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Important set of videos on critical thinking relating to conspiracy theory

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posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 09:53 AM
The man is highly intelligent. His name is Rob Ager. He does film analysis and has a page dedicated to conspiracy theory full of short videos. They are very interesting and level headed. This man is incredibly smart. I think it would be beneficial to anyone on a conspiracy website to watch these. Also check his recent updates to find a good subliminal advertising video. Hope you enjoy

CHAPTER SEVEN WHAT DO GOVERNMENTS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT CONSPIRACY THEORIES? To some small extent we’ve already touched on how governments perceive and respond to conspiracy theories. We noted in chapter 2 that brief rebuttals of several conspiracy theory accusations are listed on the website The page forms a sort of collective rebuttal of all conspiracy theories. However, this direct rebuttal from government to the citizen is out of the norm. The conspiracy debates are mostly left to occur in citizens’ own homes, internet chat rooms, bars, campaign groups, academic circles, and in the circus arena of corporate media. Despite there being a lot of poor quality media coverage of conspiracy theories (by poor quality I mean mass polarization of opinion and mutual character assassination) governments, at least in the West, remain largely silent on such topics. Perhaps, as Cass Sunstein explained, this really is because those governments consider dialogue in their own defence to be futile. And perhaps it’s because there is some truth to some of the conspiracy theories and, naturally, they don’t want to implicate themselves. There are two specific areas in which conspiracy theories are more frequently commented on by representatives of government. When officials or lower ranking whistleblowers publicly accuse others in government of conspiracy. When one government accuses another of conspiracy. Frequently, whistle blowing comes from former government employees who don’t have a career to protect. And sometimes whistleblowers will seek refuge in another country in the process – Alexander Litvinenko for example. In cases of conspiracy accusations between different government departments, the ensuing debates in court rooms and debating chambers can be very informative because those doing the accusing (assuming they don’t have some ulterior motive) are acting from a position that is the opposite of what Cass Sunstein calls “crippled epistemology”. They are people who have had direct experience or access to information on the conspiracy topic in question. Several of the most controversial and widely believed conspiracy theories have been fuelled in this way, such as those relating to the Waco siege, 9/11, climate change, and the invasion of Iraq.
edit on 28-3-2012 by hottoboggan because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-3-2012 by hottoboggan because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-3-2012 by hottoboggan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:04 AM

a little help for the OP...
ATSer's get the idea & know where
to click to watch epi's 4-9


posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:07 AM
Great Find!

I'm gonna have a lot of watching to do this weekend! S & F

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 10:11 AM
Thanks for embedding a few of them. I really hope a lot of people watch these. These videos can only enhance your intelligence. After watching them you will agree

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 11:15 AM
I would like to add a few other videos about media control.

Curious to see what people think.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 03:18 PM
It's good to see someone spell out the a, b, c's of propaganda. Many net vids seem to make the whole subject seem just too 'out there' to be taken seriously when, in fact, our understanding of media manipulations is key to our comprehension of the world we live in. To take a breath, step back and see the game for what it is, is both refreshing and liberating; a much needed counter-balance (for the sake of sanity) to the multi pronged media attack we are constantly subjected to. Each generation has a duty to pass this knowledge on to the next.

For some real propaganda busting try this series about Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew) who was the inventor of the term 'public relations' and founder of the industry that ensued. He remained a key player until his death in 1995.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:16 PM
Cool vid, interesting watch.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 09:25 PM
Here is the one on subliminal messages in fast food advertising.

After watching all of these videos I feel that I have a better standpoint in thinking about any post on this website. Knowing what to look for is important. I am surprised that there have not been more replies to this post.

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