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Pregnancy and people all of a sudden caring.

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:01 PM

It's weird cause I've always had dreams of having a little girl named Emma with black hair. Not sure if that means anything but it's been a constant in many dreams over the years.

Ooo, you never know! Before I fell pregnant with my son, I had the most vivid dream where I was an old woman and I was standing in front of a tall man with dark blonde hair and very blue eyes, and he said to me, "I can't believe you're gonna be my mum!". Well, I now have a 3 year old son with dark blonde hair and very blue eyes who happens to be pretty tall!

Congratulations by the way!
Such happy and exciting news and I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months

Also, for me - pregnancy and everything that came after was a time for me where I realised not only who my real friends were, but the kind of people I should avoid and steer well clear of. I had a good "people detox" after I had my son and never looked back, or felt better for it!

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Don't worry sweets! Once you give birth and the baby reaches a few months old and you could really USE some of these people's help they will all magically disappear! Until then you will receive an unprecedented amount of unsolicited advice and unwanted inquiries as to the state of your and the baby's health. Afterwards the criticism will resume with full force!

Haha. Yea the inquires are really weird. It's amazing what people think they can ask and think they are entitled to know. It's like WOAH back off my body!

I love people shoving baby stuff in my face right now. *saracsm* Funny thing is it's not even anything remotely in my taste or what i would buy or even in my price range. I mean WHO finances a friggin crib!!! I'm down with second hand items for a lot of stuff. I dont see the point in buying new when it's not going to be used for a long period of time. Just because it's my first doesnt mean I'm clueless to kids and what I would do. I'm 34 and have a pretty good idea of what I want as does my fiancee. We aren't the type to go crazy and spend a ridiculous amount of money on things that aren't needed, yet many people seem to think we should!! The more hormonal I get the more they won't like my replies to their "suggestions." I guess i can always blame hormones.

I also get bothered by those who feel the need to tell me that making my own baby food is BAD. I just laugh! Don't people realize that Gerber wasn't always around and that people made baby food before food companies?! It's more healthy and i love to cook so why wouldn't I cook for my child. I had a friend who made and jarred all her baby food. It was easy, cheaper and healthier.

On a personal note: Congratulations! You will make a great mother!

Awe thank you!!

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by KatieVA

Wow!! Yea I have had some crazy dreams in my life and I have had prophetic dreams, ones that come to fruition. I had one that literally landed me in the hospital, it freaked me out so bad. So now when I have re-ocurring dreams I wonder.

In every dream she has a black little bob with bangs and blue eyes. I've had dreams of this little girl being my daughter for as long as I can remember. In my dream a man in the distance calls her name, Emma and she says "it's daddy." I then usually wake up. I never see the man in my dream just her. I never really thought anything of it because I didnt think I'd have kids of my own. I always thought I'd adopt.

My fiancee has black hair and I have dark brown almost black hair and we both have blue eyes. So who knows.

I'd love a girl but I'd take either.

Thank you!!

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Before my grandkid was born we found a lot of what she needed for free online, and all of it like brand new. We got her crib and mattress, stroller, a spare infant carrier/carseat, and a port-a-crib all in perfect condition and all it took was the gas to go pick them up.

Also (unsolicited advice here) making your own baby food is the BEST way to feed your child! The food processor is a new mother's best friend!

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Before my grandkid was born we found a lot of what she needed for free online, and all of it like brand new. We got her crib and mattress, stroller, a spare infant carrier/carseat, and a port-a-crib all in perfect condition and all it took was the gas to go pick them up.

Exactly! I"m pretty thrifty already. My fiancee jokes and says he knows I'll save him money lol. I'm sure we'll buy some things new like bottles. There are a few baby thrift stores in my area and everything in it is like BRAND NEW and a fraction of the cost! This place is well known around here. Heck even my sister dropped stuff off there a few times. You can even find items with tags on them for a couple bucks. I look forward to hitting some of these places up with my friend who is also pregnant. She is one of the few people who doesn't get on my nerves because she knows how I am and respects that. She is my go to person since she's got three kids already and another on the way. I always tease her and tell her she is on her way to a soccer team lol. She also says they have maternity clothing which for me i wont really worry about til I'm further along. I'm pretty petite now so I can get away with just buying the next size up for a while lol. I don't see the point in spending 50 bucks on jeans you will wear maybe a month!

Also (unsolicited advice here) making your own baby food is the BEST way to feed your child! The food processor is a new mother's best friend!

The food processor is already one of my best friends!! Heck I look forward to making baby food. I will then flood the cooking forum with baby food recipes vs my normal recipes lol.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

First: congratulations Mblah.

Second: The list why they would get like that when somebody gets pregnant would be long indeed. Lets just say people are strange. Nothing really changes for them, but plenty will have changed for you. In all there are worse ways to go about such things in life you know, so no point of making a mountain out of this molehill.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 09:49 PM
Why not just be glad people care?

It would be a lot lonelier and quite sad if they didn't.

Maybe this burst of life and nod to mortality has made them re-think their relationships with you?

Better for them all to dote and gush with concern than for no one to give a damn.

I'm personally very excited for you and I wish you and your bebe every bit of health and happiness.

Wow! Would you look at that!? I care all of the sudden! LOL! Is that so wrong?

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