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Occupy: More of us like you than you perhaps think

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posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:24 PM
I've started to notice a slight persecution complex being exhibited by Occupy, recently. It's actually somewhat logical, when you think about it. Getting necklifted and otherwise bashed by the cops on a consistent basis, could provide a thinking person with reasonable grounds for developing a sense of rejection.

I think the movement need to realise, though, that a lot of us are more positively disposed towards them, than they might think. I am aware that I myself come across as very critical at times. I do want to point out, however, that I wouldn't spend the degree of time and energy that I do, engaging in said criticism, if I didn't care.

As I've said, a big part of my problem, is actually being more radical myself, than I feel Occupy are, in certain ways. However, at the same time, I do believe that some elements (not all!) of Marx's ideology, specifically relating to internationalism, are extremely dangerous, and should be avoided on that basis. I also feel that protesting in the streets and getting into violence with the police, is exactly what the government wants people to do; and that quite the contrary to creating real change, doing so is engaging in the very form of behaviour that the government finds easiest to deal with. They simply call in the riot police, who then proceed to beat everyone senseless.

The one thing that Occupy did, which I felt was the most useful, was that with the encampment at Zucotti Park, they gave the mainstream population exposure to how they actually lived.

I recently spent six months living among hippies myself. I spoke to them, and immersed myself to a certain extent in their philosophy. I saw first hand how they lived, interacted with, and treated one another. I came away from that experience with the belief that the hippie (or "far Left") subculture and lifestyle can genuinely be an extremely positive and beneficial thing, but that due to people's own narrow mindedness as much as anything else, it is not something that they can be told about second hand. They have to actually experience it themselves.

That is the main reason why the police ultimately attacked the Zucotti camp as brutally as they did, I think...and that is what the government are really afraid of.

Occupy literally set up a temporary commune in Zucotti Park.

Stop and think about the implications of that, for a few moments. You might start to understand why the government reacted as violently as they did. I'm also not saying that as a perjorative statement, like I know a lot of other people have. I don't view communes as being a bad thing.

The government are not afraid of protest, in and of itself. The government are afraid of the mainstream, 9 to 5, grey suit muggle public being exposed to another way of being. A way of being that isn't based on the pathocratic model, but where we do and create and build things that actually work, and where we use positive social interaction and healthy food to truly heal ourselves.

That is what Occupy gave people at Zucotti in particular. It's also what other people have given the public at open air raves in the past, which is again the reason why said open air raves had SWAT teams responding to them. When the government observe people from alternate cultures offering bluepills another frame of reference, on a direct, practical basis, that is when said government is going to project every last micron of force that it can muster, because it rightfully perceives such as a lethal threat to its' own existence.

My fear of Marxism in institutional terms still stands, in terms of the internationalist aspect. I understand that the motivation behind solidarity isn't just ideological; it's also emotional. We need to be exceptionally careful of that, however, because it can and sometimes will be used against us.

The Egyptian revolution was an important case in point. A lot of Westerners tried to get involved and help with Egypt. Yet when you look at it at the end of the day, how much has really changed there? The man who ended up running the country, was the man who Mubarak had named as his successor in the first place. So it is possible to end up being led around by the nose.

Watch Van Jones. That man is a serious snake in the grass. Obama wants Occupy as his brownshirts, and he has for a long time. He will happily personal army you in order to get re-elected if he can, and then he will use his ability to do that, to completely destroy your reputation with the Right afterwards. If Obama is able to use Occupy to get re-elected, the Right will blame Occupy for said re-election.

That leads me to my next point. Part of the reason why I've had some hostile reactions from Occupy supporters here I think, has been my desire to reach out to the Right, and try and bring them into the fold. The Right aren't your enemy, and they need to start developing the necessary sense to see that you also aren't theirs, for the most part.

Understand one thing; Breitbart was complaining before he died, about ways in which the Tea Party got the shaft from the government. The government tried to use the sanitation BS against the Tea Party as well, just like they did with Occupy at Zucotti Park. There are some of us who think that Breitbart's untimely death was a little too convenient, as well.

So the point there is, that the government are playing both sides. They are no friends of the Tea Party, either. They will happily play both of you against each other, however; because it serves their purposes to do so.

The ultimate point here is:- Don't protest. Protest is a waste of time. Protesting just means getting beaten up by the cops, and the government and the Right being able to feel justified.

Occupy need to focus on showing people a different world. Rather than focusing on everything that is wrong with the current society, start viewing yourselves as ambassadors to the public, from the type of society that you are advocating. Imagine quite literally that someone was able to build the type of machine we saw in Sliders, if it helps. You've used that to come from your own ideal society, into the craphole that we've currently got. If you were able to do that, what would you do while you were here?

The above video is really the scenario I see, here. At its' best and most positive, Occupy are Bill and Ted. The real question, is how to get the positive future scenario that many of us carry internally, out in such a way that we can get past the misgivings and the hostility, (on my own part as well!) in order to practically, tangibly actualise that future.
edit on 16-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:34 PM
Drugs are bad.

Get high on life.

and......take a shower.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Drugs are bad.

Get high on life.

and......take a shower.

Drug references removed.
edit on 16-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:48 PM
I like that they are trying to bring attention to some serious issues that have been ignored far too long.

The bad is they seem to attract a bad element and have a lousy image. If they could clean up their act a little I think they would be taken more seriously.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by petrus4

They got absolutely nothing accomplished, if anything it backlashed on them.
With the rapes, the drug use, the defecating in the bushes, leaving little children unattended in tents, the list goes on.
They didnt even cause a minutes disruption in trading, much less a day.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:24 AM
I'm watching the Bill and Ted future council video again, that I linked in this thread's OP. Until YouTube changed the layout, so we couldn't have a favourite video on our channel page any more, I used to have that.

Keep believing, people.

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