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Sheep, sheepdogs and wolves -- a lesson in psychology.

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posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:38 PM
Reference: "The Corbett Report - Psychopaths in Society."

Let us compare human society to a colony of sheep. Most people, maybe 97%, just go with the flow or, as George Bernard Shaw said only 3% of people think and another 3% of people think they think. These can be likened to sheep. They can be herded and as long as a threat is not too apparent they will just eat and reproduce and such.

The wolves and the sheepdog can be likened to politicians and the enforcers (military and police and people who want to protect their species). The wolves are primarily psychopathic and have no kinship or interest in the sheep except to harvest them. The enforcers, the dogs, are of the same species as the wolf but try to have the interests of the sheep at heart, although they eat meat just as the wolves. The enforcers can of course keep the wolves away.

Now to take the political analogy further the wolves will generally rule unless there is a Sheep herder present, we can call him God. If he is there the job of the sheep dog will be easier.

Now I am not sure how I really want to further develop this analogy except that most people can be led around quite easily by government and government rarely has their best interests at mind. Of course if we had elections in this metaphorical world the wolves would try to convince the sheep that the sheep herder did not exist and that the sheep dog was no different than the wolves.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by edward7777

Now to take the political analogy further the wolves will generally rule unless there is a Sheep herder present, we can call him God.

I agree with most of what you said except the above! It does not take a God to fight evil! It only takes brave men and women who are willing to sacrifice their lives to prevent evil from spreading........

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 04:01 PM
What was the Joker's goal in The Dark Knight? To show the sheep that Batman and the sheepdogs could not be trusted - that they were no better than the wolves. The wolf is always pointing fingers and making accusations, doing so to such an extreme that it gives the illusion of removing the blame entirely from itself due to its wolf nature. Accusations create division among people, and a house divided cannot stand.

Do not listen to the wolves. Their appetite for the sheep eventually betrays them.


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