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Are we living in the Prophesied Biblical End times?

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posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:26 AM
I honestly do apologize for the sensational & cheesy intro to the videos but in my opinion the videos are well worth watching. Are we living in the Biblical End Times?

If that first part got you interested then maybe you can digest the next bit. This full version is over 40 minutes long and you'll have to skip through the first 10 minutes you've already seen.

Although I only recently became a Christian I have always been interested in biblical prophecy, the end times and the trials and tribulations. The bible seems to be so spot on sometimes.

The correlations between what the beginning of the end is prophesied to look like and what the times we actually live in look like are too big for me to ignore.

The coming war between the east and the west was prophesied. The rise in natural disasters. The information age (internet). The moral breakdown of society. Rise in global conflicts, revolutions and rumours of both.

All you have to do is look and you can see the battle between good and evil, the surge toward battle and the vibe of despair. The New World Order is nothing short of demonic.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:31 AM
Just read revelations, pretty much sums up 2012 to a tee

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:41 AM
I'll lay money on a bet that the church is manufacturing the end times to bring about its agenda-

And it aint gonna be pretty.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by wylekat
I'll lay money on a bet that the church is manufacturing the end times to bring about its agenda-

And it aint gonna be pretty.

Elaborate please, what agenda exactly? I do not agree with the concept of religion and church as the majority stands today. Religion has and will always be used for money and evil.

If you are talking about a new world order type agenda I think you'll find that god and religion actually kind of stand in the way of that. Hence the massive smear campaign against religious ideologies.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 10:45 AM
You may find the points that I made in my debate with Druid42 (link in my .sig down there) interesting. I don't watch posted videos, as a rule, so I don't know if that guy takes the reasoned approach that I did. (Note that you can't post in that thread, so if you have any questions for me, post them in this thread.)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by TechUnique

Originally posted by wylekat
I'll lay money on a bet that the church is manufacturing the end times to bring about its agenda-

And it aint gonna be pretty.

Elaborate please, what agenda exactly? I do not agree with the concept of religion and church as the majority stands today. Religion has and will always be used for money and evil.

If you are talking about a new world order type agenda I think you'll find that god and religion actually kind of stand in the way of that. Hence the massive smear campaign against religious ideologies.

Christianety is a divide and conquerer religon preaching nonduality within a duality view. You should love your enemies but they have to say Jesus save me or go to hell. Smallminded fools caught up in duality from my point of view.

God finds all saints and will make them find him when they are ready. Religious faith is not needed to get answers from god. When the student is ready the teacher appear and then there is no doubt that god exists. The ones who seek and can look beyond human conditioning and own ego will in the end find god.

Maybe the predictions are right maybe they are totaly wrong. Do not matter. They serve a purpose even if they are a lie.

Angels come in all race shape and sizes.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

Do a little research and you will find that Biblical prophesy has been used to predict "end times" since shortly after the Good Book was written.

And trying to decipher Revelations and use it as a tool for prediction is the domain of fools and charlatans.

Hal Lindsey proved that with his "The Late Great Planet Earth". According to him we should all be gone by now.

The New World Order is nothing short of demonic.

Now that's a bold statement....

First let's see concrete evidence of a New World Order...

Second Let's see concrete evidence of demons.
edit on 10-8-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Think about it- what better way to keep the (religious) masses in line than the end of the world? Not to mention- I read on ATS somewhere about a group working to bring this sort of thing. Golden "something" or "gold" something- cannot remember what. They were a christian group, yet.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:48 PM
I do believe we are absolutely in the end times. But to say whether the "end" is next week or next year is impossible to say. I just feel that it is "soon."

reply to post by adjensen

Amazing, well argued debate on both sides. Thank you adjensen for doing a great job bringing an educated and eloquent perspective for so many to see. I hope that you were able to open some hearts and minds.

edit on 11-8-2012 by schweizer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:50 PM
The more stress we can put on religious people the faster they will all be dead.

So yes the end times are near and all those who thought they were good little christians are going to suffer... better hope you die before that happens...

you see what i did there....

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 05:36 PM
god is your self, and you must stand up to anyone who suppresses your free will whether that be in a material or spiritual sense, even these videos are holding you back.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 05:22 PM
To answer your question. Yes, we are. And I can use 2 bible prophesies to prove it.

1. The day of Jezreel prophesy of Hosea. In Hosea the day of Jezreel prophesy has a time period attached to it. 3 days according to Hosea 6-2. But the bible is known for using a period of time to represent another. The 70 weeks of years prophesy of Daniel 9 is one of them for example. So what are the 3 days of Hosea 6-2? Per the prophesy those days are in the presence of God. And according to Psalms 90 and 2nd Peter 3-8 those days would be thousand year periods of time. Two thousand years of a curse followed by a thousand years of a blessing.

The Jews were to be destroyed for 2000 years and restored for the final 1000 years. And if you look at the historical records the Jews had the temple destroyed in 70 AD and the Diaspora started in 135 AD. And if you count John the Baptist and Jesus Christ it would appear the curse started as far back as the 25 to 35 AD timeframe.

This would also mean that the final event of the end times, the 1000 year reign of the saints of revelation corresponds to the blessing part of the day of Jezreel. Which would put the start of the reign of the saints in the 2020 to 2030 timeframe.

2. For a proof of this end date I can use the Matthew 24 parable of the fig tree. In the parable he compares end time events to fig leaves on a tree. And the end times as the coming of summer. And he also states that when the end times start those events will happen in the lifetime of the generation of the time.

And the problem here is that a end time event has happened. The rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948. Per the prophecy that event had to be a fig leaf. And that means the generation started in or around 1948.

The Apocalypse is 64 years old approximately. And could last 70 to 80 years based on the bible definition of a lifetime in Psalms 90. The Apocalypse should be over with by 2028 at the latest.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 05:30 PM
Yes. For sure.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

I'm just getting ready to watch the videos, what flavour of Christian are you?

Ok I'll work under the assumption that you are Pentecostal (Lazy link for the uninitiated), which this gent is.

The Pentecostal sect in its own right is quite the show, usually filled with evangelists (Offence is not intended, its a good thing!). BUT moving right along i wont get bogged down in their inner workings and belief systems, HOWEVER i will add their pastors generally have a different take on what is said in the bible vs what the Cathloics have said and/or what the other various sects have said.

If you wish to go back in history the bible has 'predicted' the end times various times throughout history and a simple google seach reveals that each sect has their take on hwo the "end times" are unfolding, hell even one has said that "if you allow gay marriage, it will kick off armageddon" (i'm still yet to figure out how a caveman ritual of binding a womans finger, managed to kick off the apocolipse. Personally i'd think the the goat marriage incident would rank up there to be honest, since that breeches several Christian sects interps of the bible :/.

This list which is sorted by year and sect (and predictor), even Harold Camping has made the list.
edit on 12-8-2012 by Spruk because: (no reason given)

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