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Romney White Paper- Plan to take away American's Rights

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posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:16 AM
The following is a white paper for Mitt Romney called 'An American Century- A Strategy to Secure America’s Enduring Interests and Ideals'

In the section called Empower Our Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Agencies it becomes very obvious just how much of a puppet this man is, for his policy is just a summary of the agenda that is set on spying on American citizens. The agenda of creating a society that is made to be suspicous of everything and everyone, all in the name of national security.

It's always put in a way that makes it seem beneficial to the people. That it is for their security. I'll provide some quotes from the paper, but be aware as you read this, this is Mitt Romney's planned policy, it's an officially endorsed white paper. Keep that in mind.

In the same way we must ensure that our soft power agencies are properly structured to
allow them to carry out their duties in an effective and strategic manner, we must also make sure
that those agencies charged with combating terrorism have the clearest mandate to keep America
safe. As president, Mitt Romney will empower all relevant military, intelligence, and homeland
security agencies with the appropriate legal authority and policy guidance to dismantle terrorist
groups and prevent terrorist attacks on our homeland and on targets abroad.


Our homeland-security professionals must be able to focus on the threats to come, not
simply the threats that came before.

Focus on Domestic Radicalization: Rising alongside cyber-attacks as an emerging threat
to the homeland is the radicalization of U.S. citizens and residents leading to “homegrown” Islamist
terrorism. The number of terror plots hatched by domestic Islamist terrorists has spiked in recent
years as our terrorist adversaries abroad have been less successful in trying to infiltrate us from
outside and focused more on radicalizing and recruiting American citizens and residents to become
operatives. The Fort Hood shootings, carried out by a member of our armed forces, and the
attempted Times Square bombing, planned by a naturalized U.S. citizen, are only the most well-
known of these plots.

'Domestic Radicalization'- the threat of home grown terror. The new enemy is the public, normal working class/middle class people.

Romney doesn't think twice about buying into this agenda, for he is nothing more than a puppet.

Mitt Romney will make countering this mounting danger a top priority. He will charge our
federal agencies not only with designing better frameworks to share intelligence “horizontally”
among themselves, but also with redoubling their efforts to work with state and local authorities to
share intelligence “vertically.” Our counterterrorism professionals will need to continue to develop
“fusion centers” and other innovative systems to collect and systematically analyze information
about domestic activities. They will need the capacity, consistent with U.S. law, to collect and
unflinchingly analyze communications between terrorist networks abroad and people within our

'Fusion centres', 'systems to collect and analyse information about domestic activities', this Romney white paper is literally advocating spying on all Americans!

There's not much more to say really, his policy couldn't be any clearer.
edit on 12-9-2012 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:24 AM
Everyday it becomes clearer and clearer. This has been a very long term plan to take over the US. Obama in his complacency to middle east aggression(granted that all could be staged) allows for a more out of control world, next step, new prez, that comes in to organize with new controlling and de-liberating policy.

Feeling pretty slave-ish.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:31 AM
This just illustrates how out of touch he is with the "underlings". I mean, he REALLY sees the middle class (And women, Latinos, etc.) as lower forms of life.

He is certainly a puppet - the next in line after George W. Bush. I have yet to hear one original idea from Romney. He can't share what he doesn't know. Cheney and Rove haven't yet informed him of what his positions will be, once in office. They're hoping to continue the puppet show that began with the last Republican presidency.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:38 AM
Ugh. I"m so sick of hearing the word "Homeland". I don't know any normal Americans who ever call the US that, do you? When they say National Security they mean security for themselves and the 1% who believe they own the rest of us and can do whatever they please.

Candidates don't even bother with trying to assuage the public anymore. The constant media barrage of propaganda does nothing but promote their interests and never ours. No jobs programs, no relief for people struggling to make mortgage payments or student loans. Their disdain for the public will be their undoing as the masses wake up to see these cretins for power-mad psychopaths they truly are.

I can't believe I'm actually yearning for the days of Clinton when jobs where available and optimism was in the air. The politics of fear are growing ever so old.

