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America's Medal of Honor is EVIL

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posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by CrimsonKapital
Hey ATS, I was on doing some research on the Spainish-American war when I found a link to an article about America's Medal of Honor. The very first thing I noticed about the medal was that it is an inverted star. Pentagrams are notoriously used by satanists which are used to refer to the Sigil of Bahphomet.
Here is what it looks like.

And here is the Medal of "Honor", see how it is inverted?

Americans who think they are serving their country, might actually be serving satan?

What are your thoughts on this.

I guess that is why you find them on some Ancient Churches?

The Symbol does not mean one of your made up Devils.

Sigil of Baphomet

The inverted pentacle with a goat's head is called the Sigil (or Sigl) of Baphomet. The second word may have come from two Greek words, baphe and metis, meaning "absorption of knowledge." It has also been called the Black Goat, Devil's Goat, Goat Head, Goat of Mendes, and Judas Goat. Its first appearance appears to have been during the vicious interrogation of members of the Knights Templar by the Roman Catholic Church during the Inquisition. There was little consensus among different victims' descriptions of the Baphomet. It can probably be safely assumed that their description of the Baphomet is more a product of the Inquisition's torture methods than of any actual statue that was in use by the Knights.

According to the Mystica web site:

"In the 20th. century Karl Kellner and other German occultists formed the secret order of the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of Templars in the East). They installed the English occultist Aleister Crowley to head their British section. Crowley took Baphomet as his magical name."

Today, the Baphomet is widely used by religious Satanists. The Church of Satan also uses a second symbol which is an infinity sign (a figure 8 on its side). A Roman cross is placed on top with a second, longer cross piece added beneath the top cross piece.


The 5 points stand for the 4 Elements that make up our Universe, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, plus Spirit. Placing the Spirit Point down just places all Material things above the Spirit, instead of the other way around. Pentagrams have been found on Mesopotamian artifacts dating back to about 3500 BCE. If you study Roman, Greek, and Egyptian art, you will find pentagrams. Many Christians, including Catholics, see the Pentagram as a representation of the 5 wounds of Christ (his head from the crown of thorns, his hands and feet nailed to the cross). A Benedictine nun name Hildegard of Bingen stated in her writings in the 12th century that the pentagram represented the forms of humans because the 5 points represented our 5 senses and our head, arms and legs. Di Vinci alluded to this when he drew "The Universal Man."

In modern times, the Pentagram has several meanings and uses. The Pentagram is used for protection. Many Pagans wear one daily for this purpose or wear it to show pride in their religion. The points represent Spirit, Water, Air, Earth, and Fire. Some Wiccan traditions draw a Pentagram in the air as the Magick Circle is cast, to help invoke the elements, and contain the raised power. Then when releasing the circle, the pentagram is drown in the opposite to release the elements, or "unmake" the Magick Circle. You can also dram Pentagrams with holy water (blessed water) or protection oils on doors and window sills to keep out negative energies.

Please educate yourself before making a judgement call.

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