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Meet Brig. Gen. Tammy Smith, the first openly gay U.S. general

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posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Her new job has her serving as the Director of the Army Reserve Human Capital Core Enterprise (HCCE), overseeing the professional development and recruitment of Army Reserve soldiers.


She'll be nowhere near combat nor warzones. This is a PR kind of thing I'd think.


posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Who could have ever foreseen gay influence residing at the very top offices of our military?

You'd be surprised to find out how many people are gay and feel that they have to "pass" as straight to be accepted by society. There are gay cops, teachers, firemen and women. Almost everyone knows someone who's gay, even if they aren't aware of it.

What kind of influence can this person exert from the top down to the soldiers?

I'm sure it's no different than the influence she's exerted so far. Be a good military person, operate with integrity, follow orders, love your country, etc... Why would a gay general exert any different influence than a straight one?

What kind of image does this present to the world about our military? Does it weaken that image in any way?

Only the ignorant see gay people as "weak". This is the image of a strong woman who is dedicated to her country. Who she is attracted to is no more an issue than who ANY general is attracted to.

Bravo to her for coming out and bravo to Obama for repealing the archaic and ignorant "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy!

There are NOT closeted gays running around everywhere. You make it sound like half the population is gay. Hell, your part of the 'in' crowd if your gay these days. Remember that Chic-Filet kissing day? It was a huge failure because nobody showed up. Which means the gay population is much smaller than the MSM would have you believe.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by SepticSheepHerder
It was a huge failure because nobody showed up. Which means the gay population is much smaller than the MSM would have you believe.

Which is no more representative of the homosexual population than a Westboro Baptist Chruch funeral protest or a 'kill-all-the-jews' bake sale is representative of the population of Christians.

Believe it or not, I have better things to do on weekends that make out with my partner in a chicken sandwich restaurant and so does the reset of the homosexual population. It was a silly idea for a protest, and alienated heterosexual supporters of gay rights as far as I'm concerned.

As for gay people in emergency services, military and sports roles ... Homosexuals have had problems for years in those circles and generally have to hide their nature. It is well documented, there is a lot of literature and films about that very topic.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Pinke

Originally posted by SepticSheepHerder
It was a huge failure because nobody showed up. Which means the gay population is much smaller than the MSM would have you believe.

Which is no more representative of the homosexual population than a Westboro Baptist Chruch funeral protest or a 'kill-all-the-jews' bake sale is representative of the population of Christians.

Believe it or not, I have better things to do on weekends that make out with my partner in a chicken sandwich restaurant and so does the reset of the homosexual population. It was a silly idea for a protest, and alienated heterosexual supporters of gay rights as far as I'm concerned.

As for gay people in emergency services, military and sports roles ... Homosexuals have had problems for years in those circles and generally have to hide their nature. It is well documented, there is a lot of literature and films about that very topic.

Yea, but who cares? The only reason this has made the news is because of the word 'gay'. When did sexuality become something from which to define yourself?

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by SepticSheepHerder
Yea, but who cares? The only reason this has made the news is because of the word 'gay'. When did sexuality become something from which to define yourself?

It was the same thing when Denzel and Halle won the Oscars. When the first black wrestler won a title. When the first woman went to space.

It's not something that defines you, but it's something that defines other people's opinions about you very strongly in some careers. Until recently this woman's career would have been defined by her sexuality. It seems though that it is now defined by her ability instead.

There will be those that note it's significance, those that claim it shouldn't matter and be offended, and those that realise it is a small part of history.

You're in the second category.

edit on 14-8-2012 by Pinke because: space not moon >.<

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by munkey66

Equality means making it a nothing issue, her performance as a leader has nothing to do with her performance in bed.

How enlightening of you to reduce her to a sex act.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by SepticSheepHerder

Originally posted by SepticSheepHerder
There are NOT closeted gays running around everywhere.

Keep telling yourself that if it brings you comfort. Or you could read more about it and find out that you are wrong, but it's nothing to fear. Google will help you if you want to know more about it.

Remember that Chic-Filet kissing day? It was a huge failure because nobody showed up. Which means the gay population is much smaller than the MSM would have you believe.

The fact that you think the "kissers" at Chick-fil-A represent the gay population illustrates your lack of knowledge on the subject. Many gays are firmly AGAINST that sort of protest. They are not one collective. They are individuals. Just like us.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by SepticSheepHerder

Originally posted by SepticSheepHerder
When did sexuality become something from which to define yourself?