Eta - take away what rights? we don't have any left they haven't Patriot Act or Executive Ordered over.
edit on 12-9-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by SunnyDee
Everyday it becomes clearer and clearer. This has been a very long term plan to take over the US. Obama in his complacency to middle east aggression(granted that all could be staged) allows for a more out of control world, next step, new prez, that comes in to organize with new controlling and de-liberating policy.

Feeling pretty slave-ish.

Wow, I am not joking, I was literally thinking this exact thing seconds before I read your post. It's almost as though you read my mind

The fact that you said Obama's complacency 'could be staged', wow. What you have said is exactly what is being prepared.

In another thread, we've just seen Fox News one on one with Obama questioning him on supporting Al Qaeda, that is an agenda right there.

The people are being manipulated on such an epic level. Obama is being set up- the game is portraying the current adminstration as too laid back, letting Iran continue to pursue a nuclear bomb, supporting Al Qaeda etc, it's all political manipulation of the masses.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Disappointing, but not surprising.

Unlike BH's view, I see Obama as the continuation of Bush on this subject. Romney will simply grab the baton from there.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Ugh. I"m so sick of hearing the word "Homeland". I don't know any normal Americans who ever call the US that, do you?

Our government learns from the best:

edit on 12-9-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Fellow ATS-ers, please wake up.

Bush began the ball rolling with the unPatriot Act, "free speech zones", torture, indefinite imprisonment, citizen assassinations etc.

Obama continued these practices and expanded on them: Obama has entrenched for a generation the once-reviled, once-radical Bush/Cheney Terrorism powers.

So why would we expect another establishment minion like Romney to be any different?

There is one man people, ONE MAN. Write him in if you have to.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:08 AM
One more reason we should dismantle the current political structure.

Who's worse? Obama or Romney? It's a mute point, because they're both evil.

Mitt Romney- Latin American and Mexican Cartels - Why you shouldn't like him as much as Obama

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Wonderer2012
The following is a white paper for Mitt Romney called 'An American Century- A Strategy to Secure America’s Enduring Interests and Ideals'

In the section called Empower Our Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Agencies it becomes very obvious just how much of a puppet this man is, for his policy is just a summary of the agenda that is set on spying on American citizens. The agenda of creating a society that is made to be suspicous of everything and everyone, all in the name of national security.

It's always put in a way that makes it seem beneficial to the people. That it is for their security. I'll provide some quotes from the paper, but be aware as you read this, this is Mitt Romney's planned policy, it's an officially endorsed white paper. Keep that in mind.

In the same way we must ensure that our soft power agencies are properly structured to
allow them to carry out their duties in an effective and strategic manner, we must also make sure
that those agencies charged with combating terrorism have the clearest mandate to keep America
safe. As president, Mitt Romney will empower all relevant military, intelligence, and homeland
security agencies with the appropriate legal authority and policy guidance to dismantle terrorist
groups and prevent terrorist attacks on our homeland and on targets abroad.


Our homeland-security professionals must be able to focus on the threats to come, not
simply the threats that came before.

Focus on Domestic Radicalization: Rising alongside cyber-attacks as an emerging threat
to the homeland is the radicalization of U.S. citizens and residents leading to “homegrown” Islamist
terrorism. The number of terror plots hatched by domestic Islamist terrorists has spiked in recent
years as our terrorist adversaries abroad have been less successful in trying to infiltrate us from
outside and focused more on radicalizing and recruiting American citizens and residents to become
operatives. The Fort Hood shootings, carried out by a member of our armed forces, and the
attempted Times Square bombing, planned by a naturalized U.S. citizen, are only the most well-
known of these plots.

'Domestic Radicalization'- the threat of home grown terror. The new enemy is the public, normal working class/middle class people.

Romney doesn't think twice about buying into this agenda, for he is nothing more than a puppet.

Mitt Romney will make countering this mounting danger a top priority. He will charge our
federal agencies not only with designing better frameworks to share intelligence “horizontally”
among themselves, but also with redoubling their efforts to work with state and local authorities to
share intelligence “vertically.” Our counterterrorism professionals will need to continue to develop
“fusion centers” and other innovative systems to collect and systematically analyze information
about domestic activities. They will need the capacity, consistent with U.S. law, to collect and
unflinchingly analyze communications between terrorist networks abroad and people within our

'Fusion centres', 'systems to collect and analyse information about domestic activities', this Romney white paper is literally advocating spying on all Americans!

