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Why life can't be like a video game.

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posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:30 PM
I would think this would be posted in Conspiracies cause there is no actual proof for this and this was just a random thought by me anyways.

I'm sure most of you have played video games at least one time or constantly and have wondered, "Why can't I be like the main character?" Well I think I know why.

If you look at how today is with computers, GPS, chemicals in our food and drinks, and just electronics in general, These are all placed here for the reason so people don't go out and go hours and hours on end hunting for there own food, or even fighting against the law.

I mean if you think about it, thousands of years ago no one knew what tooth brushes were nor what shampoo was or any kinda of cleaning thing besides maybe a broom. People would constantly wear the same clothes for days on ends but now if you take a look at how it is today people are wearing different pairs of clothes every day. If you do wear the same clothes daily you are considered dirty. Beyond that though back in the day there weren't people too lazy to hand was there own clothes on a daily basis.

As far as electronics go though they are what keeps us lazy and not active as much as someone was thousands of years ago. I mean take a look at movies such as 300 or even any kind of movie bout karate or assassins. I'm pretty sure that any of that could be possible if we didn't rely so much on technology running our lives.

Anyways back to the topic of the thread. If you look at todays games like Assassins Creed, Skyrim, basically any game that is of a single person going out to kill other humans for doing wrong and making the world a better place. The reason we can't do that is because they have it set in our minds that only video games can be like that. I bet some video games are created from documents found that tell of these Heroic people.

The problem though is technology and all the chemicals in food. I mean I myself am constantly on a computer, have bad teeth, and have to go to the bathroom at least 3 or 4 times a day. I bet thousands of years ago I could have perfect teeth, go to the bathroom maybe once a day, and be so much active rather then constantly sitting at a LCD moniter typing on a keyboard.

So I guess the real message of this topic is, if you want life to be like a video game, you need to basically seclude yourself outside of any government controlled country, hunt, and survive.

We are so caught up in todays norm society that we need toothpaste to have perfect teeth, or that we need to obey the laws or be caught and put into prison. Well what bout in video games? How come the heroes always seem to get away? Because they don't have technology in there life and are loners. Which brings me to another subject of psychiatrist. They say to have at least one friend so that you don't go crazy. Another way to control us.

If anyone has any questions bout this logic just ask away, because I have a lot to say on this subject. I just hope people agree with me. As I said though this would probably be a conspiracy in today's standards.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:59 PM
life IS like a video game. I just pretend that everyone I go up to and click on, i mean, talk to, is an NPC. Then, when you hear what they have to say, you can choose what you wanna say back

edit on 25-4-2012 by Gwampo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 02:08 PM
It can be in a way. Life can be about achieving a goal. Like in a computer game. Most games have some sort of goal and to get to that goal you have to go through challenges or tests of skill in order to get to the goal. You may fail, over and over at the the tasks and fail levels. You may even go and get the cheats (only for it to ruin the game). But if you avoid the cheats and persevere with the game you will eventually reach the goal.

Then you realise you wasted hours of life playing a video game

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 02:10 PM
Well I was basically saying bout games like the games I mentioned. I'm not talking about achieving goals or talking to people.

Oh and people that have to wear glasses can't get there eyes fixed unless they pay $1,000 and I mean you can't be someone against the law with glasses, most likely they'll break while trying to outrun law people.
edit on 4/25/2012 by neobludragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:13 PM
Back when I was playing World of Warcraft about 7 years ago, I would look at the map and see dots telling me where everyone was. I thought it was kind of like God looking down on humanity, one each his own small dot.

Now with cell phones with GPS, that is exactly what it is like for the government. Everyone is a dot on a map, and they can click you and find out all your information.

As for having at least one friend, it is very researched that we, as humans, need a social aspect to our lives. I am reminded of a series called This Emotional Life where they talk about Korean War POWs that were in isolation, but they came up with their own communications system by using knocks and the alphabet aligned in the grid. That is they only reason they stayed sane, because they had people to talk to.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by schlomo
Back when I was playing World of Warcraft about 7 years ago, I would look at the map and see dots telling me where everyone was. I thought it was kind of like God looking down on humanity, one each his own small dot.

Now with cell phones with GPS, that is exactly what it is like for the government. Everyone is a dot on a map, and they can click you and find out all your information.

As for having at least one friend, it is very researched that we, as humans, need a social aspect to our lives. I am reminded of a series called This Emotional Life where they talk about Korean War POWs that were in isolation, but they came up with their own communications system by using knocks and the alphabet aligned in the grid. That is they only reason they stayed sane, because they had people to talk to.

Yes in todays this Era you need friends because you're taught in school bout friends and such. I'm sure it wasn't always like that though.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 05:50 PM
Not really... before civilization and towns and such, if you went out in the woods alone, you were most likely to die. That is why Native American tribes would send their "coming of age" men out into the wild for a few nights. If they were tough enough, they would survive and be part of the "men", the hunters, they would be socially accepted. If not they were dead.

Why do you think that banishment or exile was such a harsh punishment back in the day?

Even Tibetan ascetics who renounce all material possessions and live in the mountains without clothes need someone to talk to, but since one who does that is probably already a naljorpa, or magician, they can commune with spirits, or make their own companion from their own minds.

Humans are social animals. I'm trying to think of an animal that isn't and none really come to mind, maybe spiders? But are they classified as animals?

Babies are helpless because we need to care for them. We can't just leave them on their own like other young. We create a bond with them and have a family. Those families come together to make it easier to live and have villages. Those villages then trade with other villages to have more goods. We are social animals and language is definitely not the best medium, but it's the one we all have to work with...

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