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The master plan?

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posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 09:06 AM
Two things are apparent me most people these days. One is that all mainstream religions are designed to keep social order. The second apparent thing is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Now if we base our reality on this, we can say the following is true.
In order for the acquisition of wealth and development of technological advances, a system has to in "competition" with another rival system. We can see this method of generating wealth and knowledge has been used throughout history, most notably during the cold war.
Due to the tensions between communism and capitalism, both populations of people were highly motivated in rivalry, motivated out of the fear of attack and self preservation. This galvanized the working person and advanced technologies, especially militarily technology, on both sides of the Iron curtain.
However once all that could be reaped from the cold war had been utilised, the supposed nuclear conflict simply fizzled out.
I believe that the wealthy elites of the world deliberately use these methods to turn peoples against each other. In ancient times they used rival religious ideologies to achieve the same goals. Directed competition and fear for their "way of life" in the face of an powerful threat. It was Christian monks who translated the great Greek philosophies in to English, whilst Islamic scholars advanced mathematics, both rival groups in direct competition. yet the knowledge both rival groups developed all ended up in the public domain of all peoples, but not after this new knowledge was first used to help the elites profit from it.
In other words the ordinary people who are pitted against each other, by the global masters, work towards obtaining knowledge as a weapon they can use to aid their ideologies victory over a rival ideology. Once the knowledge has been obtained it is passed up the chain of command until it reaches to people who direct the brainwash and they become the guardians of the new knowledge.
we can see this in how intelligence is gathered by the likes of the CIA. Where soldiers and spies gather data, which is passed up the levels of command, until it is owned by a select group, the same group who manipulate cold and hot war scenarios. Once the top level have the new knowledge, they classify it as top secret, and it stays in the guardians hands until a such a time they choose to allow the public to know of it. Even the soldiers and spies who collected this new information are sworn to death oaths so as not to dare divulge top secret information.
The top level only ever allow the population to be in on the secret knowledge when two criteria have been fulfilled. One is that the top level must have obtained new and more useful secret knowledge that precedes the lesser knowledge they are willing to let the people know about. The other criteria is that all possible advantage must have already been gained from the secret knowledge first. for instance if Alien tech was discovered, the elite must first learn its power and use it for their personal gain, influence and wealth.
In this way if alien tech was found, it would only be released if all its potential had already been utilized for the sole gratification of the elite and then it would only be released to the public if a higher alien civilization and technology had been discoverer and utilized for the top levels benefit.
In other words populations only ever get the crumbs fed to them whilst the top level maintain power and wealth from being the self appointed guardians of new knowledge.
This behavior insures the top level, global elite, stay 10 steps ahead of everyone else on the planet.
The continuing wars and no doubt new threats, like global pandemics, or the threat of them occurring, galvinise science and industry to find new answers "new knowledge" and the method of obtaining knowledge continues.
keeping new knowledge secret, means it is highly profitable as well, in terms of financial wealth. New discoveries can be sold off and patented, and new companies can be designed and implemented to amass wealth. for instance, weather it is true or not..the idea that the Roswell crash and its technology was disseminated through corporations, would illustrate why new knowledge is kept secret and that it is highly profitable. Remember its not only the knowledge that flows up to the top but also the wealth.
Even the communist system, had money in it, so you still had to work for cash to buy food etc, so in essence no different to capitalism. Once money is involved in a system it all flows upward, to the top.
This wealth is then used to buy further influence throughout every part of the system, especially the "free press" and any other form of propaganda. This propaganda keeps public opinion always on the side of the rulers, unless the rulers neglect to keep up payments on "the free press", then public opinion may turn.
This is what happens when a system comes into decline and collapses. As even at the top of a system of power an ego exists and once that ego gets overinflated by its own wealth and power, it believes it self to be God and neglects the whole system and instead of feeding the masses crumbs garnered from old knowledge it simply neglects to feed them anything and starves them from knowledge, as we see in North Korea, it also may literally starve them as we see in much of Arfica, as the ego maniac at the top sees himself/herself as beyond the people and no longer cares about them what so ever, except in terms of how much he/she can continue to exploit the human resource until it is completely depleted.
we see this mentality played out in WW1, when soldiers were forced to go over the top of the trenches to certain death, as cannon fodder, in yet another conflict designed by royal cousins from Britain and Germany.
Of course WW1 also advanced technology greatly and helped to depopulate both countries.
This is the real reason for war.
Every power structure in the world adheres to these same principals, including the church.
particularly noted in the Catholic church and the Vatican. Well known for keeping secret knowledge, amassing huge wealth for the top level and keeping the religion in direct ideological conflict with the others, which all operate the same structure.
It is my belief that the catholic church is coming to an end, one of its own design. It was Emperor Constantine who used Christianity to revamp an old and dying Roman pagan religion. he used the new religion of Christ and extreme leftism, as the masses could identify the teachings of poverty and obedience to escape it in the next life. The message of Christ is to self sacrifice for the greater good, or society in order to get to an unprovable Heaven. However even in pushing a message of social compliance there is truth to Christs message, but it is highly subverted.
the collapse of the Vatican is planned and if i am right it will be the pope himself who deliberately collapses the faith in order to reveal one or more sacred secrets. Like I said this is how the top level reinvents itself in order to stay on top. the message will probably include a special artifact that proves beyond a doubt scientifically that God exists, possibly something from the 4th dimension as it is said the 10 commandments were a 4th dimensional object, yet they are supposedly still in the ark of the covenant but hidden.
In essence the Roman Empire never went away, it just changed its name to "western civilization".

