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WHY is no one focusing on the need to do away with the 2-party system?!

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posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 02:10 PM
Surely Ron Paul and Alex Jones being in the Illuminati card game gives credence to my information linking Ron Paul to Freemasonry and Alex Jones to Disney/Monarch/Zionism?" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

edit on 25-8-2012 by RedPillFactory because: Link
edit on 25-8-2012 by RedPillFactory because: Link

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:00 PM
Guys, unless I am completely off in my views on this (please feel free to point out my errors, with facts not opinions please), if we are NOT up for changing our constitution and the Republic our founding fathers gave us, we HAVE to stop talking about the popular vote as far as presidents are concerned! Our Republic was NEVER meant to be a democracy! EVER!

The founding fathers abhorred democracy/mob rule, and they explicitly said so on many different occasions. The whole original system was set up to completely avoid mob rule. In the case of the presidency the electoral college is the way they guaranteed the mob would not rule. Only a handful of highly qualified men (hopefully) per state would cast their vote for the president and whoever came in second was the vice-president PERIOD. So it was with Washington, Adams, Jefferson etc... why do you think the constitutionally aware RP posse concentrated all their efforts on electing delegates that were RP supporters. Because EVERY delegate is meant to vote their conscious. This debate of bound or unbound delegates is a modern fallacy. I am not quite sure when the fakery started but unless, again, we want to change what our founding fathers gave us, we have to stop calling the US a democracy. IT IS NOT (kinda makes everyone that buys into the tagline that we have been spreading democracy to the world via our intervention policies and wars completely and utterly foolish). We would have the candidates from all parties (Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Tea-Party, Occupy etc...) get same air time and have the same amount of public funding and REAL debates so that the people know exactly who they are on where they stand and the delegates who are elected can make their decision and justify their decision to the people of their state. If they get it wrong next time or choose to go against the popular sentiment of their state they may not be a delegate next time. Then the people would HAVE to concentrate in electing the RIGHT people for Congress and the Senate (again, another way the founding fathers set to stop mob rule, a few men from each state will be making and voting on laws, policies and measures). And since the Executive, Legislative and the Judiciary were meant to have equal power and serve as a check and balance to each other they guarantee no mob rule and they guarantee not one group will take over everything (at least in theory). Of course nowadays we exult the Executive above all others, The House and Senate are a mess because we have been indoctrinated to only care about the presidential vote and the Judiciary has been delegated a role of subserviency and back-up to the Executive. Now, we have all the lobbyists tie the noose around everyone involved in all 3 branches and we have the worst nightmare of the founding fathers. A small group who controls everything, not to mention a private "central bank" aka The FED, which for the exception of Hamilton, was the biggest no no for most of our founding fathers, so much so that Jefferson famously prophesied:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:28 PM
This is why we need more parties to truly and fully be a part of the process both for the executive and the legislative, which then trickles to the Judiciary.

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:30 PM
I am !!!

check my sig !!!

posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
I am !!!

check my sig !!!


posted on Aug, 25 2012 @ 08:17 PM
btw guys, I am not 100% sure, but I am pretty confident that the US is the ONLY country in the world with an "open" political system that has/is dominated by only 2 parties (and as pointed out by others, we can make a very valid argument that it is really only ONE party). So what gives? Is the mental program so strong for most that the mind shuts down/gets scrambled with the mere thought of contemplating the concept? And the mind shutting down/getting scrambled and going into self defense mechanism with the mere mention of "no-computable" concepts is the tell tale sign of a highly programmed mind. I have seen plenty examples all around, and I bet you guys have as well?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:53 AM
The two party system is actually one party and has never been a two party system in many many decades. Craftfully and artfully the deception of a two party system having been placed in the hearts & minds of the American people to believe that they are two parties are such topics as homosexuality, abortion, guns, womens rights, the environment, schooling and medical. These are Strawman topics that are there to divide and foster an illusion of a two party system that has really never been in most everyones lifetime. In reality every person has such differing views on each one of these topics but which every group you side more with then this is the deciding factor on who you will vote for. Pretty much why we are split down the center in this country. The real issues of today become fully sidetracked and covered over like National Security, Constitutional Law, Freedoms, Taxes and etc. These are the topics that the Government wants you to simply leave up to them because after all "they do know what's better for you and your children".

As long as we believe MAN rules then we will continue as a race to stay divided. There is a better Covenant however.... one that unites and is has not been twisted by religions over the last 20+ centuries. That Covenant will be revealed in our lifetime so there is hope! It is one that does not stone homosexuals, adulterers and disobedient children. It is a Covenant that does not approve of child sacrifice and it is a Covenant that has not had hundreds of extra laws added to it as in our own government. Twelve Laws that keep it simple and real...

