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So, I don't normally dream...

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posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by neformore

Well, this is my interpretation of your dream, take it with a grain of salt.

The fact that one side represents evil and the other represents good is the only real clue I have to go off of. However, that was your interpretation and your original description merely describes one side as blue and one side as red, which is also how our party system is divided in the United States. It is possible that one side represent democrats and other republicans, and no I'm not trying to say that one political party is evil and the other isn't.

The two opposing sides come close together with you in the middle, unable to speak to either one.

You are an observer unable to change the outcome, but you are involved and a witness none the less.

The walls that divide them come ever closer to crashing into each other, but at each interval when they nearly crash some event occurs and they barely avoid the crash, letting you slip down a chute until they nearly crash again.

Keep in mind this is a loose interpretation of what I've gathered from you but if I were trying to gather meaning from this dream this is what I think it would mean.

I think it means that good and evil in this world come close to clashing with one another constantly, you may not consider yourself good or evil but are a part of this world so you can not avoid being amidst the clash of the two opposing factions even if you wanted to. Occasionally a huge even occurs and there is an epic struggle between good and evil on a large scale that everyone is effected by, in this case, you in particular are effected by it. You pointed out that each time the walls came together, (the fact that they are glass walls only means to me that you can each side for what it is and the fact that they are walls implies to me that you can't change either faction) they got a closer and more constraining each time. Before you woke you felt as though your heart were being crushed....Perhaps your dream is a prediction of an imminent clash between good and evil that unfortunately you will probably be caught in the middle of. I would view it as a warning. If it isn't good and evil and it is political with one side representing democrats and other representing republicans the warning would still be viewed in a similar light, it would just be a clash between the two political parties instead of a clash between good and evil.

Try not to get crushed by the madness that will surely ensue.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 07:55 AM
You can't communicate with the good and evil (parts of your mind or you) which could mean you feel like you have to make a decision but you're having a hard time figuring out what is the right thing to do. Maybe you're battling between what you want to do and what you should do. Maybe you know you won't forgive yourself or it will constantly nag at you in the back of your mind if you don't do the right thing.

The walls are closing in makes me feel like there's a time limit and you have to make the decision before "blank" happens. You are afraid you won't be quick enough, maybe?

Sorry if this doesn't help. It was just what came to mind after reading your post.

Or maybe you are just in a situation right now in your life where you aren't sure who is good or evil, which side is on the side of good. And you are worried that if you don't figure it out quick enough... There will be consequences. This one came soon after. Usually the first instinct is best, but occasionally...the unexpected occurs.

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