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Seriously! I'm about to snap!

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posted on May, 10 2012 @ 09:53 AM
melt precious metals you obtained legally wink wink and sell them off, f*** the government man.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by wrksstudios

Default on the loan. It's not like you have a lot to lose if you do. Hang in there, I think things will take a turn for the better after the upcoming elections. Des

Ya that's true. If that idiot gets elected again the country is doomed. He's is such a piece of #. He should cut his wrists.

first of all; do what you gotta do. right and wrong is all relative and comes down to the actual circumstance. don't rob an old lady, maybe take a page from The Wire's Omar and rob drug dealers? you should be able to get the drop on thugs no problem if you've got military training. it's your life, brother. as long as you're comfortable with the possible consequences (prison, unceremonious death in the streets, opening your family up to possible retaliatory action...) do your thing. I try to make money and protect my family at the same time, though. so, think about that.

but leave obama out of it. the U.S. president, whoever he is, has little to no actual effect on the way D.C. works and what happens in your life. No matter what, we'd be in an economic depression (nope, not a double-dip recession) and your job prospects would suck. what is a republican or libertarian going to do that obama couldn't or wouldn't? TPTB only allow the POTUS to act either in lock-step with their desires or in a manner which really doesn't affect them. The CEO's and Generals and Super PACs and Defense Firms run this country, not the president, not the congress or the senate, not the supreme court and certainly not We The People. You should take this animosity you've got toward Obama (focused right where They want it) and turn it toward the invisible hands guiding our "democracy."

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by RicoMarston

maybe take a page from The Wire's Omar and rob drug dealers? you should be able to get the drop on thugs no problem if you've got military training.

Yeah, cause drug dealers really take kindly to being robbed. Unless you are going to drive up to Canada to rob some dealers, I suggest you ignore that sage advice, as I don't care how much training you have, some of those gang bangers are just fing crazy, locked and loaded and waiting for a reason to spray and pray.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by darkbake
Yeah I am in the same situation. I graduated with a bachelor's degree two years ago in psychology, and I got a math and computer science minor. I haven't been able to find work. It is the same with tons of my friends, some of whom are going homeless.

The ones that are able to find work are mostly working low-wage jobs. It's a change in the times.

I suggest taking this opportunity to form a radical shift in your world-view. That's what I was forced to do. It has caused me to fly in the face of traditional American ways, owning few possessions, not working, and being f#cking happy about it. There are plenty of other things to focus my time on, like friends, hobbies, my own creative initiatives such as writing, music and a business... exploring the supernatural...

I plan on getting an apartment with a friend of mine for a while, obtaining a mediocre job and spending my free time gaming, listening to music, watching anime and TV shows, rocking out with my band, writing a book, and doing a bunch of other stuff. It should cost less than $1000 a month to live a great lifestyle. The only thing holding you back is your per-conceived notions of what success is. Now is your chance to f#ck the system. Take it.
edit on 10-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

Some of us are in economies that are so bad McDonalds is a coveted job. When someone with 8 years experience working every job grocery stores offer including management can't get a wendys job you know it's bad. I'm not asking for much just $8.00 an hour for any job. I'll do anything. Best I've done is I have a lawnmower and I can make about 20 bucks a week with that, but that's before gas...

I am luckily moving, If me and my girl can somehow find enough random ways of getting a little extra cash, because for now, we can't afford a security deposit at the cheapest places we have looked at. I was the dairy/frozen manager at Food lion, and I should have stayed there rather than going to college. Now I'm broke, in debt, BAD credit.

Life's hard for now, but if the military taught me ONE useful thing it's that there are no excuses. Just keep doing it, you can have excuses when you're dead.

I hope my girlfriend can get a teaching job. She just got her degree.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by RicoMarston

maybe take a page from The Wire's Omar and rob drug dealers? you should be able to get the drop on thugs no problem if you've got military training.

Yeah, cause drug dealers really take kindly to being robbed. Unless you are going to drive up to Canada to rob some dealers, I suggest you ignore that sage advice, as I don't care how much training you have, some of those gang bangers are just fing crazy, locked and loaded and waiting for a reason to spray and pray.