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by YAHUWAH SAVES
The two party system is actually one party and has never been a two party system in many many decades. Craftfully and artfully the deception of a two party system having been placed in the hearts & minds of the American people to believe that they are two parties are such topics as homosexuality, abortion, guns, womens rights, the environment, schooling and medical. These are Strawman topics that are there to divide and foster an illusion of a two party system that has really never been in most everyones lifetime. In reality every person has such differing views on each one of these topics but which every group you side more with then this is the deciding factor on who you will vote for. Pretty much why we are split down the center in this country. The real issues of today become fully sidetracked and covered over like National Security, Constitutional Law, Freedoms, Taxes and etc. These are the topics that the Government wants you to simply leave up to them because after all "they do know what's better for you and your children".

As long as we believe MAN rules then we will continue as a race to stay divided. There is a better Covenant however.... one that unites and is has not been twisted by religions over the last 20+ centuries. That Covenant will be revealed in our lifetime so there is hope! It is one that does not stone homosexuals, adulterers and disobedient children. It is a Covenant that does not approve of child sacrifice and it is a Covenant that has not had hundreds of extra laws added to it as in our own government. Twelve Laws that keep it simple and real...

The two-party system is the same as all of our organized religions: all a BUNCH of nonsense used to DIVIDE people and bring HATE and FIGHTING amongst citizens.

While people fight, hate, and argue over whose silly political party or whose silly religion is better, they remain too occupied to see that NEITHER political party or religious faith is being honest with them or is for their best interest.

edit on 26-8-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by betheflow

I've thought for a while now that the formation of a third party is very close at hand. The more centrist Republicans and Democrats are about to run into each other in the hallways of congress and realize they have more in common than they thought, and common disgust with the ridiculous extremes is going to get 'em to talking. They will come up with a new name and bada bing it's a three party system. But for how long? Eventually one of the extremes will wither and fall away. and, which one this will be, will determine the new center. don't forget to root for you side.

Politics is the moderator of human interaction. Our living together is a difficult, but unavoidable reality. How this moderation is conducted is responsible for a great deal of our living experience, and is of no small consequence.

It disturbs me sometimes when I see the shrillness of debate in the arena of politics. It is as though we have taken leave of our rationality and instead have turned to tantrums while standing on a mountain of righteousness. This is not only wrongheaded and foolhardy, but more importantly, It doesn't work.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:16 PM
We need to do away with governments in their current form. Period.
They are obsolete, serve no real purpose but making the rich richer and the powerful even more powerful.
The system is so rotten, that it's beyond fixable.

The system is not about democracy. It doesn't matter what party you vote for.
It's not about serving constituents.
It most certainly is not about peace and justice for all.

Governments around the world have become monsters and they must be destroyed.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:19 PM
Can't blame the 2 major parties for the lack of interest and organization of many 3rd parties.

But hey Rosanne Barr is trying her best to make the OP's dreams come true.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:36 PM
I agree with you on the two party system, and how it needs to be done away with. I also agree with you on your points on both of Obama and Romney, more over the ladder. What I have come to notice with the two party system, and with the American society, is that they pick up on things just because everyone else is doing it. Have you noticed with all of the crazes that have happened in the past year or two; vampires, Hunger Games, maybe even the Iran war. But mostly it comes down to the race for the white house. People picked up on those crazes because they saw that everyone else was "enjoying", it so they thought that they needed to "enjoy", as well. But if you were to ask them if they actually knew the story or idea as a individual thought, they would reply something or other in the lines of, "Yeah I thought that it was awesome because it was awesome", in reslity they dont card they are just going with the crowd. The same can be thought with the political race. People side with Romney because he is mormon, I have many friends and family, when I ask them why they would like Romney as President of the U.S. they happily respond, "Because Obama sucks" sometimes they dont even respond. Now I have to respond, why. Why does Obama suck? Simple question, yet they all respond about one of his failed plans. What I tell said people is, what happens when Romney dos the same thing, will you want him still in office pr would you want another person? No comment. And that is my take on the two party system, if everyone was nice young individuals like we all WANT to be, maybe you should act like it and vote accordingly. Seeming as we cannot, we need to destroy the teo party system in perpetuity.
edit on 26-8-2012 by Zachsfunk49 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by betheflow

I think the reason both parties stay around is that their ideals are actually good, at least so it seems for the GOP.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 02:52 PM
I strongly believe the 2-party system is purposely and intentionally designed to pit groups against each other ..."Divide and Conquer"... an effective, proven strategy utilized by most sociopaths ... that works every time.