It didn't. The people who define gays by their sexuality are the ones who discriminate against them. For example:

Consenting adults can marry (unless they're gay).
Consenting adults can adopt children (unless they're gay).
Consenting adults can rent an apartment together (unless they're gay).
Consenting adults can stay in our Bed and Breakfast (unless they're gay).
Consenting adults can join the military (unless they're gay).

It's the oppressors of gay people who distinguish them by their sexuality.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 07:19 AM

What's next. A "I'm a Gay Person" badge for their uniforms to display?

Remember, they are a minority-not the majority of human beings.

They, of course, have rights but to honor them or hold them in such "high regard" is getting a little old. Just saying.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by anon72

Originally posted by anon72
Remember, they are a minority-not the majority of human beings.

Right.. And that means what?

Blue-eyed people, left-handed people and black people are all in the minority, too. So, how should minorities be treated differently than the majority? And if we didn't allow them to be in the military (unless they used their right hand, wore brown contacts or white face paint), that would be insane, right? Right.
And if we got our brains on straight and began to allow them into the military AND to use their dominant hand openly, without being kicked out, that would be cause for celebration, especially among those left-handed, whose right hands were cramping from "passing" as right-handed.

They, of course, have rights but to honor them or hold them in such "high regard" is getting a little old.

Gay people are held in no higher regard than anyone else. This is about an unprecedented event. But people said the same thing when the world celebrated the first black US president. "Why make such a big deal about his race?", they whined. "People only voted for him because he's black", they complained...

If you knew what it's like to be an oppressed minority, you'd better understand celebrating signs of the lifting of that oppression. You COULD understand it, even without being an oppressed minority, but it's clear you don't want to.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Understand it? Why does a person HAVE to understand it? They can be forced to accept it but not forced to understand it-or agree with it.

I didn't say they are bad people.. in anyway. I just don't understand the big hype when someone comes out "Hey look at me I'm Gay". Big deal? So why the Big announcement? It is only a big deal to them-IMO.

It appears they want to be associated with being a gay individual rather than a "normal person" If they were so normal to begin with----it wouldn't be a big announcement.. would it?

People like this should be honored and bragged about.... (to show you how heartless I am...check it out)

'She is my heart and I am her legs' Devoted dad runs triathlons carrying teen daughter w/ cerebral

edit on 8/15/2012 by anon72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by anon72

Originally posted by anon72
Understand it? Why does a person HAVE to understand it?

You don't HAVE to understand it. I have a tendency to want to understand things - people's motivations, why we do the crazy things we do. But you certainly don't HAVE to.
Your post illustrated that you don't understand the situation, thinking this news story is to "hold people in high regard" because of their sexuality... so I was just trying to help.

I just don't understand the big hype ...

Wait - do you want to understand it or not?
If so, read my last post. If not, then don't worry about it.
Your option.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Female officer training is sub-par compared to male training, her rank is a joke.
I would not salute her.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by SmikeS
I would not salute her.

And I would love to be there on the parade ground on the day that you refuse to salute her!

On what grounds did you come to make your decision?

1. Because she is female
2. Because she is gay

edit on 15/8/12 by wiser3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by SmikeS
Female officer training is sub-par compared to male training, her rank is a joke.
I would not salute her.

You don't even know her.

Originally posted by anon72
I just don't understand the big hype when someone comes out "Hey look at me I'm Gay". Big deal? So why the Big announcement? It is only a big deal to them-IMO.

It appears they want to be associated with being a gay individual rather than a "normal person" If they were so normal to begin with----it wouldn't be a big announcement.. would it?

You don't know the person either, or what she has done or said, or how she conducts herself. You know her from a news article you're taking amounts of offense over.

And I think you're answering your own question. Not every gay person runs around looking for attention, or saying 'I'm a gay [insert occupation here]', but sometimes it's good to have a role model or an inspiring figure. i.e I wouldn't have thought the army would have an openly gay general therefore I'd be put off joining.

And no, it isn't normal to be a gay general nevermind an openly gay general. Twenty years ago this never would have occurred.

