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You think you know the Second Secret of Fatima?

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posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by adjensen

Originally posted by 2012newstart
Vatican visited by ET and in contact since the time of Pius XII, says command sergeant major Robert Dean with cosmic top clearance.

What is "cosmic top clearance", pray tell? And it's tough to take a guy seriously who doesn't even know the name of the Archbishop of Los Angeles at that time (it was James McIntyre, not Mike.) He claims to know an awful lot about the specifics of that guy, but doesn't get his first name right?

Pity, the catholics pay attention to these details and human errors. "Cosmic top secret clearance" was the highest in the US European bases for the staff on operational duty (those who would fire nuclear missiles). Bob Dean was one of them, as I understand from this and other interviews (that you'd better listen carefully). I didn't remember he ever mentioned the first name of cardinal McIntyre, or whether he used Mike instead of McIntyre. I am providing you with valuable info, and do not spend everyday 4-5 h to re-listen something I have listened a year ago. It is up to you whether you will grasp that info and the importance of the moment, 96 days before 12/21. While there is a large info online for the 3 three meetings of president Eisenhower with aliens, recently published in one of the British newspapers (Daily Telegraph or Independent, forgot) it is virtually unknown except for insiders like Bob and at least one more, that the cardinal was present at least once on these meetings. You may want to listen the interview of Andrew Basiago with Camelot, available on youtube, regarding other Vatican involvement in what we would call sci-fi research. Basiago is/was catholic as a child when he participated in the experiment. I would not comment it further since it is not exactly Fatima.

I am glad the conservative catholic website who has a lot more about Fatima forgery, has just posted a large article on that. While not agreeing with many things in that website (dedicated to other apparition), I appreciate his courage to say the truth the way it knows it about Fatima stolen secret.

This is just continuation of my last post here, because I wanted to post the lyrics of the excellent song above. I will not translate from Russian, you can do that with Google.

"Бухенвальдский набат
Музыка: В. Мурадели Слова: Александр Соболев

Люди мира, на минуту встаньте!
Слушайте, слушайте: гудит со всех сторон –
Это раздается в Бухенвальде
Колокольный звон, колокольный звон.
Это возродилась и окрепла
В медном гуле праведная кровь.
Это жертвы ожили из пепла
И восстали вновь, и восстали вновь!
И восстали,
И восстали,
И восстали вновь!

Сотни тысяч заживо сожженных
Строятся, строятся в шеренги к ряду ряд.
Интернациональные колонны
С нами говорят, с нами говорят.
Слышите громовые раскаты?
Это не гроза, не ураган -
Это, вихрем атомным объятый,
Стонет океан, Тихий океан.
Это стонет,
Это стонет
Тихий океан!

Люди мира, на минуту встаньте!
Слушайте, слушайте: гудит со всех сторон –
Это раздается в Бухенвальде
Колокольный звон, колокольный звон.
Звон плывет, плывет над всей землею,
И гудит взволнованно эфир:
Люди мира, будьте зорче втрое,
Берегите мир, берегите мир!
Берегите мир! "

the lyrics is absolutely inside the Fatima topic if we are talking about the conversion of Russia. Isn't it at one moment Russia, Russian clergy and even civil authorities who want conversion to God more than certain circles inside the Western religious propaganda?

The topic is quite long, but I see lack of interest on the side of catholics who are supposed to defend the biggest approved apparition in 20th century, and not to stay cowardly silent. Let they he the hierarchy to take the right decision, and to prevent the worst. Seems it is now desperately late, I just don't know.
Certainly I am not here to discuss of the role of Mary in the life of Jesus. Whoever has issues with that, I respect their views but am not the person who is responsible to answer all of that stuff.
I hope of initiative of pope Benedict in the remaining days until the end of the year. After all he could do that yes? The way some "devote catholics" now quote the papal infallibility etc talk to argue there is no need of Fatima new release, the same way they will line up behind a new statement of the supreme priest. By the way, that is not ex-cathedra, that is not a dogma and we are not obliged to believe it even if it is approved. Then why that silence? I guess the motives are purely political - back then in the time of USSR as the interview of John Paul II clearly points to, and now in the post-cold war and post-9/11 world. Waiting for what more, OMG? For the atomic bombs that the 1950s song repeats in 2001? Or for something even bigger? I already said what I wanted, it is not anti0catholic in anyway, rather fully catholic-inspired, and will not repeat over and over again. Have a more important work to do in the next weeks.
edit on 15-9-2012 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by 2012newstart

Originally posted by adjensen

Originally posted by 2012newstart
Vatican visited by ET and in contact since the time of Pius XII, says command sergeant major Robert Dean with cosmic top clearance.