I think it helps to bear in mind that 'TPTB' are mostly (at least in my opinion) sociopaths. And we know that if the 'emotion center' of the brain that controls empathy is undeveloped, underdeveloped or inactivated, as is obvious in fMRI scans, then ... 'they' are 'us' ... but without restraints.

So, if that teeny-tiny little empathy region of the brain is a malfunctioning region, they can still have a very high IQ (or an above average IQ) BUT zero common sense. There is no correlation between IQ /wealth and empathy.

But, empathy is absolutely required (meaning that little space of the brain's empathy region MUST be fully developed) in order to have the ability to share and to compromise.

'Without empathy' one lacks common sense ... that's just how it is.
But, empathy isn't required in order to achieve wealth, status and/or power.

'Without empathy' they have no common sense, no ability to make the clear distinction between right and wrong or to compromise.

Hey, I didn't make up rules and protocols of the human brain ... just saying, that's how it works.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by betheflow

The issue is not that the people aren't starting to see the two party system is an illusion...

Many are starting to wake to that fact, and your very post is evidence of that.

The real issue is, people see the illusion for what it is but cannot see the ever needed solution to the problem.

When you are raised your entire life knowing your only choices for polititians you can vote for are the ones rammed down our throats by the b.s. political mouthpeice that is our is one to see any other solutions but to keep on voting for the same puppets every 4 years.

The people of this country, and this world for that matter are ready and desperately hoping for was that very platform that allowed the obama puppet to be put in office.

The people however, cannot see what that change needs to be. They need to realize the change is going to come from the people, not the corporate owned politicians our gracious government ellects for us.

I have a very easy and quick solution to all our problems, but it takes everyone to make it happen:

Our media is the mouthpeice of the monster...if we shut them up, then we shut them down.

Every major media outlet has user generated comments and posting areas for feedback on every story they put out. All we need to do is call b.s. when we see something that shouldn't be happening.

How many times do you watch the news, and say to yourself "something about that doesn't sound right" or "are they really reporting on this when more important issues are at hand"?

Every time we see that happening we should be flooding the medias websites with comments calling them out!

Just think how many people post on just this site alone...if just a fraction responded the media would have no chice but to respond.

It would be either respond to the people, or the sheer amount of comments will shut their site down "literally"!

If we call them out and show we aren't going to back down...they'll run with their tails between their legs like the dogs they are.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 03:01 PM
No one wants to vote for a third party canadate because they are afraid of how it will affect the results of the election...for instance if a bunch of conservatives voted for ron paul (as an independant) in this election, then obama is more likely to win...i think it's pretty clear, also, that the two dominant parties conspire to keep out a legitimate third party....

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by betheflow
Guys, unless I am completely off in my views on this (please feel free to point out my errors, with facts not opinions please), if we are NOT up for changing our constitution and the Republic our founding fathers gave us, we HAVE to stop talking about the popular vote as far as presidents are concerned! Our Republic was NEVER meant to be a democracy! EVER!

The founding fathers abhorred democracy/mob rule, and they explicitly said so on many different occasions. The whole original system was set up to completely avoid mob rule. In the case of the presidency the electoral college is the way they guaranteed the mob would not rule. Only a handful of highly qualified men (hopefully) per state would cast their vote for the president and whoever came in second was the vice-president PERIOD. So it was with Washington, Adams, Jefferson etc... why do you think the constitutionally aware RP posse concentrated all their efforts on electing delegates that were RP supporters. Because EVERY delegate is meant to vote their conscious. This debate of bound or unbound delegates is a modern fallacy. I am not quite sure when the fakery started but unless, again, we want to change what our founding fathers gave us, we have to stop calling the US a democracy. IT IS NOT (kinda makes everyone that buys into the tagline that we have been spreading democracy to the world via our intervention policies and wars completely and utterly foolish). We would have the candidates from all parties (Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Tea-Party, Occupy etc...) get same air time and have the same amount of public funding and REAL debates so that the people know exactly who they are on where they stand and the delegates who are elected can make their decision and justify their decision to the people of their state. If they get it wrong next time or choose to go against the popular sentiment of their state they may not be a delegate next time. Then the people would HAVE to concentrate in electing the RIGHT people for Congress and the Senate (again, another way the founding fathers set to stop mob rule, a few men from each state will be making and voting on laws, policies and measures). And since the Executive, Legislative and the Judiciary were meant to have equal power and serve as a check and balance to each other they guarantee no mob rule and they guarantee not one group will take over everything (at least in theory). Of course nowadays we exult the Executive above all others, The House and Senate are a mess because we have been indoctrinated to only care about the presidential vote and the Judiciary has been delegated a role of subserviency and back-up to the Executive. Now, we have all the lobbyists tie the noose around everyone involved in all 3 branches and we have the worst nightmare of the founding fathers. A small group who controls everything, not to mention a private "central bank" aka The FED, which for the exception of Hamilton, was the biggest no no for most of our founding fathers, so much so that Jefferson famously prophesied:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