[Quote] People like this should be honored and bragged about.... (to show you how heartless I am...check it out)

'She is my heart and I am her legs' Devoted dad runs triathlons carrying teen daughter w/ cerebral

Seriously, anyone can take the moral high ground like that. Rosa Parks? Who cares, people with cerebal palsy. Bill Gates gives to charity? Nope, people with cerebal palsy. France wins the world cup? People with cerebal palsy.

None of those achievements take anything away from the bravery and struggle of people with cerebal palsy, but you know sometimes I like a bit of good news in the morning. I sometimes also like hearing about people I can relate to achieving something.

Believe it or not, I've been in work place situations in my life where I wouldn't bring my partner to work functions. Where I'd play the pronoun game and change the gender of who I was dating. So it's an empowering achievement.

You say your sexuality has nothing to do with your job or your achievements, but perhaps think about that next time you're at work function or recieving an award and your partner isn't there because you don't know if that's going to upset people or not. On the other side of that I have no problems with aboriginal Australian people being successful recieving attention since they often struggle to get anywhere in life. I've heard the same opinions being thrown around about them also.

I've met people like you at places I've worked. They've worked with me for months or in some cases years and not known anything about me. I never debate sexuality at work, and if someone brings it up I politely listen and get back to whatever I'm doing.

All I can say is I've never ended up close friends with them after they worked it out, but they always seemed to like me before that.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Pinke

Originally posted by Pinke
Believe it or not, I've been in work place situations in my life where I wouldn't bring my partner to work functions. Where I'd play the pronoun game and change the gender of who I was dating. So it's an empowering achievement.

I just watched a show about bullying (Laura Ling interviews famous people who were bullied as kids) and it was really good. Jillian Michaels (Fitness Trainer) and Lance Bass ('N Sync) were both bullied and they're both gay. Jillian said that she's still uncomfortable with being gay and with being "out" (and she and her partner have 2 kids) because of what she heard as a kid about gay people and how hated they are. Lance lied to his band mates for years because he didn't think he'd be accepted in the band. He bragged about having sex with girls to his band mates because they never saw him with a girl.

THIS is why many gay people still keep it to themselves, and it shows how, contrary to some opinions, there ARE gay people in all walks of life, and for various reasons, many of them remain in the closet. They don't want to be shunned by society. I'm always so happy when someone comes out because it gives courage to others to claim who they really are and accept the consequences (which aren't always pleasant). People risk losing jobs friends, family and even their parents, when they come out. It's no surprise that some just keep their mouths shut and play the pronoun game.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Gotta admit, on one hand I see nothing wrong with it, but on the other, I am torn. Who could have ever foreseen gay influence residing at the very top offices of our military?

But this is a great thing! I mean those who stand to gain are the gays themselves looking at all those luscious bodies in the showers of same sex soldiers! Whoopee!

Seriously though, this does tug at some deep rooted feelings I guess I have being a straight male. I am trying to understand, but it is hard for me. What kind of influence can this person exert from the top down to the soldiers?

Like deep rooted feelings of insecurity and homophobia, perhaps with a little religious programming thrown in?

What do you mean "what kind of influence"? Do you honestly think there is going to be some kind of gay insurgency into the military and they are going turn it into some hick born stereotype of what all gays are? Its coming off that way that thats what you are afraid of, and it isnt flattering to your character.

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

What kind of image does this present to the world about our military? Does it weaken that image in any way?

Your concerns are irrational and boarding on the idiotic.

There is nothing wrong with "the gays". There is no external issue here; the issue with "the gays" is an internal one with those who are petrified of them and try to marginalize and oppress them, perhaps because they see something manifested externally that they are running from internally, so they project their hate outwards instead of onto themselves. Cliche to say, I know, but its really spot on for a lot of people.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:47 PM
I really dont care who she sleeps with or what her orientation is. Your sexual preference makes little difference in your job performance or anything else.. except your sex life. Id like to one day see " Meet Brig Gen Tammy Smith" alone. Guess we have a while yet! Me personally when meeting someone I dont automatically wonder who they sleep with. Well, unless the person is unusually hot.

Oh and BTW, " Hi, My name is Advantage and Im a heterosexual. Nice to meetcha"

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by SmikeS
Female officer training is sub-par compared to male training, her rank is a joke.
I would not salute her.

Then you have less business being in the military than a "scary ol gay woman". behavior unbecoming is behavior unbecoming... some just arent cut out for understanding the concept.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 03:54 PM
I never mentioned anything about the LBGTP.
It's more like affirmative action.

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