There's not much more to say really, his policy couldn't be any clearer.
edit on 12-9-2012 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason given)

Isn't this all happening right now with Obama as president? Fusion Centers, NDAA and anything else you care to think of?

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:15 AM
I"m about half way through and was writting a very nice piece, which I will add later, however as it stands I just want to make a quick point.

This reads like the manifesto of a crazy person. I feel like I'm reading Mein Kanf when I see some of the rhetoric he uses.

It's downright evil, but then again, it's what I expect from a globalist.

More to come later.


posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by thesungod
One more reason we should dismantle the current political structure.

Who's worse? Obama or Romney? It's a mute point, because they're both evil.

Mitt Romney- Latin American and Mexican Cartels - Why you shouldn't like him as much as Obama

Well it is interesting you bring up Latin America because this white paper discusses the Iranian infiltration of Latin America.

The paper refers to Iran sponsoring terrorism in Latin America and training extremists etc.

Essentially, this paper is very similar to the PNAC in providing a pre text for a false flag event.

America's borders have been intentionally left open to allow millions into the country, none of them tracked. There are millions of illegal immigrants all over America, and this idea that Iranian terrorists could be among them is the line the neo cons are most likely going to take progressing their agenda.

We have Romney's white paper saying Iran has been infiltrating Latin America with terrorists.

So connecting the dots for where the next false flag may emerge is not too difficult- America's borders have been left exposed on purpose.

Think the Reichstag fire and the decree that followed before WW2 and we wouldn't be far off the mark.

((EDIT- your linked thread shows just how ridiculous Romney is because his white paper criticises Obama on the Mexican border issue, yet your thread shows he is a complete hypocrite!))
edit on 12-9-2012 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

I read the paper, hence the link.

False-flag or not, our borders are vulnerable.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
I"m about half way through and was writting a very nice piece, which I will add later, however as it stands I just want to make a quick point.

This reads like the manifesto of a crazy person. I feel like I'm reading Mein Kanf when I see some of the rhetoric he uses.

It's downright evil, but then again, it's what I expect from a globalist.

More to come later.


I look forward to seeing what you take from the paper. The section on Iran infiltrating Latin America almost reads as a pre text for a false flag event.

Given the overall argument of this white paper, ie, the new form of 'domestic terrorism', it leaves one feeling uneasy to say the least.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:49 AM
But hey, 800% more flags for FLOTUS's horrible distortions

I am not sure why people expect anything different from him, he is a Republican and he is
influenced by the same group that guided GWB.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 10:54 AM
Ahhhhhhh. . . . .


Smell that? It's the scent of irony.

I've lost count of the times that Obama has enacted some freedom-losing action (and not heard one squeal from the left) when I have said, hope you like it when a republican is president.

God, I hate being right.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 11:14 AM
Can't wait to read some of Obama's papers.....oh wait, he has them all sealed. Oops

oh...but here....we can see his work in action
edit on 12-9-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Domestic Radicalization'- the threat of home grown terror. The new enemy is the public, normal working class/middle class people.

Have people not been paying attention to the last 4 years?


How about checking out key words that will get government spying on the citizen plenty of ATS threads about that.

There are also plenty of threads about Napolitano's you might be a terrorist.

For Crying out loud Romney says it "bad!!!!" but anyone who has been paying attention to the last 4 years knows that is nothing new.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 04:35 PM
Policy wise, Obama has just put Bush policies on autopilot. Obama's main deviation is the passage of ObamaCare which is simply a taxation collected by private tax collectors (insurance companies) who get to set the tax rate.

Then the Republicans nominated the candidate most like Obama.

So it's just more of the same to be more of the same.

posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 04:56 PM
Why are all the Romneybots brushing it off like no big deal because Obama/Bush did the same thing?

You know what you call that, normalization and desensitization.

Stop being blind cheerleaders and diss Romney when need be.

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