B. Heckert
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by stirling

Klaus Dona is the mans name. I have seen a couple videos of his the items that got me were the surgical tools, clay dino. figurines, glasses, and the maps.....yes some have been "debunked" by mainstream sciences, but this man is still credible in my opinion.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:23 PM
Thanks for your input...
The tracks seem well debunked by the paleontologists of the mainstream.....(above, and many thanks to the poster)
This leaves me wondering because of the lies and falsehoods the scientists have promulgated over the years(Like global warming)
I forgot the clay dinos, and that was a good example not yet debunked, as well as the stone surgical tools.....
What gets me sometimes is the fact that stones we cannot work today are presented as well made and gynalogically correct tools....There is a great deal of hype out there for false claims...this is true...
But there is also a great deal of scientific misinformation as well......many times they fail to debunk the how was this made witha stone hammer? or how stones were cut bored and drilled without power tools, and we cannot duplicate the work today....
Science jealously guards its own bailiwick with a mixture of truth and misconceptions at times too....
Who do you believe?
I try to keep an open mind...but also keep my brains from falling out at the same time...
One can only ope truth gets to be more important than tenures and grants to the people we depend upon for scientific klnowledge....the charlatans exist in and out of science.....but some of this stuff IS irrefutable.....just because it exists....
edit on 9-12-2012 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:24 PM
Embedded your link for you. Fascinating and thought provoking video.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by stirling

The evidence of a world wide civilisation at one time in the past, peopled by giants possibly...

I have no idea what to say to this, except that the above is probably not true. Giants? No. World Wide Civilizations? Probably a no also.

A written language that is PRE SANDSCRIT! two language professors have translated some of it, with interesting results....including the location oif even more artifacts and a tunnel system (in ITALY!)

There a lot of the languages that predate sanskrit. I am not sure why this is huge or big news.There are tunnel systems everywhere in the world. Most man made, some are naturally developed over time.

Evidence of races of real non human being type giants in the past as well.....

I am not sure what this is supposed to mean. There is no evidence of non human being giants. No DNA or anything. If fossils were found we could perform DNA sampling on them, but this has never happened.

Several chrystal skulls from all over the globe...

This means absolutely nothing. But it is cool.

The variety of evidences and technical perfection of some of these artifacts.... Some we cannot reproduce.....

No we can reproduce them. It just involves money and time.

Chromatical steel......?(accent problems , i think...he probably means chromesteel invented in 1909)or was it? this was 17000 yrs old?

No idea.

In a texas riverbed dinosaur and human footprints in sand stone?

No Talk Origins debunked this creationist argument.
two separate layers!

The rest of the claims seem very similar to that of creationist arguments. All of which have been beaten around like a dead horse (Giants, Dino Foot Prints with man, Inca Stones, etc.)
edit on Dec 9th 2012 by TheMythLives because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by stirling

or the stone depicting the gestation of a baby etc?

Here’s a thread about the stone depicting the gestation of a baby
As Kandinsky notes on page 3, there is no provenance for the disk.
Arken mentions on his original post that the disk was analyzed by Dr. Vera M.F. Hammer at Museum of Natural Sciences of Vienna. I knew that name rang a bell–I had emailed her earlier this year about the use of her name by Blossom River Group with artifacts in this thread:
which was also tied to Klaus Dona by way of video where he showed the artifacts. Dr. Hammer was not happy with the use of her name. To quote her email back to me: “Years ago I did some X-ray diffraction on objects for an exhibition in Vienna concerning "mysteries"…… but I had no further contact to that crazy people any more. So what the tell is NOT the truth, sorry to tell you. I will see that the cancel my name immediately from their homepage.” (Wording is hers)
Hammer’s name was removed and two days later the whole website was gone. Now, I can’t say for sure that the disk was part of this, but Dona’s association with the artifacts and the disk is clear.

So, I’m thinking hoax unless and until there is more information.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by stirling

It is a lecture by a guy with a european accent.....

I do believe I have spoken with the guy in the top hat a few times.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 08:03 PM
I dont have any problems with the debunking part....thats why this stuff gets put up on here.....
But the demeaning rhetoric is really un nessessary.....
many of us take everything in....but let it slip through the cracks till either debunked or proven.....
Its sad there are so many charlatans out there trying to hoax a living out of the well meaning and understandably curious public.
Still certain of these artifacts have a message for us...and that message is "dont get too full of yourselves...."
As regards the world wide civilistaion...well its becomming more aparent all the time with the many new discoveries we are making about the past and the relics they left behind....
There are those who would argue there were no giants....but the evidence far out w\eighs the nay saying.....
whether they had a global thing going or not they were here before us....Pyramids abound the world over.....
There is a duplicate "stone henge" in the hebrides off northern Scotland...and there are very similar ruins elesewhere....
The ancients had intimate knowledge of Mathmatics (they based their system on radians....) the pyramids do have mathematical code that announces them and their counterparts to the initiated....
Something is missing in our story....its as if we went to sleep for millenia, and reawoke into this nightmare scenario we live in today......
Looking back down the hallways of be willing to contemplate the reality of reincarnation.and the participaion of our sould in every era along the way......The memory loss of previous existance could be whats giving us these blanks in our past history.

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