Well said....the founding fathers DID want the will of the people to be done though. They set up a system that, theoretically, would collect the will of the people and transmit it up through the various stations of governance and end with the electoral vote being cast by a delegate who, in the spirit of true service, would , as you said, vote their concience. the problem is that politicians are now ILLEGALLY beholden to someone other than the people...the corporations and the banking establishment et al....and they will never go away. they will have to be forcibly removed, and they know it too...and every inch closer the people get to realizing that prompts them to prepare for just that. i think we have been seeing that lately more clearly than ever. what im afraid of is that they think that a big war would shift the attention of the people away from domestic troubles enough to buy them time to re establish their grip...

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 03:48 PM
The system is broken.

We should be casting stones, not votes.

At least the stones would have an impact.

Presidents are just actors, and always replaceable.

No matter who plays the part, the show goes on, the script is always the same.

And the next president of the United States is...... ( Enter actors name here )

They do not speak from the heart. They never have. They have an entire agency that writes their words for them!

Image consultants, make-up artists, wardrobe designers, political advisers, etc. etc.
Sound Familiar? They are Actors. Nothing more.

Remember where Reagan came from? Hollywood!

Bad actors, the whole lot. ("actors in the white house" - J. Fogerty )

We should be directing our energies towards the Executive Producers!!!

"The job of the President is not to wield power himself, but to lead attention away from it." -Douglas Adams

.....You know those times.... when you realize your sleeping, and you try kicking and turning in your bed, .....trying to wake yourself up!

Were almost there brothers and sisters!

Time to wake up!

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 04:20 PM
I vote for a No party system.

The problem with a two party system is the corporate entities can get their guy in either party and manipulate the outcome though the media. This is how Presidents have been elected for years.

The problem with splitting up the two party system into a many party system just gives those corporate entities more control in a more specialized manner for the media to manipulate.

What we need is a different system entirely. I'd go with individual vote through sheer numbers IF it can be done without the vote count corruption.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by betheflow

The rich wont save the rest of men. That is the fact.
Inheritance does not only mean inheritance of posesions but also inheritance of class position from ones family, possibly also inheritance of their state of mind in which one is raised.

Take a look back at the sixties in your countryes south parts; havent there been an open segregation of afro-americans, open exploitation of their working hands and open devidance between blacks and whites? This was happening less than seventy years ago. Remember, many of the rich that were a motor to this crime have transfered their moral and ethical standards along with posesions of wealth and of course their political positions to their sons and daughters.

But what does all this chatter has to do with the constructs of our political systems. In short everything.

I hope you will not argue my stand that people had been always ruled by economical upper classes.
Reality is that s.c. political systems are the way to insure the devidance between the small upper class and the masses of lower classes with inserting the so called public service class (politicians - law makers, police, army, legal services, bureaucracy, scolars, medicine workers, believers institutions, etc.) in the middle to act one as a shock absorbers, the others as a force providers. So in one phrase to hand out sticks and carrots. This class is what we should call the middle class.

As I seee it, politics has been presented as a career, a job actually, that only refers to individuals that had been chosen to do this job. Insert here the voting of many people who are willing to participate in choosing the presented candidates, people that agree to actually take the blame if their chosen candidate is a fault and also agree that the voting that they attend once in a while is their only political action that they can participate in, are allowed to and are willing to do.

The rest is easy. Once you have persuaded people that the difference in moral, ethical and religious stands that their representative politician/party holds is enough to support him, you can throw in as many parties as you like.

Believe me, I come from the country where there are many parties even in parliament. What it comes to is they form a coalition which covers more that 50% of the seats and then devide the ministries accordingaly. And here we go again; coalition on one side, opposition on the other - two party.

The real point here isnt the need to do away with the 2 party system.

The real need is to see things as they are. The real need is to identify and address to the real problems that are affecting our societies. The real need is to end the devidance amongst people.

What if one day no one came to vote?

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