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Are the Ultracrepidarian's of ATS Guilty of Fanfaronade or are They Cacodemonomaniac's?

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posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Whatifitdidhappen

Here at ATS the Ultracrepidarians are Scripturient in nature therefore believing they are a Recumbentibus of thought and dictum. In this dichotomy the 'believers' are taunted with such sarcastic ridicule and ad hominim that becomes a Welter of chaos so-called debate. The Cacodemonomanians are left scrutinized and scathed for such grandiose, yet paradoxically astute, claims. What was once a Neogenesis now becomes shackled to the malaise of propagating palaver among peers. Neophytes become Fanfaronade-laden with attempts to Gorganize the public eye with superflous means of secrecy. All of which to prepare the subjugating of barbarian hordes we call the human race.

Somehow I missed this most excellent stringing of awesome words. Nice job, my friend.

I did too....weird....I didn't see this when I posted.

Although I do have to say after reading this that I am vehemently opposed to this poster's point of least I'm pretty sure I am....

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by rival

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Whatifitdidhappen

Here at ATS the Ultracrepidarians are Scripturient in nature therefore believing they are a Recumbentibus of thought and dictum. In this dichotomy the 'believers' are taunted with such sarcastic ridicule and ad hominim that becomes a Welter of chaos so-called debate. The Cacodemonomanians are left scrutinized and scathed for such grandiose, yet paradoxically astute, claims. What was once a Neogenesis now becomes shackled to the malaise of propagating palaver among peers. Neophytes become Fanfaronade-laden with attempts to Gorganize the public eye with superflous means of secrecy. All of which to prepare the subjugating of barbarian hordes we call the human race.

Somehow I missed this most excellent stringing of awesome words. Nice job, my friend.

I did too....weird....I didn't see this when I posted.

Although I do have to say after reading this that I am vehemently opposed to this poster's point of least I'm pretty sure I am....

I am vehemently opposed to your opposition. But not in a negative way

edit on 4-7-2012 by Whatifitdidhappen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Whatifitdidhappen

Here at ATS the Ultracrepidarians are Scripturient in nature therefore believing they are a Recumbentibus of thought and dictum. In this dichotomy the 'believers' are taunted with such sarcastic ridicule and ad hominim that becomes a Welter of chaos so-called debate. The Cacodemonomanians are left scrutinized and scathed for such grandiose, yet paradoxically astute, claims. What was once a Neogenesis now becomes shackled to the malaise of propagating palaver among peers. Neophytes become Fanfaronade-laden with attempts to Gorganize the public eye with superflous means of secrecy. All of which to prepare the subjugating of barbarian hordes we call the human race.

Somehow I missed this most excellent stringing of awesome words. Nice job, my friend.

Thankyou for your kind words, maybe i'm unwittingly being shrouded in mystery?? Ugh..yet another conspiracy to unravel
edit on 4-7-2012 by Whatifitdidhappen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
Swaggering; empty boasting; blustering manner or behavior; ostentatious display.

I am quite familiar with this French word, whose speakers oftern refer to the perpetrator of such behavior as 'un fanfaron'.


A knockout punch, either verbal or physical.

I don't believe I've ever heard a sportcaster or political commentator use this one, but I'd love to.

As for words I like
to palliate, palliation,
Med: to cloak, relieve the severity (Easing the severity of a pain or a disease without removing the cause)
Legl: to cause a fault or offense to seem less grave or less reprehensible: palliate a crime (think lawyers defending accused drunk drivers who've killed others, child molesters, etc)

eudemonism, I strive to be a eudemonist
In ethics, a moral system based upon the performance of right actions to achieve happiness: Do what is right and leave the wrong alone. (Based on Romans 12, or maybe I Ching?)

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