"as long as you're comfortable with the possible consequences (prison, unceremonious death in the streets, opening your family up to possible retaliatory action...) do your thing. I try to make money and protect my family at the same time, though. so, think about that."

did you miss that part? i usually don't look to characters from HBO dramas for role models. it's called sarcasm. anyone who's stupid enough to follow some stranger's advice on ATS about robbing drug dealers deserves what he gets. and the whole line about being crazy and waiting for an excuse to spray... were you talking about gang bangers or returning War on Terror vets? TPTB use the same psy-ops in the hood that they use on our soldiers in the middle east. it's all part of the plan... weaken our strongest and most willing to fight before culling the masses down to 500,000,000.

anywho, you can already see this guy turning around and looking at his legal options for the future. I doubt my Sage Advice even got through to him

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Dustytoad

Originally posted by darkbake
Yeah I am in the same situation. I graduated with a bachelor's degree two years ago in psychology, and I got a math and computer science minor. I haven't been able to find work. It is the same with tons of my friends, some of whom are going homeless.

The ones that are able to find work are mostly working low-wage jobs. It's a change in the times.

I suggest taking this opportunity to form a radical shift in your world-view. That's what I was forced to do. It has caused me to fly in the face of traditional American ways, owning few possessions, not working, and being f#cking happy about it. There are plenty of other things to focus my time on, like friends, hobbies, my own creative initiatives such as writing, music and a business... exploring the supernatural...

I plan on getting an apartment with a friend of mine for a while, obtaining a mediocre job and spending my free time gaming, listening to music, watching anime and TV shows, rocking out with my band, writing a book, and doing a bunch of other stuff. It should cost less than $1000 a month to live a great lifestyle. The only thing holding you back is your per-conceived notions of what success is. Now is your chance to f#ck the system. Take it.
edit on 10-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

Some of us are in economies that are so bad McDonalds is a coveted job. When someone with 8 years experience working every job grocery stores offer including management can't get a wendys job you know it's bad. I'm not asking for much just $8.00 an hour for any job. I'll do anything. Best I've done is I have a lawnmower and I can make about 20 bucks a week with that, but that's before gas...

I am luckily moving, If me and my girl can somehow find enough random ways of getting a little extra cash, because for now, we can't afford a security deposit at the cheapest places we have looked at. I was the dairy/frozen manager at Food lion, and I should have stayed there rather than going to college. Now I'm broke, in debt, BAD credit.

Life's hard for now, but if the military taught me ONE useful thing it's that there are no excuses. Just keep doing it, you can have excuses when you're dead.

I hope my girlfriend can get a teaching job. She just got her degree.

"Life's hard for now, but if the military taught me ONE useful thing it's that there are no excuses. Just keep doing it, you can have excuses when you're dead."

if more Americans thought like this, we'd be living in a much better world.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by wrksstudios
My Ba's

Media Art & Animation - The Art Institute

Digital Entertainment & Game Design - Itt Tech

a sincere suggestion
1. cool off, a lot
2. go in the gaming industry. It's growing and they need folk with your skills

you are too young to mess your life up now... still a long way to go
so even if i don't know you, i feel empathic: don't do anything silly

I am reaching the age that tells you straight in the face what price you have to pay for the stupid things one did in the past. it's a nasty feeling
don't make the same mistakes

but first please get a grip on your emotions (they are legit, but bring you nothing)
and make money in the gaming stuff

let me add this:

i used to be in a situation where i had to hire people
i didn't hire people who had pity with themselves
got that message?

edit on 10-5-2012 by NeverSleepingEyes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by wrksstudios

Well of course you can do it. It won't get you anywhere though. You will fall just like every small time thug. Is it worth it?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 01:52 PM
Just do an insurance scam. Its a victimless crime. Who cares about some Insurance Corporation that would rip you off? Contents Insurance is the easiest. Just call them up and tell them what you 'own'. Wait a couple months and jackpot. If your car is insured you could burn it and get a new one. You could burn down your house if you have good insurance. And if you pet insurance then throw your dog off the roof,you might get a new dog.

Im just kidding. No good person would rip off an Insurance Corporation. If you get caught you will go to jail. Dont do it

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:01 PM
Give this a try, first...
Ryan BeLieu
Director of Recruiting Operations & Veteran Program Administrator
500+ connections
Company Website
Public Profile

or get a job as a bank investment officer and rob the world legally...
edit on 10-5-2012 by donlashway because: (no reason given)

or put up a web site where people can morph images of politicians and get the you tube crew on it...

edit on 10-5-2012 by donlashway because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by wrksstudios
True that. Cali sucks. I'm thinkin, fake id + mexico = freedom!