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posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 09:41 AM
Further..if the Vatican self implodes as i suspect the current Pope will be the last one or at least second to last. we already see the church has been decimated by the multitude of abuse scandals which were system wide. Plus the fact this abuse went unpunished and the top level did nothing to stop it but in fact continually aided the continuation of it, yet the church could have kept this secret forever, with its power and influence.
This is the actions of an organization that wished to be found out and destroyed from the inside.
It is also my belief that the message of the church is actually dualism. It is a case of seeing if "followers" are sheeple or "true believers". meaning that to be indoctrinated into a religion and to follow it does not mean you understand its real meaning. For instance it is blatant the use of idolatry within Catholicism, one of the very rules you are not supposed to break if your a Christian. There are many other obvious symbols within the church that are obvious to some, especially outsiders of the church, that the true meaning of the Catholic church is to see what a person will follow, the Church or the Bible. And if the whore of Babylon is the Catholic church, as many suspect, they certainly do noting to make people think otherwise. the symbolism of purple robes, gold cups and fish headed bishops, is so blatant that there must be a message hidden in plain sight.
If the church does collapse, and a new revelation appears, it will be used to condemn people who firmly believed in the church. i also believe that the rapid decay of the Catholic church due to abuse scandals being made public after decades of being hidden, is the revealing of secret knowledge, for a specific purpose. Self destruction of the Chruch and for it to be reborn. This is the real cycle of life and death Jesus talked about and also Buddha. the good thing is many Catholics have left the false church, as I believe they were intended to, and those who cling onto it are clinging on to self delusion, as it was designed to root out the righteous from the wicked.
I also believe a completely separate thing is happening with Facebook. If you read the book of revelations, there is the day of Judgement, where God chooses the names of the "saved" from a book.
It is my belief that the names are in Facebook, but that its is the book of the damned, full of egotism and personal information which will be used against you.
like I said knowledge always flows to the top.
now though I mention "God" i do not believe any forthcoming display even if a 4th dimensional artifact show up and behaves contrary to the laws of physics.
What I believe is closer to Buddhism, than an intelligent hand guiding humanity. but I have no doubt TPTB will initiate a plan of suppressed secret knowledge to convince everyone to fall in line with the new religion and herald the one world government. This will only come about for sure, if the human race has completed its task of eating all the fruit from the tree of knowledge.
the top level will have all possible human knowledge and innovation and will have no need to rule or support mankind and therefore we will not be needed to further use up the resources of this planet.
Once that cull happens, the top level get to live out their everlasting lives in a utopia on earth where advanced technology, like self actualized robotic servants do all the work required and genetic advances to allow the mega rich to live for centuries or indefinably, possibly, literally, for ever.
This is where technology is actually heading for and not for the benefit of mankind as a whole.
The obvious truth to this is that there simply is not enough room for everyone here to live for centuries, yet science is trying to unlock immortality. When it does finally figure out immortality, the mega rich will use it and suppress the knowledge of it. Mankind will then be surplus to requirements.

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edit on 23-4-2012 by splitlevel because: spelling mistakes

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