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Obama's Ground Zero Dedication: More Evidence that Isaiah 9:10 is Linked to 9/11

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posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: Johnathanandheather
Interring I read your part below and found this in research:

On Sept 11 when the WTC Towers fell every building around them was damaged except this church. A sycamore tree behind the church (which I am told represents God's Judgement / Mercy) saved the church from a huge beam that was about to crush it.

I find the church part interesting. So I found some links to the church for other people to look up.
St.Pauls Chapel

This link St. Peter's Parish Is about The pastor of St. Peter's and other eyewitnesses describe what it was like at Ground Zero on the day the Twin Towers fell—and during the weeks and months that followed.

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