I don't want to do it. But i need 174k to pay off my loans for my education that hasn't gotten me much work.

Screw the loans...the feds got you into this mess, so the feds can eat crow. Take care man!

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:33 PM
Do it! It seems to be working out well for the bankers..

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by wrksstudios
I've applied everywhere muliple times. Can't get an interview. I am currently making a game to deploy on android. Its really fun to play and should be done in a month or 2. I really hope it turns stuff around for me. And its not that i'm not good at what I do. I'm really good. When the game is done maybe some of you all could give it a test drive for free or something. I'm only gonna charge a dollar for it when its done.

Now, I can't be sure if it was your reel I found on YouTube. But if it has a singing cartoon-dog at the end I think I know why nobody has been returning your inquiries with an invitation for an interview.

Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems to me that you still have a long way to go in animation, character design, overall image composition and content.
I'm employed as a digital artist and works on a lot of different projects: 3d modeling, texturing and animation. From photoreal images and video to cartoonish game characters used for interactive applications and computer games. Besides that I also do compositing work, general video editing both live and in the office, and also some vfx for commercials and movies.

I've been in the business for about 10 years, and watching your(?) reel on YouTube I felt like stopping the video immediately - And I would have if I was "the boss" looking for a new employee.
You have to take a look at the competition and see what they are bringing - Just do a search for demo reels on YT.

- Get involved in graphics forums
- Post your work online
- Ask for critique
- Watch movies and commercials with an eye on the graphics and effects.
- Keep your reel fresh with only the best and newest content (And keep it at a MAXIMUM of 3 minutes)
- Work for free on indie-movies (Some of them are successful and may be able to offer a real job at a later time + you will get more stuff for your reel)
- Employers in the industry don't look too much on academic degrees. They look at your reel ...and wonder how little they can reasonably pay you to work for them

And again, I don't want to be rude towards you, just trying to be realistic.
I hope you can use some of my advice and I wish you all the best with your game

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 03:59 PM
Austin you say ... and with those degrees .... I presume you've tried EA (Electronic Arts)?

You're BEST bet is to establish a working history ... even if it's a lousey job at Wally's (Wal Mart) stocking baby diapers for a year. Seems nobody wants to hire an "unemployed" person ... here in Texas they only want to hire employed people. Silly, I know but, that's how it rolls down here.

So finger (choose) your prospective employer, say you chose EA, then move to Austin ... get a real lousey job for a year, put in an application with EA and wait a whole 'nother year to get the job though DO followup in the meantime so they know how serious you are.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:17 PM
When the game is done I will def post it on here. Also in regards to the degrees. Someone said how its betting to get involved in programming. Like C++. You have to know all of the coding languages to make games and apps and animated sequences. So ya, I could get a programming job cause code is easy. The problem is, no one gives interviews. I can do anything electronic, automotive, etc etc. The problem is not a lack of skill. Its a lack of work. No one wants to pay what its worth. Its amazing. They expect hundreds of hours of work for minimal pay. I WILL NOT work cheap. I will default on everything before getting taken advantage of again. But its all good. I'm gonna get my live wallpapers and games on the market and see what happens. Thanks all!

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:18 PM
And technically i'm not unemployed. I work at the family business to get by. But I need big money... Not normal money. lol

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by wrksstudios
So here's the deal, I'm 29, A military vet. I have 2 BA degrees and since grad, 2 years ago. I have still yet to find work. So my question is. When your backed into a corner. How much can a person take before they snap and go into the illegal market. I mean really, i'm trained for much more then robbin fools. But its starting to look pretty good so i can keep food on the table and pay my student loans. Whats all your opinions? Is it time to FSU?

Hang in there. You make yourself stronger, no one else can, but you.

Get out of CA! Quick like a bunny! Seriously.

Have you ever read The Art of War? If not, read it, it applies to you in an unconventional way. /wink

Take care.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by wrksstudios
And technically i'm not unemployed. I work at the family business to get by. But I need big money... Not normal money. lol

Than stop being "normal". Do what I advised in my last post, you will be surprised.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by wrksstudios

All I can say to you is move to Australia, our mining/tourism/government jobs are literally begging for workers to the extent that they have to bring people from overseas to fill the gaps because there aren't enough Aussies.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by wrksstudios
And technically i'm not unemployed. I work at the family business to get by. But I need big money... Not normal money. lol

No problem, your choice. That attitude won't "fly" in Texas. Have fun working at your family business.

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