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If WW3 happens, I hope that it is along the lines of WW2. The NWO devils advocate.

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posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 12:01 PM
This is, as always…complicated.

First off, I do not wish for WW3. On that I’m sure we all agree…with a few exceptions who wish doom upon all. I see these brushfire wars as a death by a thousand cuts, regardless of which side you are one. Which means we all lose.

Let’s face the facts, Humanity will never get along. Therefore, in the event of war, someone must be defeated and forced to change their ways. But people are people and have their own views on how things should go according to their worldview. You just have to convince them that life is not all about fighting except in a peaceful manner.

And one of the ways of convincing them of that is to make them realize that fighting is no longer worth it by coming at your opposing foe with all the firepower you have..

My point is, if a country is to go to war, they must be clear and concise in their message, similar to WW2. FDR said that he requested Congress to declare war with Japan and to continue such war until they had declared an unconditional surrender. The Allies won that one. Countries go to war to either take, or defend. Defenders are usually at an advantage, unless they have political appointees running things. Just look at France’s Maginot line.

Maybe a NWO is needed, just for humanities survival. Personally, I see the U.S. Constitution as the blueprint, but that is probably because I was raised in the U.S. thru the accident of birth and the freedoms I still currently have, even though there are those who are actively chipping away at them. And of course, I actively fight against that chipping. I like the Constitution and feel that everybody the world over could benefit from it.

At some point, it is going to come to a head, I believe that it is inevitable. The thing is….which side are you on? The side who allows you to say what you want? Or the side who wants to subjecate you or even kill you you if you speak out?

Crap...I just wish the Aliens would invade already.

edit on 10-8-2012 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
The thing is….which side are you on? The side who allows you to say what you want? Or the side who wants to subjecate you or even kill you you if you speak out?

Crap...I just wish the Aliens would invade already.

edit on 10-8-2012 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

That is a loaded question. Who is going to side with the latter when you position it like that?

In the distant future, our planet will have a single global government and "wars" will be "rebellions" and "conflict" will be called "pacification".

I agree humanity will always be divided under our current paradigm, in theory we all become equal under one world government because we are all opressed by the same person

F+S for leading to good discussion...hopefully.
edit on 10-8-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by MDDoxs

It is a intentionally loaded question. There are those who want Sharia law, or law according to the bible, or laws in accordance with whatever political leanings they have.

All of them will have opponents.

To be truthful, I just want to be left alone to do as I please as long it is not harmful to others, as I think most people want.

But then again, if someone threatens harm to me and mine...


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