What is "cosmic top clearance", pray tell? And it's tough to take a guy seriously who doesn't even know the name of the Archbishop of Los Angeles at that time (it was James McIntyre, not Mike.) He claims to know an awful lot about the specifics of that guy, but doesn't get his first name right?

Pity, the catholics pay attention to these details and human errors. "Cosmic top secret clearance" was the highest in the US European bases for the staff on operational duty (those who would fire nuclear missiles). Bob Dean was one of them, as I understand from this and other interviews (that you'd better listen carefully).

Here, I found it:

Acronyms such as ATOMAL, CNWDI, COMSEC, COSMIC, CRYPTO, NOFORN, ORCON, SAP, SCI, SIOP-ESI, SPECAT, SIOP-ESI, etc., are not clearances. They are categories of classified information, some of which have extra need-to-know restrictions or require special access authorizations. For example, COSMIC stands for “Control of Secret Material in an International Command.” COSMIC Top Secret is the term used for NATO Top Secret Information. There are many such markings stamped or printed on classified material, but most are only acronyms denoting special administrative handling procedures. (Source)

There's nothing to that which says it has anything to do with UFOs or it being "38 levels above the President of the US", a couple of the claims I see Bob Dean and Dan Morris make (such as here.) It's a category of classification, related to NATO, not extraterrestrials. Sounds pretty cool, though, I'll give you that.

I didn't remember he ever mentioned the first name of cardinal McIntyre, or whether he used Mike instead of McIntyre.

Well, it happened in the first few minutes of that video, because that's all I bothered watching. I don't want to watch an hour and half documentary, when I can see in the first bit that the people who are testifying are making invalid and impossible to substantiate claims.

I do applaud your enthusiasm for your cause, though. If something bad happens on 21 December, I don't think watching YouTube videos a few months ahead of the fact is going to change anything. The Lord will do what he will, ya know?

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:29 PM
My opinion of what may be hidden- if indeed- there was anything hidden by the Popes since 1960:

That Russia will convert and embrace Orthodoxy. The potential part that the Roman Catholic Church wants hidden is that conversion to Orthodoxy via Russia will spread like wild fire. Perhaps it also says that the RCC will have to change their ways.

My speculation is as good as any I've seen. The RCC wouldn't hide this if it wasn't damning in some way to them.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by LeSigh
My opinion of what may be hidden- if indeed- there was anything hidden by the Popes since 1960:

That Russia will convert and embrace Orthodoxy. The potential part that the Roman Catholic Church wants hidden is that conversion to Orthodoxy via Russia will spread like wild fire. Perhaps it also says that the RCC will have to change their ways.

My speculation is as good as any I've seen. The RCC wouldn't hide this if it wasn't damning in some way to them.

Except that Russia has always been Orthodox -- since the Great Schism in 1054, the Roman Catholic church has had a minimal (non-existent, at times) presence in Russia. Seventy five percent of Russians identify themselves as Russian Orthodox today, probably a lower level than pre-revolution, but it's been the majority since 1054.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by adjensen

I know my Orthodox Church history- considering I'm Orthodox, I've made an effort to know.

There was a real and concerted effort to eradicate all religion in the USSR. They shut down and destroyed churches, they killed over 90,000 priests and clergy. Atheism was heavily promoted. The Church became controlled by the Soviets and was considered compromised. Hence, there was an underground Church in Russia. Outside of Russia it was/is known as the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (aka ROCOR). It is only very recently that issues are being worked out.

I personally know people who had their positions in jobs and educational institutions threatened just for being seen near a church or a synagogue during communism. After communism, people gradually started getting baptized and affiliated themselves with the Church again. Also, even now, those claiming to be Orthodox and those who actually are part of Church life is a huge discrepancy in Russia. To some it is more about nationalism than belief.

Here's a seriously awesome website on everything you wanted and didn't want to know about Soviet history:

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by LeSigh

But if you understand the history, why would you claim that the belief that the Orthodox church would reemerge in Russia is something that the Roman Catholic church would want suppressed, since in the absence of Soviet oppression, that's almost certainly what would happen? I mean, that's a little like saying "when the clouds clear, you will see the sun rising in the east."

What's my disconnect here?

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